Fuel Savings Gone Wrong

Have you ever tried to save a bit but unintentionally messed up?

I did my car wash today at auto car wash and used the combo fuel discount offer with car wash, I have also filled Jerry can for my lawn mower to make use of offer.
Jerry can cap was broken and it slightly spilled in the boot. In the process of cleaning, few stains on the car exterior, bought a cleaner, it worked.


  • +20

    " tried to save a bit "
    "car wash today at auto car wash"
    does not compute

    • Used to do manual car wash, felt like brush is harsh on paint. I like the rubber thing in auto car wash, it is more paint friendly and gentle.

      • +10

        I like the rubber thing in auto car wash, it is more paint friendly and gentle.

        This is wrong. Unless it's a touchless wash that uses water pressure, I wouldn't let it anywhere near your paint. Even the touchfree ones use strong chemicals that will strip wax and sealants much faster than a regular handwash if done correctly.

        felt like brush is harsh on paint

        Buy a new mitt. I recommend a lambwool or similar.

        • I will try it next time.

      • All the autophiles hand wash their cars, why would you think a machine wash was better?

    • Funny story
      Pity its true

  • I blame your Hybrid car. Or daylight saving ending.

    https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/sca-sca-36v-lawn-mower/6… for $149. No ̶f̶u̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ fooling around.

    • Good price, but 2ah isn’t going to run for long.

      • Good price, but SCA mower isn't going to work for long.


  • +4

    If you were Takumi driving a 86, none of the fuel would have spilled.

  • +4

    No need to mop up spilt fuel. If you simply throw a lit match in there, it'll all burn up/evaporate in no time!

    • -1

      could the car catch on fire? or will the petrol burn up before the carpet in the boot has a chance to start burning?

      • +7

        I was just kidding! Don't do it unless you want to see the fire brigade! haha

        • I wont be surprised if the person somehow didn't manage to see fire brigade (aka died before seeing it due to a stupid act)

        • +6

          Never underestimate the capacity for human stupidity….this actually happened a year ago.

          • @zathras: Wow, just wow…

          • @zathras: I have seen something similar myself. When I was younger, a bunch of us used to hang out at a mates place. Down at the garage one of my best mates was just sitting on his motorbike with the rest of us standing around talking crap. He popped the gas cap to see how much fuel he had, couldn't see because it's a bit dark in the tank, so without thinking used his zippo to have a peek. Fuel caught fire, everyone bolted except him who was straddling it. After a couple of flustered attempts from him to blow it out he got the gas cap and put it back on and it extinguished it.

            No damage done to the bike so not nearly as bad as the guy in the video.

  • +4

    Honestly I’m surprised you drive a hybrid but own a petrol lawn mower

    • +2

      Still using the old petrol one, looking to
      replace with the electric when petrol one stops working.

      • That is my current philosphophy too. I currently use a 1980s era Victa 2-stroke I got for free off a workmate who was moving interstate 21 years ago.
        I've been waiting for it to die for the last 20 years… I'm willing to bet the stupid thing will probably outlive me….

    • Ma g mowers are hybrid. Blades driven by petrol, motion by human.

  • What does fuel savings have to do with this? You filled a jerry can that leaked due to broken cap.

    • +1

      There is combo offer, I can save 14c per litre if I combine fuel fill with the car wash.

      • +1

        So what does that have to do with the fuel spillage?

        • I think, OP’s Fuel saving attempt being the causation of the chain of events.

  • +1

    Ok…. I have to ask… how much was the car wash? How much fuel did you put in in total (car+jerry) and the 14¢/l discount was all up, or on top of another discount? What was the price of fuel at regular price?

    • +1

      Very likely penny wise, pound foolish.

      • +2

        It sounds like the sucker bets at the fuel station where if you buy $5 worth of shit you get an extra 2¢~4¢ off/litre and it works out as a negative. You have to spend that $5 to save $1.20.

        • +1

          That used to work well when you could buy Woolworths milk at supermarket prices. Provided you are buying what you NEED at a price difference less than the discount off your fuel you are in front (by a tiny bit).

  • Jerry can cap was broken and it spilled almost 3 litres in the boot

    Learnt your lesson on securing your load. I have a boot liner with raised edges for spills. I'd put that jerry in a plastic container. Fuel spills are dangerous. Lucky it didn't catch fire.

    • Thanks, going to get a boot liner with raised edges soon.

  • +1

    you are lucky to have caught this issue in time OP

    • Yeah, all spilled petrol got collected in spare tyre well, it looks like a leak proof space in the boot. Hopefully the smell will go soon.

  • -1

    The amount of swirls you now have will by huge!

    While the sponges might be soft, have you ever seen anyone cleaning them? Guaranteed dirt, rocks etc is trapped in it, scratching your car with every pass.

  • Inb4: Immaculate condition. A1 mechanical. Car recently deep cleaned, including spare tyre. No issues or funny smells.

  • and your owning up to all this lol

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