Win a Haier 7.5kg Front Load Washer Worth $699 from Betta
Entry Requirements
In 25 words or less why do you think you would be the best candidate to test the Haier 7.5kg Front Load Washer (be as creative as you like!
Within 14 days of receipt of the Test Product, Participants must use the Test Product and submit a review of the Test Product via the review button on the product page. 1 -2 quality photographs of the product in use must be uploaded with the review. Participants agree to provide honest feedback regarding the Test Product and that any review provided will be a true reflection of the participant’s opinion. Reviews can be positive or negative, and this will not impact on a Participant’s ability to remain part of the Program or keep the Test Product. However, if a Participant fails to submit their review within 14 days of receipt of the Test Product, they will forfeit the Test Product and must return it to their closest Betta store within seven days of a written request from BSR to do so.