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Free Sandwich, Iced Tea and Self-Esteem Boost - Australian Red Cross Pirie Street Adelaide


Get a free sandwich and drink when you donate blood at the Adelaide Red Cross + save someone else's life and maybe even your own.

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  • +4

    Don't you always get a free sandwich and drink when you donate blood?? I know we do here. I usually have a salad roll + chocolate milkshake.

    • Last time I went it was Pizza, Sausage Rolls, Party Pies and a slice of cake.

      Didn't have milkshakes =(.

      • You had all of those? Wow!

  • i wish i could still donate blood… was going fine with whole blood + plasma donations very regularly until i started feeling faint. got blacklisted! :(

    • Completely blacklisted? It may just been your iron levels, eat more red meat and see how you go! Also, possibly have a blood test, there may be something else happening…

      Donate blood, and if you get fed (which you always do) then it's a bonus! I love it when they have muffins!

    • +2

      Faint feelings are normally a sign of not having had enough liquids before hand.

    • eating more red meat isnt an option as im a vegetarian… my iron levels are above average though, so thats not the problem

      neither is liquids, had 2L of water beforehand

      oh well..

  • +1

    That's pretty good, better than that other deal. Self-Esteem fetches a pretty high price on Ebay

  • -7

    I am used to getting paid 23 Euros per donation including sandwiches, cake, yoghurt, juices etc!!! Not a deal for me :-)

    • +19

      I think you're confusing this with sperm donations at Amsterdam's Red (Light) Cross?

      • -6

        No, that would be about 200 Euros!!!! Not sure about your Amsterdam reference

  • +7

    I know giving blood is a good thing, but this really isn't a bargain, it's just advertising… You always get food whenever you give blood.

    • +4

      There's been a surge of posts about Blood related deals. I think it's a good thing. Nothing beats kicking back, with the feet up, having a pint of the good old red.

      • +9

        if you are drinking other people's blood, you are doing it wrong!

  • My royal blood is worth more than a Sammich! I demand steak!

    • +3

      Actually that's not a bad idea to entice people with rare blood types to donate =D Lay em down afterwards for a rib-eye or parmie and chips =D

  • +4

    I give blood at freo but am changing to midland for my next donation, purely to see what the food is like…

  • -1

    I went yesterday in Newcastle and had some free juice beforehand and then a milkshake and Sausage rolls afterwards… its about the same everywhere. So not really a bargain

  • I used to donate when you could get a beer at Pirie Street. Last time I donated a few years ago they never offered beer.

    • +4

      Beer…? Beer is a diuretic…Would seem incredibly stupid to give beer unless you want people mass fainting outside your red cross station due to fluid loss :D

      Must've been during good old days where I use to carry a sword and shield around :)

      • +1

        Geez it wasn't that long ago, maybe 5 years.

        I remember tho in the good ol' days (circa 1995) I had 2 Coopers Sparkling Ales (5.8% alc) - when I asked for the second one they did make sure I wasn't driving - I needed a 2nd beer as I was waiting for a person who was a 1st time donor.

        Anyway, I always loaded up on water and juice before donating, and had a beer and a sandwich after. That was my routine and I never fainted.

        If there is no beer on offer anymore then they don't get my selfish blood :P

      • +1

        ah yes, those were the days. ceasar was a good leader! and the knights would offer you a beer for your eldest daughter… hmmm robinsoa, i think you got played!

        • Thinking about it, I think that was like a rogue red cross haha! Wouldn't you need a service of alcohol license to give out beer?

          Haha yeah I think most people would be okay but I'm sure a lot of my friends would faint. 45kg female with low alcohol tolerance? Instant knock-out I'd say :)

          Now that I think about it…they're probably knocking you out to steal more blood!

        • +1

          Fair call.
          Sadly I feel very unchivalrous wanting a beer in return for a donation.
          Sadly the knights young children that used to get my blood (as it is anti CMV negative or something like that) now miss out.
          Just because some do gooder did away with the beer for blood swap.

  • +8

    Are they still refusing donations from people who lived in the UK in the 90s?
    Honest, I feel perfectly …. MMMOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    • +2

      LMAO! Gold!!

  • +2

    Bah you people should be doing this for free! You can save life's! Don't be greedy and share some bloody sakes lol

    • +5

      I don't want sake, I want beer.

  • not a deal, been always free, should be moved to forums. Don't get me wrong, donated whole blood in adelaide dozen of times. And as far as I know sandwiches are there in the morning, just cookies in the afternoon.

    • +1

      Have donated blood in Adelaide recently & second everything the above poster stated. This is not a bargain. Should be moved to the forum area.

  • Donating blood is great, but you always get free food when you do it. Cannot neg it, as it is raising awareness, but is NOT a bargain and doesn't belong here. You're not really getting it for free either, you're donating blood!

    • +4

      Literally paying for food in blood and tears (if they happen to prick you in the wrong place).

  • +1

    Now he wants beer for blood donation lol

  • They probably want blood that isn't gonna make the recipient completely drunk as soon as it enters their system

  • Last time i donated all I got was a tiny sealed packet of sesame crackers. This is better :thumbsup:

    Its alright through, it fit right in with the cold, fluorescence-lit sterile atmosphere they had going. But a squashed Vegemite sandwich and some cold stale tea won't bring me back into that vampires den.

    • Are you sure the place you donated at was legit? Red cross donor centres are notoriously nice places.

  • I want free food so I'm going to donate…

  • i donate 2 months ago and got double smiling cow cheese + crackers and milk shaker

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