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Free Online Electricity Monitoring from Origin [VICTORIA]


For the first time in Australia, you can see how much you're spending on power, every day. Use less in the right places, and take control of your energy costs.


-Need to be in Victoria
-Need to have a smart meter (You will have one soon anyway)
-Need to be an origin energy customer

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (11)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (542)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • Don't do it, more monitoring may undermine your chance to get a TRUE bargain!


    • Have a look at http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1660579&p… for more info. Smart meters are going to be installed in every Victorian household regardless so it doesn't matter.

      • +1

        Smart meters are invasive and their lack of security violates our right to privacy. Moreover their use is more to target what people are doing at home and when so that this can be used for targeted information gathering and marketing.
        In continual monitoring of power usage, there is enough information to accurately interpolate most things you do in the house that involve power usage.
        Oppose these trojan devices.

        • As much as we all hate them they are still going through with the rollout despite protests.

  • Everyone is getting in house power monitors for 'free'.
    How is this a bargain?

    • A lot of the external devices need to be wired up. This is just a simple switch to another retailer and their rates aren't too bad.

  • +1

    This is better than an in home monitor (it's free - whereas those proposed to be provided as part of the AMI roll out are not yet being provided - so your only way to get one now is to pay).

    It's worse than an in home monitor because it is not live - at best it shows you the data the next day.

    You can't get it if you've got solar or off peak electric (hot water or slab) heating.

    If you live in the SP-Ausnet or United networks in VIC, you'll soon have access to their free portal, regardless of who your retailer is.

    If you're already with Origin, and have a smart meter, sign up for free (if you don't have solar or dedicated off peak hot water or slab heating).

    If you're not with Origin, shop around (this is OzBargain) and get a better deal than Origin are offering, and save some money.

  • anything similar in NSW?

  • you still got to pay for the electricity

    • Yes but you will be able to save more electricity.

  • If i didnt already have one I would of stopped it being installed. My bill has gone up $200 a quarter since install
    Smart meters, I dont think so.

    Well worth a read. http://stopsmartmeters.net/smartElectricityMeters.htm

    • I think it's too late to stop them… Whenever a guy comes here to try and install it I say only certain people are allowed to enter the property like meter readers and then they leave. Hopefully my strategy will work for a little longer.

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