Are Veggies and Fruits Overrated?

I stopped eating veggies and year-round fruits. Still eating seasonal fruits like Mangoes because I like the taste of these MF. Once I started eating only meat, I stopped getting sick. My sleep quality improved. Constant energy all the time. Maybe my overall health improvement coincided with stopping consuming ultra-processed junk.

What is your experience? Have you done any such experiments?

Edit: 80% of my diet consists of meat and eggs and butter. I am in no way implying fruits and veggies are bad. Just asking are they overrated.

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  • +2

    Meat may result in colon cancer

  • Wow… we are definitely very privileged to think that certain food are "over rated". I mean, there are many human being in the same world that we live in who starve due to the lack of food.

    • +1

      People are dying of too much food in 99% of developed world

      • +1

        Life expectancy is longer in the ‘developed world’ where apparently people are ‘dying of too much food’.

    • Wow, we shouldn't talk about it then.

  • +7

    Used up all 5 negs so quickly…

  • +1

    Threads like these always give me a glimpse into how f***ed up peoples relationship with food is…

  • +1

    I’m a weirdo that loves (most) veg but dislikes most fruit. I’ll eat fruit, but it’s a chore. Veg I can easily work into my diet.

    ETA: Not vegetarian, vegan etc. Favourites are lamb and flathead tails, but a uni student’s budget only stretches so far :(

  • +4

    What is your experience? Have you done any such experiments?

    I did strict carnivore diet for 2 months, and now I'm another 8 months into > 90% Carnivore.

    No processed foods at all, no fibre, no veggies. I've added back in berries 2-3x / week, honey, some seasonings from time to time.

    - Bodyfat % is lower.
    - Strength (Weight lifting) is greater.
    - Digestion issue / bloating is 100% gone.
    - Several health issues I'd been having for years, all went away within the first 3 weeks of starting.

    - Not a well studied way of eating, maybe it'll cause an early death
    - More expensive than eating processed foods
    - Boring
    - With the 100% strict diet, colds took longer to shake off. But it's better now.

    • +1

      Good. you won’t die earlier than a person who eats ultra processed junk

  • +1

    Hey OP, you should add an option for fruits are overrated and another for veggies are overrated. I'm not a big fruit person but make up for it with copious veggies in my diet. Fruits are higher in sugar than veg and some fruits irritate my gut, fruits are non essential to me. To me veggies are 100% the most essential part of my diet and keep my gut healthy. Times I've reduced veg quantities ( going overseas and staying with family) has negatively impacted my gut health.

  • +3

    Ah, the old meat eggs and butter diet, classic, especially when used at this ratio: 5% meat, 25% eggs and 70% butter.

  • +3

    Same. I’ve been 100% carnivore for a couple of years now, just meat, salt, want and (non-milk) dairy for a couple of years now. Was previously heavily meat based keto for a few years before that. Cutting veggies and fibre feels great for me.

    Love it, never felt more alive.

    Not arguing anyone else has to do it, but it works for me. If people wanna eat veggies or pasta or whatever and it works for them, go for it.

  • +1

    Not a big fruit guy but do like salad and vegetables mainly for fibre. I know if I only ate meat and butter I'd be ripping my ass shitting out hard marble sized balls reminiscent of goat shit.

    • +1

      That’s what I was worried about when I started. But I tell ya, cutting all fibre is liberating in the bathroom. The stuff just falls out. Takes me as long to shit as it does to pee. There is a big difference between eating a lot of meat and eating only meat.

  • +1

    80% of my diet consists of meat and eggs and butter
    Maybe my overall health improvement coincided with stopping consuming ultra-processed junk.

    It's been a while since I've gone through all this… On top of that, everyone is slightly different, but I'd say it's the cutting out of ultra processed junk that's helping you along. Unfortunately, current wisdom changes all the time. I don't know if the current trend says this diet of yours is good or bad, but from what I've been taught, you could be in for some longer term issues if you keep it up long term. For your sake, I hope you don't regret it down the track.

  • -2

    better take out some life insurance

  • +3

    this is an S-tier shitpost

  • +1

    Maybe you’re right, I had veggies, avocado and a bit of quinoa for dinner and now I’m awake at 4am - those unhealthy veggies are probably the culprit! /S

    If your diet of meat, eggs and butter works for you, great, keep doing it. Other people eat fruit and veggies and are healthy and happy with that. It seems like you’re trying to get some sort of validation that others agree with you or are going to follow the same diet.

    • Fyi , black quinoa tends to be harder to digest for some.

      • +2

        This was just white quinoa. I do wonder with seeds in general how much actual nutrition you get from them through the digestion process.

        • +1

          That sucks then. I genuinely think it depends on the person. Me, very little. Seeds and really high fibre foods my gut just can't cope with. If you like quinoa but want something a bit more digestible, try Bulgur wheat. It's like a cross between quinoa and cous cous, super nutrious, low GI and just plain delish. Good alternative if your gut gets angry after quinoa or brown rice.

  • -1

    Google "shane warne"

    That fellow will have save hundreds of lives this year.

  • +2

    I think this is less about fruit and veggies and more that nutrition advice itself is a little overrated. We've had different diets throughout the past few centuries and people's diets vary wildly. The meat diet is a real thing popularized by Jordan Peterson and people have said it has helped them so I think nutrition depends on the individual. If it works for you, then all power to you. Just eat what you enjoy but remember moderation.

  • For most people with a well rounded diet multivitamins are a waste.
    But maybe worth doing with this kind of diet.

    • Yes you are true. I never used multivitamins in my life

  • +6

    have you considered you might have a FODMAP intolerance?

  • have you spoken to your doctor about potential allergies?

    • -7

      I go to the GP only for sickie or blood tests. I don't ask doctors for health advice because they know shit about nutrition. And I don't have any allergies

  • +2

    I work in health care (A&E). Your diet puts you into a trajectory to an early appointment with a cardiologist, if not already. Fruits and veges are not overrated. Meat and butter are. I am in shape or form a vegan or vegetarian, but I do known my science.

  • +4

    I clicked here fearing that OzBargain had gone alternative and was expecting a flame war… glad to see most people see benefits to a balanced diet and are happy to share why they think so. Also (for the most part) genuine constructive throughts for the OP… Go OzBargain!!!

  • +2

    Fruit and vegetables are the best things on earth. I will never give those up.
    Although, King Henry 8th would disagree with me as he only ever ate meat and sugar - which is why he was always constipated and obese.
    Everything in moderation.

  • +2

    Personally, fruit is overrated and should be limited. I'd only consider oranges for Vitamin C and cranberries if you're not consuming iodized salt.

    I'd focus the eating protocol on foods that cause minimal gastrointestinal stress and has high nutritional bioavailability/absorbency.

    For example, red meats, eggs, salmon, butter, carrots, spinach, capsicum, bone broth, certain hard cheeses, potatoes (white/orange), rice and iodized salts to name a few.

  • No but I only eat activated fruits and veggies

    • -1

      Like activated BS

  • +1

    Sis is nutritionist.

    Moderation is the key. If you're not allergic to any food then eating everything in moderation will definitely make your immune system stronger.

    If you've completely stopped consuming fruits, veggies, greens, etc. may be It's okay for now. But in the longer run you may want to start eating them again to avoid unforeseen health issues.

  • +3

    You need to watch fruit and avoid eating too much of it in the morning despite what people tend to say. The sugar spike is what makes you tired and not well. Once you have some other foods in your belly, preferably vegetable than you can eat a fruit or even two. Fruits are healthy, but just be aware of how your body reacts to a sugar spike in the morning. Healthy people may not spike that much, but you'd be surprised how much more energy you have if you try not eat fruit in the morning . Same with meals, eat vegetables and salad first if you can.

    • Agree with this. If it tastes sweet, then it is too sweet and too much sugar.
      If you drink glasses of orange juice every day, you will gain weight. Too much sugar.
      I stick with low calorie fruit such as blue berries and strawberries to snack on.

      Vegies are fine if they are green and raw. Eat as much as you like! Once you start eating too many roasted vegies, you will gain weight.

  • +1

    hilarious! 😂

  • +5

    I'll share my experience.

    Just to give some background, I'm a very healthy 40yo of a very athletic/muscular build but with family history of obesity and diabetes. The knowledge i share is one that i have had major success with on. Now having said that i do have a bias in my opinion because of the diabetes and insulin resistance that runs in my family, however i'm not diabetic.

    IMO what i have found the biggest cause and issue in the general population is the excess sugar we intake, this includes sugars in other forms such as carbs. There's a misconception that fats cause heart disease and cause you to get fat. In fact the general health guidelines have been messed up for so long. I see people trying to get "healthy" putting themselves on calorie restricted diets, "low fat" foods etc and having the expectations they going to drop weight and keep it off. Part of the health problems is we intake more sugars than our body can handle. The reason for the success of a lot of these fad diets like keto is simply the reduction in the sugars/carbs we intake. That is the massive reason. I don't believe in removing any particular food group out of your diet completely, it all needs to be in balance but i do believe as a society we eat and indulge in too many sugar/carbs in our diet. There is a massive correlation between our blood sugar levels and heart disease.

    Do i think fruits are over-rated? No, they contain nutrients which our bodies still need but in excess i do believe they are not good due to sugars. It's the reasons why juicing fruits is a terrible idea. You're practically extracting all the sugars from the food and throwing away the bits that provide the fibre and other nutrients your body needs.

    • I agree with everything you said. Good that you figured it out. Still, 90% of the medical establishment and the sheep out there thinks eating fat causes diseases.

      • +1

        Check out Low Carb Down Under on FB and YT - plenty of medical professionals going against the grain (pun intended) and the industry sponsored food pyramid

    • I agree. I eat whatever I like but I try to cut out carbs and sugar as much as possible.

      • +1

        Username doesn't check out

        • +3

          I'm a sugar-free, gluten-free, carb-free, vegan muffin disguised as a un-iced cupcake.

  • +4

    I don't expect anything less from the "sunscreen is a scam" guy.

  • +2

    Honestly that's fairly close to the way I eat in terms of calorie distribution. I have some berries every now and then but otherwise no fruit. I do have very big salads though just because I'm trying to volume eat for weight loss right now. I doubt I specifically need the nutrients from the salad though,it's just a way to lower calorie density in my meals.Sometimes I'll just take some psyllium husk before/during my meal instead.

    I do eat quite a lot of organ meat/connective tissue heavy cuts as Im weary of my methionine/glycine ratio. Bloods,which I get done every 3-5 months for something unrelated,are very normal so there hasn't been an issue yet

  • -1

    Sometimes I'll just take some psyllium husk before/during my meal instead

    Instead of that, try having less meals to reduce calories

    • +3

      Im already eating two meals a day and I find that I get hungry/hypoglycemic without the second meal. The fibre is a good stopgap for now and it's useful for keeping things "clean" down there too :)

      • +1

        I am eating 1 meal a day for 4.5 years now. That's the reason I never get bored of eating meat. Because I will be waiting for my meal so that I can cook delicious meat with spices. If you don't eat or drink anything except water while you are not having a meal, your body will adapt to it very quickly. A healthy person never feels hypoglycemic because the body makes glucose from fat which is Gluconeogenesis.

        • +1

          Im well aware,I've also done OMAD in the past. I've been playing around with my diet for the past year or so and am transitioning to OMAD keto again slowly (doing a small and early dinner for now etc..). Im also taking some supplements which promote AMPK activation ,and thus inhibit gluconoeogenesis, so it's a bit less reliable.

  • +5

    After eating a "healthy balanced " diet all my life and eating minimal saturated fats, meats and no cakes etc I can report what its has done to me.
    Got grossly overweight ( i'm male now aged 71)
    142kgs, had bad blood profiles, middle range calcium on the heart ( so elsewhere also ), very sluggish with no energy, felt old, developed gastric problems..
    Discovered keto-carnivore, cut out most fruits, most veggies with high sugars / starches, cut margarine, rice, bread, pasta, sugar.
    Results - lost 30+kgs in 12 months, whist eating huge meat meals, have perfect blood work ( doc says as per a 21 yr old ) no gastric problems, feel lively, joined a gym and benchpress 2x40kg weights, feel like I'm " living" again. So please everybody - don't tell me about a healthy balanced diet, its a diet designed to extract as many $$$ out of you as possible by big "so called" food manufacturers, will give you bad health so you will spend $$$ on medications, and will send you to an early grave with diseases like alheimers, diabetes type 2, heart disease and many other ailments .

    • -3

      That's the way to reply to these sheep who quote stupid peer-reviewed research like it's actual science.

      • +1

        Excellent before and after image of you, doing / done the same !!

      • Because it is literally the definition of science, unlike anecdotal cases (like yours and this one) from a small number of people who believe everyone should do the same, and also have no idea of the long term effects of their diets.

    • +4

      That's great that you're healthier through positive changes you've made in your diet and lifestyle but a "healthy balanced diet" as you call it, doesn't get you to 142kg. Maybe the diet you were educated to have but not a healthy balanced diet for your lifestyle and nutritional needs. In saying this, whatever works for someone is an awesome thing!

    • +4

      "Discovered keto-carnivore, cut out most fruits, most veggies with high sugars / starches, cut margarine, rice, bread, pasta, sugar."

      You were most likely over eating, and would not have mattered what you ate back then. Keto carnivore diet means you're basically cutting out the carbs which helps significantly with weight reduction.

      Rice, bread and pasta are terrible in terms of keeping weight down. Bread and pasta especially as these are highly processed whole grains, basically no fibre whatsoever.

      • Actually it was from eating bread, potatoes, turnips, peas and the like, veggie pasties, drinking orange juice, eating mangoes and bananas. Anything but meat.
        My father died at aged 49 from a stroke and then a heart attack. With all the "professional" advice of the time I was told to avoid saturated fats and meats. Well as things have turned out, that was a total lie.
        And as I posted above, it was killing me too.
        Look around, you don't see any overweight people ??, what do you think they are eating, not fresh meat and dairy for sure. They are eating breads, chips, doughnuts and fruit juices, soft drinks, pizzas, fruit pies, lollies, burgers ( where the only healthy bit is the pattie ) but with sweetened buns and sauces.
        I think you should look closely at who is running these big "food" companies, one is owned by a religious group ( who push a vegetarian agenda, and pay no tax ) others are owned by tobacco companies, who are known for their trustworthy and caring attitudes. There is no such thing as a balanced diet, its a catchy marketing term.

        • +3

          chips, doughnuts and fruit juices, soft drinks, pizzas, fruit pies, lollies, burgers ( where the only healthy bit is the pattie ) but with sweetened buns and sauces.

          So…not a balanced diet…..(can't even use the word diet there)

          • @SBOB: Its balanced alright, look at the food pyramid. ( Which was for the main, written by the US dept of agriculture )

    • +1

      My man out here learning portion and calorie control and blames it on the fresh fruit he's been having

      • On keto/carnivore you tend to consume more calories because of the high fat content

        • Isn't this said to be balanced out feeling more full from the fats so you're not eating as much overall?

    • +2

      @tonyp You my friend, I have too say sadly have more knowledge and experience than many of my medical colleagues out there, who still spruik the industry-sponsored low-fat high-carb food pyramid. Countless patients like yourself who are motivated and do a bit of research achieve fantastic outcomes on the keto/LCHF lifestyle. Keep up the great work!

  • +3

    I'm sure it's already been posted, but fruits, for all their micronutrient benefits are way too high in sugar to eat much of for most of us. With veggies you have to pick the right ones or you get carb overload.

    • +2

      Agreed. Like I keep telling my dad, potatoes aren't a vegetable. At least don't kid yourself that there's any nutrition in it.

  • For my above post, click on my profile name for a before and after image !!!

  • Not as must as meat

  • +9

    "But I stopped eating year-round fruits. I stopped getting sick. My sleep quality improved. Constant energy all the time. Maybe my overall health improvement coincided with stopping consuming ultra-processed junk."

    You're most likely fructose intolerant. Some of those year round fruits are high in fructose which ferments and gives you gi disturbances.

    Your overall health improved with stopping to eat ultra processed junk.

    "Edit: 80% of my diet consists of meat and eggs and butter. I am in no way implying fruits and veggies are bad. Just asking are they overrated."

    This is OK until you get colon cancer.
    We often don't hear feedback from these people as, well, they die.

  • +2

    I dont know if its a troll post or not, But there is some truth to some of what OP says. There are some diets which aim more at Fats and High protein and low carbs and do reduce some vegie intake but especially fruit intake due to the insulin spikes. I do know people who have gone on these diets and have not only lost a decent amount of weight, but more so found their bodies started to perform a lot better and have a lot more energy once the high levels of carb intake and insulin spikes were not around. I also have a couple of friends who have pretty crazy allergies including not being able to eat much in any decent quantity besides unflavoured cooked meat and a couple of other types of items.

    Possibly OP does have quite unique allergies as well as the energy is coming from avoiding the insulin spikes from carbs and his body is ketosis mode. Now I am not saying dont eat vegies or fruits, I enjoy both although I do have to say fruits arent as healthy for you all the time as what we used to believe. But just saying High protein, medium fat, low carb diets are around and they do work for a lot of people. And before farming which really only came about in a mass scale once Towns and Cities became a part of our society. Before that we were roving / roaming around in small clusters and hence we did have diets based more on protein and fat.

    • +1

      Actually, when on Keto / Carnivore, the body activates a process called gluconeogenesis.
      This is where the body takes stored fats from the body, converts its back to glucose and burns it. Thats where their low carb energy comes from. Its actually the natural reverse of the original process, where you eat carbs, sugars, proteins, fats ,the body makes insulin, which is the storage hormone and converts your food into fats for storage, and later energy when required. When insulin is present the body can only store fat, not burn it
      But in our so called healthy balanced diet there are now many many more carbs and sugars, so the insulin Cant turn off, and the fat just keeps building up and Cant be accessed.
      Thats why people on Low Carb / Keto / Carnivore diets can lose so much weight so fast. No or few carbs and sugars, so no insulin. They Can access their fat store - and burn it !!!!! Its such a natural process, and so obvious, unless you think sickly overweight and obese people is the right way in life.

      • This is not quite true. Most/many people on keto aim for "ketosis",for which the diet is coined. Ketosis is a separate state that differs from just using gluconeogenesis to produce glucose.

        During ketosis,the body is adapted to use ketones directly. Ketones are produced via a process called ketogenesis which is a completely separate metabolic pathway from gluconeogenesis.

  • +4

    I get what you're saying in regards to 'cave man diet' low in carbs… because they aren't naturally occurring out in the wild.

    But here's the thing, cave men didn't live to 100 plus. You can certainly survive on meat, eggs, and fat…. but if you want to live longer and more importantly have a good quality of life in your older years, VEGETABLES are a must.

    Anyone (like OP) who's kidded themselves that they aren't will regret those choices as they get older.

    I await the typical "sheeple" comment from him, but it doesn't change the facts. When most of the world thinks one way and you think a different way, and yet you think everyone else is wrong, there's a word for that. It's not enlightenment, it's called being DELUSIONAL.

    Joe Rogan wants listeners. Gullible sheep who think they know better than peer-reviewed scientific consensus. There's no conspiracy you twits!

    • +1

      I'd like to know the veggies and fruit that you eat that are the same as even 120 years ago. Everything that you eat has been cross breed for generations now to be bigger, sweeter, more attractive to look at, be resistant to chemicals they spray on them, be resistant to fungii and viruses. A quick check on veggies and fruits history will confirm this.
      No - its no conspiracy - its a fact.
      A quick check on your local shopping centre will confirm yes, there are no overweight people, and everybody is healthy… Yup, nothing to see here , bad health, its a conspiracy. The low fat, high carb and sugar diet introduced 50 years has been a huge success.

      • +1

        Wow… so many pointless and terrible links that mean nothing to the topic at hand. So you think genetically modified fruits and vegetables are the cause of overweight people (in shopping centres and everywhere else)?

        And nowhere did anyone anywhere in this thread say that "low fat, high carb and sugar diet introduced 50 years has been a huge success". That's your narrative to try and prove a ridiculous notion that fruit and vegetables are bad for you.

        And that's the trick with rubbish like this. You all make absolutely ludicrous claims with no scientific or logical basis, and then throw in a smattering of truth to give it credibility. It's pathetic.

        • Look at the types of foods that people eat, based on rice, wheat pastas and breads, potatoes and tomatoes. They werent even in the majority of the worlds diets a few hundred years ago. They were in specific areas of the world. They were used for one purpose only - keep peasant workers alive, working and stop them from starving to death. They were never there for good health reasons - that was irrelevant. Still if you want to go on pretending that the veggies and fruits have some magical properties, then go on believing it.
          Im basing my thoughts on works done by many doctors, surgeons, researchers and scientists who after all these years can see that things have got worse not better.
          Im also using my own results, my friends results based on weight loss and proven bloodwork. Why don't you get off your Pathetic high horse, and since your so clever, give us all some actual facts about yourself and others who have come back from obese states with bad blood work.
          Some Refs groups to check - "Low Carb Down Under" , " Diet Doctor" " TEDx talks, Keto" groups for starters. Lots of actual
          scientific facts not cheap talk.

  • +2

    Nutritionally, fruits are overrated. Not vegetables though.

  • +1

    A few things you might want to consider:

    1. You are headed for bowel / colon cancer with that diet
    2. Joe Rogan is a conspiracy theorist who is dishonest and has had a lot of his theories proven wrong, but I can't tell you what to believe
    3. The Mediterranean diet is proven to be the best diet and promotes a longer, healthier life. It contains a lot of vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruit, etc.
    4. You believe Doctors don't know anything so you're not going to be open to proper health advice. That's dangerous. I implore you to do some reading outside of Google and conspiracy theories so you don't suffer later in life (if not already)

    Best of luck to you.

    • +1

      100% this!

      But I guess the flipside is all these conspiracy theorists won't live longer, will pass on worse genes to their offspring, and will by themselves solve the problem.
      That's why I support their antivax stance too. Most of the deaths in the US occurred in states who supported Trump. That's not only a reduced voter base, but less imposition on the economy as they get older (because they've died sooner).

      You know what, I've changed my mind. OP I SUPPORT YOU! Keep eating just meat, eggs, and fat. It's the perfect solution for all of us! :)

      • +2

        It's sad that humanity has ended up this way if you think about it; believing in silly, insane ramblings of known conspiracy theorists over peer reviewed studies.

        Everytime I watch "Idiocracy" I realise more and more that it is a documentary more than it is a comedy!

        I blame social media for the most part. I remember people used to say "Did you read that on Facebook?" as a term to describe false news disguised as fact and now people literally cite social media sources to back their claims!!

        Education is the answer, which is why I spend so much money on my kids' education.

        • +1

          Another 100% for you good sir! Trump proved that Idiocracy is indeed a very accurate doco!

          • +2

            @UFO: My wife works with cancer patients…. funnily, none of those surgeons, doctors, nutritionists, etc. recommend much meat, if at all!

            Most of them are vegans or vegetarians and they will flat out tell you there is a direct link between these diets and the most common cancers in Australians.

            I can't fathom not eating meat (I love it!!), but I'm certainly not blind enough to believe eating it frequently or in large quantities and not eating vegetables is good for my health.

            Then again, I eat balanced, I don't eat much sugar, I control my portions, I eat quality food, I mostly cook at home, I don't drink much more than the odd wine with dinner maybe once a month and I exercise regularly.

            My grandparents on both sides ate a Mediterranean diet and all lived to over 95… my grandmother here is still alive at 94 and has never eaten much meat at all (she doesn't like it). She lives independently, has her wits about her and still tends to her garden , cleans, goes shopping, etc. without assistance. My grandad dies of complications during routine surgery and even he was still doing regular manual work before he died.

            I'll admit, this is an interesting thread to read. So many interesting points of view!

  • 100%…. Big farmer pulling strings, sponsoring studies.

    • +1

      Big Pharma blames meat for its scams and failings. Authorities use balanced diet nonsense to cover up their diet advice. People are eating exactly as Authorities and doctors are saying, but still suffering from chronic diseases.

      • +1

        People are eating exactly as Authorities and doctors are saying


        • Aren't you eating exactly

      • Was meant to be a play on words, replacing the well known Big Pharma conspiracy with "Big Farmer" (because it sounds similar) i.e the people who produce fruit and veg.

  • Yes and no. It's actually been a very interesting thread to read through so thank you for the prompt if nothing else. I really don't see it as a troll post.

    I think your OP has some merit, there are some sugars in some of the fruits you've mentioned, apples, oranges, bananas, these could definitely impact blood sugar and give more highs and lows throughout the day which skipping is leading to the "constant energy" you're feeling. As for veggies I'm not sure, depends how many and how often. If you were eating carrots as a snack for example it could have the same effect as those fruits.

    At the same time I'd be surprised if adding some tomato, mushroom, brocolli (ed: or greens) to your meat based diet would have blood sugar impact that would make you feel worse throughout the day. There are vitamins and nutrients in these relatively low calorie vegetables that it would be hard to say would make you feel unwell.

    As others have pointed out you are essentially on a keto diet, particularly with the lack of carbs. The long-term health impact is very unstudied. I don't believe as some people are saying here that it will cause cancer, we don't know what causes cancer. But being in a ketogenic state for an extended period of time may have long term impacts we are simply not aware of yet. As a people we have not had the opportunity to eat a solely meat based diet and realistically, the vast majority still do not.

    You simply can't preserve a cut of meat as cheaply or easily as you can preserve near any kind of fruit or vegetable, and that's not even considering mass production.

    While the diet may work for health benefits, there is still a long way to go where it is an achievable diet for anywhere near the majority. Factory farmed meat has its own concerns and if more people did start jumping on the bandwagon who knows what other impacts that might have in terms of viral disease spread. Joe Rogan is very specific when he says he sustainably hunts his meat, unless you are going to that effort (and if you are mad props) then there are definitely ethical concerns.

    So there's just something to add to the discussion, are fruits and veggies overrated? Very well could be, I'm no expert and it will be thanks to people like you staying in ketosis for extended periods of time that we will learn the answer to that in the coming decades. But from a societal food production point of view? Probably not.

    • I think your OP has some merit, there are some sugars in some of the fruits you've mentioned, apples, oranges, bananas, these could definitely impact blood sugar and give more highs and lows throughout the day which skipping is leading to the "constant energy" you're feeling. As for veggies I'm not sure, depends how many and how often. If you were eating carrots as a snack for example it could have the same effect as those fruits

      I don't see fruits having any negative effects on me. I am doing OMAD for 4.5 years. My blood sugar levels are very stable. I ate a lot of fruits in my life before, so I stopped eating them now. But I will be waiting for summer to enjoy Mangoes almost every day.

      At the same time I'd be surprised if adding some tomato, mushroom, brocolli (ed: or greens) to your meat based diet would have blood sugar impact that would make you feel worse throughout the day. There are vitamins and nutrients in these relatively low calorie vegetables that it would be hard to say would make you feel unwell.

      I can't eat veggies (broccoli, kale) anymore because I lost my taste for them. If I eat a simple veggie meal now my bowel movements will go haywire because my microbiome got adjusted to this new normal.

      As others have pointed out you are essentially on a keto diet, particularly with the lack of carbs. The long-term health impact is very unstudied. I don't believe as some people are saying here that it will cause cancer, we don't know what causes cancer. But being in a ketogenic state for an extended period of time may have long term impacts we are simply not aware of yet. As a people we have not had the opportunity to eat a solely meat based diet and realistically, the vast majority still do not.

      No, what I eat is not a keto diet. The Keto diet is a restrictive diet. I eat more like LCHF. I eat rice. Of course, it will not cancer. even though I don't eat a Keto diet I will be in the ketogenic state most of the time because I do a lot of fasting. Agriculture is very recent like 2500 years ago. Before that we never had grains or veggies or fruits as we know it today. So eating meat isn't new but the other way is new.

      You simply can't preserve a cut of meat as cheaply or easily as you can preserve near any kind of fruit or vegetable, and that's not even considering mass production.

      We are in a lucky country. We got fresh meat every day and everybody can afford it.

      • Dude. It depends how you eat your fruits and that will impact your blood sugar. It's far too simplistic to say that you eat fruits and mangoes and it shoots your blood sugar up.

        What else are you eating? How are you eating them? Usually having fruits with their skin gives you more fibres which slows the blood sugar rush.

        Now if you're adamant on eating only meat, it's your life

  • -1

    Can anyone please translate what this OP is saying??

    So he stopped eating veges and fruits because he likes the taste of them. Then he stopped getting sick. Then he stopped eating highly processed food? What is this guy saying???

    Sounds like he's souped up on sugar or something…

    • No one really knows.

    • Edited description. No wonder why people are taking it wrong.

  • +1

    Are Veggies and Fruits Overrated?

    Only if you overrate them.

  • +1

    If OP ate any/more veggies and fruits, this thread wouldn't exist.

  • +1

    Most of the supporters of this thread have more in common with cavemen than we give them credit for…

  • You're such a troll. Do the mac do only diet my friend. I'll love to see the results

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