Anyone Here with Real Estate Agent Licence?

I was looking into pursuing career in property management. Just wondering if anyone with real estate agent licence or experience can help me with these questions:

A. In order to get the licence to be recognized in the industry, does one just need to do one of these online course:…

If not, how do you train to be certified.

B. Once you certified, you can list properties on domain/real estate or you need extra qualifications?

C. Are there any other annual fees you need to pay somewhere for registration? (say at REINSW?)

D. To maintain the licence, is there any minimum hours you need to work to maintain your licence?

Some thoughts would be great. Not too obvious to get info on google. Lots of information but would be good to get thoughts from professional.


  • Not sure about the laws in nsw, but the Vic equivalent of the course you linked is an agents representative license - you only have the right to represent a fully licensed REA. This agents reps license is what most agents have, working under the principles license.

    To actually run the business, there's a lot of trust accounting law you need to know - and it's usually a university course or similar.

  • +4

    If not, how do you train to be certified.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……hahahahahahahaha… extra breath… ahahahahahaha.

    Train to be a certified real estate agent? That's a good one.

    In no other industry would it be acceptable to know as little about the product you're selling as real estate agents do about houses.

    Normal human being: What year was it built?

    Greed personified: Uh… soulless gaze

    Normal human being: How many previous owners/occupants has it had?

    Greed personified: Duh… Bugs Bunny-dollar-sign-eyes-expression intensifies

    Normal human being: What kind of ceiling/wall insulation does it have?

    Greed personified: Buh… reminiscing on the long list of previous home buyers they ripped off

    Normal human being: Can you tell me anything about this house?

    Greed personified: checks garage… It has a 2-car garage and… checks A/C… and air-conditioning! I think it's made from those square-shaped, real-life versions of Lego bricks.

    Normal human being: You mean, bricks?

    Greed personified: Yeah, that's it! You sure you're not a real estate agent? You sure talk the lingo! finds nearby reflective surface to check their reflection in

    • -1

      What kind of ceiling/wall insulation does it have?

      To be fair why would you expect them to know that? There's a good chance the home owner also has NFI.

      • +3

        To be fair why would you expect them to know that? There's a good chance the home owner also has NFI.

        Gee I don't know, because it's only their f**king job and we're talking about a several hundred thousand dollar investment that a person will be paying off for most of their lifetime?

        But yeah, it's too much to ask of those muppets to get some basic background information on a home together before they talk to prospective buyers.

        • I'm not convinced knowing the insulation material or coverage of the house is part of their job. Even if they gave me an answer I would assume it's bullshit. That's why pre purchase inspections exist.

          • @Muzeeb: Agents are typically useless muppets, but expecting them to know what kind of insulation is used definitely goes beyond the scope of reasonable

            Don't know why an independent building inspection isn't mandated for sale and given alongside the section 32 though, in the same way the seller needs a roadworthy certificate to sell a car without jumping through a million hoops

    • The only people who can add a decade to your mortgage by lying through their teeth speaking 1 sentence.

  • +2

    You are her by certified as not knowing how to use google to loook up "how to get a real estate agents license in NSW".

    • Thank you.

  • +1

    Worked sales before, and/or customer service?

    Interesting you ask only a day after asking this:

  • +1

    Anyone Here willing to publicly admit to holding a Real Estate Agent Licence?


  • +4

    I was going to become a real estate agent, but there was a hair gel, cheap suit and busted arse used Porsche shortage in my area…

  • +2

    I was looking into pursuing career in property management

    No soul or morals?

    Do you like lying and scamming people out of every dollar they have?

    Then if so, sure apply!

  • +1

    Do you like bombarding letterboxes with unwanted junk mail boasting about how much money houses are going for, whilst not giving a sh*t that you are contributing to future generations being locked out of the housing market, whilst lining your own moral-less pockets or caring that most Australians think you are scum that should get a real job like nurses, teachers or ambos that actually contribute to society.

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