50% off Watch, Tablet and Data Plan fees for 12 months
5 GB for $7.50 monthly
30 GB for $12.50 monthly
60 for $22.50
100 for $30
50% off plan fees: New or existing consumer services who purchase or recontract via the My Optus App to 1. a tablet or watch on a device payment plan with an Optus Choice Data Plan or Optus Choice Connected Watch Plan or 2. an Optus Choice Data Plan will receive 50% off the monthly Optus Choice Data Plan or Optus Choice Connected Watch Plan fees for 12 months. Excludes Business customers. Not available with other discount offers unless specified. Discount forfeited if you cancel or move to an ineligible plan. This offer is available in selected channels only. Maximum of 5 discounts per billing account. Available until withdrawn. Discount will apply from second payment cycle.
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Reverts to standard price after 12 months… I have 2X $35 plans with my Missus which continue every year for this price. We have 100GB between us. What about existing plans? Both are out of contract.