24% off this model of Apple iPad
Not sure why the camels show only RRP but link below
camelcamelcamel link
24% off this model of Apple iPad
Not sure why the camels show only RRP but link below
camelcamelcamel link
Tell that to Tim Apple.
Should be able to eat maccas on it… maybe even mc chips… but agreed pretty expensive
Why on earth would anyone need a $2.5k tablet?
funnily enough the base iPad Pro 12.9", exactly the same as the one above costs $1,650, but with 1800GB~ less storage. so the $1000 ($1900 if RRP) jump alone is for 2TB storage and cellular capability. crazy!
There must be at least $2000 in gross profit on this item. Apple’s ability to sell x for 5-6x is a sight to behold. You can’t help but admire it. I just hope I’m never in a position where I’m trying to convince myself I need this or I may have to change careers.
still dreaming of apple putting micro-sd card slot on their devices
If you need 2TB of storage on an iPad Pro then a SD card clot ain't gonna cut it.
Twice as much RAM too. Not that Apple really lets you do anything with it since it still has the same hard limit apps can use.
It doesn't. Apps can use up to 12gb on iPadOS. They increased it from 5gb last year.
@jamesorion: Thanks for the correction. Though releasing the 16GB iPad Pro before that update seems like an odd misstep for Apple. Been looking at reviews and that's a major complaint.
iphone 13 max 1TB is just as bad at $2,720.
becasue they don't have a laptop, add a keyboard to this and you are set to go …. not uncommon in the enterprise space for certain levels of people, apple never got into the 2 in 1 as a hybrid …. I'm sure some of our executives will get these from the IT department.
probably bit pricey for home users who buy lunch usaing HJ vouchers or using 2 phones for lunch on the maccas app.
Could have bought a 14” MBP M1 with another $300.
Who pays $3,600 for a tablet lol
The RRP is how much?!
Base model: $1650
2TB with cellular: $3,550
$1900 jump if specc'd out 💀
I would get M1 Pro macbook pro 14 with this price…
A much better purchase too!
If your spending over 1.5k on a tablet, you have way too much money. Why on earth would you pay that much for a tablet.
To flex on chinadroid tablet who can’t afford better
because they have more money than you and want one.. because they are an exec and their business will fund it.. I dunno, a million reasons why Apple with all their millions of purchases for analytical data decided it was worth their time to put more storage inside
because works pays for it, you don't …..
That price is awesome !!
Cant say the same about my salary though 😂
Can never afford it
"Your starting point is to get a good job that pays good money," Joe Hockey
i will buy at $700 i think pretty good value at 700
Damn getting negged for my opinion. Yet some above are paying out those who would buy it and getting plus votes.
Ozb is strange.
It's a 2.7k tablet people.
Yeah ppl paying out those that would spend a grand more than the normal spec version, which despite being pretty expensive, is much better value for money
Saying you wouldn’t pay $600 for this just makes out that this product isn’t at all for you and therefore an entirely baseless comment. It’s like going into a Tesla 3 deal and saying “I would even pay $30k for this” rather than “I think this product is overpriced and don’t think it’s a great deal”. Same opinion, yet less dismissive of what others regard as a good deal
@NotSureIfSerious: And invalid baseless negs get plus votes. 😂
No one talks like how you suggest.
Less dismissive than this?
This is for fools with more money than sense
I've never seen anyone negged for anything other than their opinion.
You will really surprised how fast it's gone when go down to this price.
If you can afford this you need to hand in your OzBargain badge. NOW.
You be surprise at how rich some people on here are. There are a number of members who hold the Amex platinum card, annual fees is like $1500.
Most would have a business.
yep, buy through business , or work supplied if in the corporate sector …… you don't buy this from personal savings for personal use.
It’s one thing to be able to afford and another to be crazy enough to actually purchase
one day on the train, saw a guy in suit, with ipad + keyboard on his lap, iphone on one hand, and big airpods and occasionally he is checking his apple watch.
At least he’s making good use of his purchases - even the watch
sounds normal to me lol. would be weird if he also had a Macbook alongside the iPad
Probably me… I get a lot of work done on the train. Mobile office. What’s your point?
it's common, on my train line.
Can store so much p0rn
Adam and Eve and an apple.
But there's no phub app on apple unlike on Android, and it's a pain to transfer files to Apple devices.
Finally I will have a working 7/11 chopper
What a time we are living in..an iPad that costs 3K+ yet still can't replace a traditional laptop/computer
iPadOS is literally the most gimped OS in the world. Don't buy this unless you can really justify a good looking screen (and little else). Apple should allow MacOS on this when docked…
I have a lower spec version of this tablet, but with the same screen. I wouldn't describe it as "good looking". Colours and brightness are good, but the contrast/local dimming is terrible, with severe blooming that is ugly and distracting.
This is for fools with more money than sense
Sorry that neg is no reflection on the OP, but this is not a deal unless Tim takes a lot more off, and if Apple actually pay tax in Australia, which they don’t as they use the Irish tax dodge.
Thanks, I'm no advocate for apple and i don't own any of their products,
but for whoever decides to buy this product, hope they may save some money in the process
If scott morrison or barnaby joyce ask their PA for an Ipad, what do think they buy ….. top of the range and move to next task for the day ……. there are a lot of people with work supplied tools …. work bought me a $2500 laptop, wouldn't buy it myself but hey ….. if they pay for it, im going to enjoy and there is no bonus in saving money for the company,
There has to be a lux-ozbargain.com.au for these overpriced items. I am pretty sure this ain't for real ozbargainer ;)
Just buy Samsung s7 fe
12 inch about 700
I was about to buy this
And your comments stopped me
I thought extra $700 is worth for 1.75TB ROM 8GB RAM and cellular
But yeah with that money I would spend time with my family instead
I mean… it IS a bargain technically
Bargain : "a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected."
The first part of the definition technically fits, however I think that you would struggle to find anyone here that "expected" an iPad to cost this much.
That kind of money can get you a very powerful notebook.
Or a stripper..
Or a car
I'll buy a samsung tab from the s22 thread instead and still will be able to afford another 3 new models
Coming from a 2020 model the only thing that really appeals to me here is the mini LED screen as I use mine specifically for art. Unfortunately still too expensive and unncessary for my usage. But technically a bargain.
damn bought 2 at 3549 yesterday :(
Came here to write a comment, but you guys did a better job than me! Lol.
Oh dear, just learned that a table can be sold at $3.5k lol
Holy Jesus
I reckon you could get one of moses' genuine tablets for less than this.
Its 6:30am here in Perth and your comment has already made my day. Thank you Sir!
Pretty sure there is a use case for a business person for this, $2699 is a days pay for some, way beyond the mentality of most on here though lol they would be getting the GST back and instant right off too.
I did with my $1700 256gb wifi version.
Just absurd.
I have an M1 iPad Pro and it feels like such a pointless product. Bought it because I'm an idiot (and needed to do screen time management for kids)
But I might sell and get a MacBook
I have a macbook air and entry level Ipad ….. they do different things, hence apple never did the hybrid 2 in 1 which is neither a good laptop nor a good tablet ……
iPad is neutered solely to exist. As is this MacBook.
No reason the two could be combined into a surface style machine that has a detachable keyboard.
But they'd probably make less money
For anyone interested this is back in stock at the $2695 price.
can you run macos on it? it has the m1 chip and its pretty expensive