This was posted 2 years 10 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pizza Hut - 100% Cashback ($15 Cap, All Promo Codes Allowed) @ Cheddar App


I'm pretty sure Cheddar are monitoring and providing direct responses to a lot of these SB and CR deals.

100% Cashback.
$15 Cap.
Today only.

Take advantage of Tuesday 2for1.

  • Up to 10 days to track.
  • Not redeemable via Pizza Hut App
  • Pizza Hut promo codes allowed (official)
  • Cashback ineligible for cash payment
  • Cashback ineligible on Sunday and Pub Hol surcharges
  • Cashback ineligible for Zip Pay or other 3rd party codes
  • Cashback eligible for both delivery and pickup
Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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Pizza Hut

closed Comments

  • +1

    I guess Cheddar has a better cashback ?

    • $15 versus $10, yes it is better.

    • better cashback. similar tracking speed to SB.

  • anyone can give feedback on the cheddar app? worth adding another Cashback app to the mix?

    • +1

      Used so far with no fault.

      The $50 new user signup was immediately showing as pending in my account too which is good to see things work as they should…

      • Doesn't look like they ask for a phone number Or do they? I signed up using my email and that was it. Correct me if I am wrong.

    • +3

      Yes it's fine. Combine with $50 new user bonus:

      I did the $50 signup new user last year and cashed out no hassle at all.

      • Just signed up. I guess it takes couple of days for pending balance to go to available to redraw.

        • Takes for your first transaction to be confirmed.. so…mine took 2.5months

    • Its lot common for Pizzahut + new signup deal.. $65 Cashback. For $15 order.

    • +1

      so far so good, just play by their rules.
      I got few untracked transactions, and few transactions that were not approved. Send them an email, solved within a week.

    • App sucks, server slow, but you can basically email everything then just wait for the money back. Mixed feeling.

  • Brill, this makes my first Cheddar app usage so hopefully I get bonus $50 too?

    • Yup. Make sure you use the new user link, and check that it shows up as pending in your account when you're in.

      Then do your pizza hut order.

      • +1

        Damn, only within first 14 days of joining Cheddar. Missed that boat :(

      • What is the new user link? I’m in the app and signed up, but don’t see anything mentioned about $50?

      • Does it show up immediately or does it take a while?

        EDIT: hmm is there an order to make this work? When i clicked that $50 link above I didn't have the app installed yet, but now that I've signed up it's now saying the bonus isn't available even if I'm logged out.

        • Yeah me too, tried again with my wife’s, this time went back to the link before signing up and it worked… so annoying

          • @bowtiehoon: Yeah same just uninstalled the app, reinstalled it then opened it through the $50 link again and now it's there. Guess I just have to make a new account again.

  • +2

    $25 to spend at Pizza Hut today, this is like the adult version of lunch money 😂

    • +2

      Next Tuesday = Fat Tuesday for me ;)

      • If I order for Tuesday, I get 2 pizzas for free.

  • Anyone know if this stacks with those “free cheese pizza when you purchase any large pizza” receipt promo Codes?

    • Yes, apparently.

    • +2

      Yes, but you're only allowed one promo code per order. That cheese pizza is only a medium and has a minimum value the large pizza needs to be.

      I've got the same code but prefer to use the 30% off (every day) or 2 for 1 Tuesday deal

      • What's the code for 2 for 1 tuesday or just an ongoing promo like KFC

  • +1

    cries in NZ

    • +1

      Should be grateful with superior meats and seafood

      • Often you'd find that a lot of NZ produce is more expensive to buy in NZ than in other countries we export our produce to.

  • Has anyone tried this and paid using PayPal? Does that take you out of the Cheddar app and therefore risk blowing-up the cashback process?

    • +1

      It stays in the browser.

      But if you take a screenshot (as evidence) it will back out and return you to cheddar.

      However I can confirm it will still track fine.

      • Thanks mate.

        • -2

          for something like this, it's safer not to have paypal app on ur phone (same with ubereats), to avoid screwing up the tracking if it switches to the 3rd party app

  • Just signed up. Showing Pending cashback $50. Does anyone know if I place pizza hut order straightaway or have to wait

    • wait for what?

      • Ok nevermind I think I confused myself. Thinking of using cashback to make purchase for pizza hut deal :) Will probably be available for withdraw soon.

        • +1

          Yeah I think you are very confused.

          $50 bonus is after first purchase which you have to purchase something yourself. It will then take at least a few days to turn into withdraw status (and then may take a few days for funds to appear in your account).

          So if you have $15, I'd suggest you use that because the promotion expires today.

          • +1

            @decc0: is correct. ^ this.

            Buy pizza.
            Wait for cashback to change from pending to available.
            Withdraw pizza money + $50 bonus.

        • Don't keep your hope too high. It may take a couple of days as mentioned above.

  • Showing 7% cashback for me in the app? How do I know if Im eligible for 100% cashback up to $15?
    Also how to get Tuesday 2 for 1? Order now for Tuesday and pay via paypal/cc?

  • +3

    The website layout looks like Stake's

  • When I click on shop deal. The link opens in my default browser and not in the in-app cheddar browser. Does anyone have the same issue?

    • +1

      yes i am having the same issue. Ive emailed support but no response. Its happening on all the deals. Android - Pixel 5.

      • I am on Samsung S20FE. I tried uninstalling all browsers. Even after doing this it does not work and shows me an error.

    • Same. This doesn't happen when I load some other merchants.

      • Nike isn't working for me. Really want to use the 30% cashback offer on that.

    • No issues. S10E. Maybe check your app allow settings on your default browser?

      • settings seem fine. very strange.

        • Were you able to solve the browser issue? I have tried everything possible.

          • @Iluvfreebies: I contacted the Rep, they advised they're aware of the issue and will provide a fix in the upcoming updates. So guess no free pizza for me :(

  • +6

    Just Fyi, the first round of free pizza hut from cheddar (1st April) is withdrawable for me now, and it has released the $50 too.

    Win win.

    • +1

      Same exp here, cheddar releases cash for withdraw a lot faster comparing to other CB apps by the look.

  • +1

    Are they being ozbargained? Very laggy site.

    Also I can't see any click confirmation on their app for my purchase.

  • +2

    Just trying to sign up to the Cheddar App… It's very slow and crashes (though progressing). Is it being Ozbargained??

  • +1

    Fam I think we crashed the app

    • Only 249 clicks. Must be a crappy server

    • +1

      Hopefully my order tracks. But I can see this ending badly.

      • Phew tracked. Just took a while.

        • How long did it take? I just placed my order

  • $10 shopback
    $10 shopback
    $15 cheddar
    $15 cheddar

    used for tonight

  • +1

    so now the App crashed. LOL

    • Hey everyone!

      Yes sorry about that - we had a small technical issue which is now fixed! 😁

      Happy shopping 🛍


      • +1

        hi could not see the 100% only 7%

  • +1

    Is there something wrong with their app? It's so sluggish and is constantly timing out

    • must be the sheer force of being Ozbargain'd. I can't even get the registration going through properly.

  • Tried signing up twice. Both times timed out but doesn’t let me use those emails again, gives an error.


    • It crashed for me and then next time I went to 'sign up' I changed it to 'log in instead' and put in my detail and it worked. It had registered the first time despite crashing.

  • first time to know this cashback —- how it is compared to shopback and cashrewards?

    • +1

      Does not have browser it seems.

      • +1

        So you must use the app?

  • Placed an order within the app, but it shows "OH HELL NAW" after I placed an order…?

  • Just placed an order and when I exited the in-app browser the app said I was not connected to the internet (even though I was). I hit retry, and now the transaction is not showing in my pending transactions. Anyone know if it still tracked?

    • Thats exactly what happened to me as well..

      • +1

        Don't tell me we paid full price for mediocre pizza…

        • How do we cancel it..

          • +1

            @reservin: Just got a notification saying it tracked. We're saved!

            • @noprobono: Still nothing on me..

              • @reservin: Click more info under your pending balance and check it it shows in your history. If not, maybe wait a few more minutes, it took me around 10

                • @noprobono: Nothing there.. It's been more than 10mins already… LOL Im screwed

                  • @reservin: Hey there!

                    Don't worry - Some transactions may take 10 business days to track. If after 10 days you can't see it, please e-mail us with details of the transaction, such as a screenshot of the receipt showing items purchased, breakdown of total amount spent, and the date of purchase, so we can investigate the transaction for you!

                    Have a good day! ✌🏻

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: I just registered the app, I could not see the pizzahut 100% only 7%?

                  • @reservin: Mine took 45 minutes to track

                    • @bargain_knight: But did you get that no internet error page after you placed an order?

    • +1

      If I had to guess: no, probo no

      • +1

        Guess this is karma for saying no to probono

  • Received tracking notification just now.

    • How long did it take?

      • +1

        About 3 minutes.

  • Do you get $50 pending straight away after signup?
    I signed up 15 minutes ago but no $50 in pending status yet :(

    • Hi there,

      Yes - you should see the $50 straight away. If this is not the case please email the customer support team at [email protected]

      Thanks in advance!


      • Hi, I sent you an email, I got a timeout error upon signup and now it doesn’t allow me to log in.

        Can you please check?

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