Good price for Cyberpunk, slightly cheaper than recent deals.
Amazon is price matching Harvey Norman where it is $26 for PS4, XB1 & PC. Amazon have only price matched PS4 so far, XB1 at least might come soon.
Good price for Cyberpunk, slightly cheaper than recent deals.
Amazon is price matching Harvey Norman where it is $26 for PS4, XB1 & PC. Amazon have only price matched PS4 so far, XB1 at least might come soon.
Next expansion is supposed to be releasing next year. I shouldn't complain as more time should mean more polished.
So it’s playable on PS4?
Did you do all the side quests? Took me 200hrs, definitely didn’t feel short to me
Except for a few time wasting quests like finding the graffiti and it only told me about five psycos. I collected and did every side question I could otherwise. ,
I finished it over about 4 weekends. Probably 30 hours all up. I have no idea what you did for 200 hours.
Wow 30 hrs with all side missions, you would have been flying through!! I spent too many hours just exploring and trying to find cool cars and locations. Easily spent at least 70hrs and I haven’t done all the police side missions or new side missions from 1.5 patch. Did you complete the romance quests too?
Yeah it’s a nice stable game but agree it’s a little short for both the main story & side quests.
Got a little sick of the Johnny cutscenes.
Is it, genuinely though?
I played it in the early days and it just wasn't fun, bugs and terrible AI aside.
Enemies were pincushions, gear itemisation and other character RPG elements were blegh (might be alright if you like borderlands RNG) … It just lost my interest. The main storyline, which should always be the most compelling content, was boring enough to me that I didn't even hold on long enough to do much side content.
Hopefully those aspects have improve, not just a glorified year of bugfixing?
Better graphics/game on PS4 or Xbox one?
Or should I wait for it to go on sale for PC? I have a laptop with an RTX2070 in it.
If you’re comparing base model Xbox One and PS4 then I believe the PS4 overall is better. That said, neither console is supposedly a particularly good way to play this title and it struggles on both base models.
No idea how the laptop would compare.
Laptop for sure. CP77 was designed to be played on SSD and also you have acess to nivida DLSS for better fps. It may not be best DLSS implementation but it's fine on smaller laptop screen.
Thanks, guess I'll wait for it to go on sale for around this price, I'm in no rush. I thought I could be tempted to just play it on console at this price.
you don't need SSD works just fine on my old HDD, load times are decent
what you really need is a decent gpu so your eyes don't get janked out at 30fps
PC is same price at HN
Where is the link?
Edit: Sold out.
Not bad considering these have free next gen updates for console
I played the demo and thought it was absolute garbage, slow, couldn’t skip dialogue and glitchy. Only thing I liked was the graphics
Really wish steam prices would match these :(
Sold out at HN.
Not available in JBhifi in PC format.
yeah, I know. was in stock last night, I wasn't keen to pull the trigger so I skipped it.
this morning all gone
I'll get PC version later, I have so many games to play through. I'll wait till they roll out expansions and more fixes.
if you're keen to get it now, wait for another GOG sale, maybe they will roll out another one for Easter? not long ago it was under $18 on GOG via Ukrainian VPN.
Thanks OP. This'll keep me going until Spiderman Ultimate hits the $50 mark.
Playable on slim ps4?
Joke post of the week
nah. this game is only playable on current gen consoles and PC
It's a very un-optimised game, and has very high system requirements for somewhat lacklustre graphics. This is also an occurring thing on other modern games (Watch Dogs Legion, Far Cry 6, etc etc), they're just not as efficient and optimised as before. However, things will change massively once this new-gen consoles become mainstream. When pushed to the max, on a capable hardware, CP77 does look great though. Compared to the likes of RDR2 or Metro Exodus, which are visually impressive, but don't require expensive hardware.
It looks like 480p-600p @ 20fps on the XB1, PS4, PS4 Pro, XB1X.
It looks like 720p-900p @ 30fps on the XsS and Valve SteamDeck.
It looks like 1080p-1300p @ 40fps on the PS5, XsX.
It looks like 1500p-2160p @ 50fps on the RX-6800, RTX-3080+, or better.
It looks like 480p-600p @ 20fps
Ah, a cinematic Nintetndo64-like experience then.
It looks like 1500p-2160p @ 50fps on the RX-6800, RTX-3080+, or better.
I guess I'll wait a couple of years, for a $10 deal and an RTX-5080.
Far Cry 6
I recently finished FC5 and have been waiting for this one to get below $20 on PC.
I liked how optimised FC5 was, it was graphically brilliant. Also the story was pretty good.
Apparently FC6 has a predictable/boring story, the graphics are not too improved, yet the hardware demand is up there.
I guess if I had any advice for people, buy a PS5 or XsX. They will service you well to at least 2025, and possibly into 2029. Do not upgrade your current Gaming PC (eg i7-8700, GTX-1080Ti). It should be fine for older and current-gen titles for a tad longer.
The consoles are paving the way for future games. So new games will be designed to rely on high-bandwidth, low-latency and unified signalling between SSD-CPU-RAM-GPU. While the Gaming PC market is a bit of a mess, so expect to see more unoptimised ports. It's not going to cut the mustard with Intel's 12th-gen, 13th-gen, Zen3 and likely Zen4 too for next-gen titles. They have the grunt but not the cohesiveness. The silver lining is that Intel's next platform is going for that, in addition to the AM5 platform which further adds long-support period. On the dGPU front the current options should suffice, but we are going to get a solid upgrade with RDNA-3. Whilst, Nvidia will likely be the victor by moving to a modern node. It's more intriguing to see if there's going to be new drivers, encoders, etc etc, that will be built into the next dGPU and helps with this new mixed-processing paradigm. So definitely wait until this chipset shortage is over to build a new system. Not to mention, all of this is supposed to be incorporated and optimised into MS's next (Windows20 ?) software in 2025.
Tried it on the old trusty PS4.
Had to wait 6 hours for the 60gb update 1.52.
Still works decently fine, frames get frozen sometimes when driving in the busy parts of the city. Should be able to get through the main storyline.
Available again
Now that it works, it's not a bad game. A little short though.