Spotted this deal on BestAussieMarkdowns
Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Varieties $5.75 (Was $11.50) @ Coles
Spotted this deal on BestAussieMarkdowns
Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Varieties $5.75 (Was $11.50) @ Coles
Fill ya belly with frozen lard
Does it mean no decent deal @ Coles from the upcoming week?
Great Deal!
How many vaxxes required for Coles?
Rent free.
Haagen Dazs is great ice cream, but sadly is owned by Nestle.
I do. (profanity) Nestle
Every company has done something wrong .
I don't give a shit .
I know CottonBallClub member's are concerned though .
@popsiee: Hmm I get where you're coming from with that. If it tastes good, why care about who owns it 🤷♂️
@Zackeroo: Are they still doing what they did wrong or not ?
If they are there might be concern rather than people pissed off forever for some past mistake .
@popsiee: Fair enough. I don't know what they did wrong in the first place, but as long as it hasn't affected the food (price or taste), frankly, I don't care.
Every company has done something wrong
I doubt there's any company with products on grocery isles that come close to Nestle's level of wrong though, lol. Eitherway, consumer's choice, buy or don't buy, I could care less what others do.
@[Deactivated]: On a side note, looked up nestle on google news for old times' sake, and interestingly enough one of their frozen pizzas killed 2 kids in France 2 days ago and reportedly infected several others with E coli from poor factory sanitary conditions.
@popsiee: Just out of curiosity, do the members of this club overreact and throw tiny man tantrums every time somebody says something bad about a corporation, because they take it as a personal attack on their consumer choices and that triggers them?
It's just that you seem to know all about them
@GrueHunter: I think you've got that back-to-front… Seems this guy doesn't give a damn and will be eating said ice cream while the rest of you try to locate the woke alternative. Good luck.
Is General Mills owned by Nestle?
No General Mills is a public company.
Could be worse, could be (profanity) Ben & Jerry's
What have they done that's worse than Nestle?
Hyper woke @#$eholes.
@Grok: Seems like you're incredibly irrational if you think a company taking social positions on good things is worse than one that actively kills and harms people en masse. Fact that you think that's worse than Nestle demonstrates your sub-zero IQ
@WinstonWithAY: Yes I should take all my ethical cues from an ice cream company owned by a huge multinational company.
The same with the life lessons I have learned from my shaving supplies company.
Thanks to Unilever and Procter & Gamble, I will be a better man.
@Grok: No, you're unintelligent since you think what Ben and Jerry's does is worse than what Nestle does.
@WinstonWithAY: Oh, FFS.
"My corporation can beat up your corporation any day of the week, mate."
The reality is B&J likely don't give a rats arse about anything woke. They simply did the numbers and decided that it was a good advertising campaign for their brand. It's kinda genius, really. I saw them use the murder of a man to push their brand out on twitter. For free. 10s of thousands of RTs. Bet their marketing people got bonuses.
Nestle did the same calculation and decided that what they did wasn't going to cost them more than they made from doing it. A fine, if any, is just the price to be able to do something bad.
Corporations are /not/ virtuous. They are, generally, psychopathic in nature.
@the discombobulated panda: I'm not defending any corporation champ. Saying Nestle is better than B&J is an absurdly stupid statement, that's what I was pointing out. Sam the genius thinks that because B&J supports social justice causes they are worse than Nestle who harms and kills people. Also, B&J's founders have a history of supporting such causes, which makes me more likely to think its genuine.
Also, the idea all corporations are equally terrible is wrong simply due to the fact that they have different sizes and power to do shitty things
No it isn’t! It’s owned by General Mills internationally (or Froneri in USA/Canada)
Ah. Froneri is owned by Nestle (wikipedia) but Gen Mills seems independent from them so thats cool.
and it’s made in france …… i love the belgian chocolate …..
if you have problems with nestle your options in the realms of coffee or ice cream or chocolate will be limited.
Tastes similar to milo icecream
Lol don’t remember being that quick post for a coles Woolies
But why Haagen-Dazs?
Are these manufactured in Australia?
I tried it once, but it wasn't anywhere near as nice as when I had it in HK/Singapore.
But it originated from the Bronx in USA and the guy just made up a nonsense name that sounded Danish so they could charge over $20 a litre.
I tried this a few weeks ago and didn’t really understand why it costs so much, to me it’s just as good as connoisseur
What was that ice cream brand that used to come in a clear tub with rounded corners?
No, it was like a 700mL tub I think, or maybe 1.1L. Kind of like a lunchbox size. And the ice cream in it looked like it had been pumped out of three big nozzles on a machine.
All natural contents and less air whipped into Hagen dasz than most other brands. Results in a richer, creamier ice cream. It also has only natural ingredients milk eggs cream and sugar. Connoisseur on the other hand like most mass produce ice creams has thickeners, gums etc etc.
This. I was stunned when I compared the simple ingredients of Häagen-Dazs versus Connoisseur which is full of artificial crap.
Agreed about the less air being whipped in.
I wouldn’t be so worried about Gums as they commonly used in ice cream game as emulsifiers & stabilisers in lieu of eggs. These are generally naturally produced etc.
For example Gelato Messina use gums rather than eggs on their gelatos.
That being sent Mass produced ice creams probably also have some preservatives etc that people try and avoid.
The lower overrun is the biggest thing. Most thickeners and gums are pretty natural anyway coming from plants mostly. When you start making ice cream you quickly realise you can add half a carton or more eggs (yolks) to a batch or you can begin to dabble in gums and get great results.
They are super powerful though. You almost need a jewellers scale for some of them at the 1 litre batch size. I get people to dab a dry finger in the powder and then wet it under a tap and watch them freak out. Instant ghostbusters sorta slime that takes a while to rinse off.
i like the connoisseur belgian chocolate which is great value, but have the häagen-dazs belgian cola olathe as a bit of treat when 1/2 price , it’s nicer but not twice as nice base on costing double connoisseur per litre ….
Hope to stock up on the mango raspberry flavoured ones (Sara-Lee's mango passionfruit and white choc flavour is pretty good, but there's definitely a difference in favour of the Haagen-Dazs). How do the other flavours stack up? I haven't really tried any other flavours besides one time going to a Haagen-Dazs ice cream shop in Asia, but don't remember what flavours I chose back then.
Last time I went 3-4 days in and only the unpopular flavours were left .
This time I going in early and filling the whole trolley and chest freezer to the brim with top flavours .
What flavours do you guys buy?
Choc chip cookie dough and strawberry cheesecake for me…
There was an espresso flavour one a while back, the best supermarket ice cream I've ever tasted.
@MrMaxwell: Ahh I see…
Seems that Coles don't stock them (unless it's just my local?) - these are the only flavours that show on their site for me.
Mango raspberry and Salted Caramel and chocolate. In that order.
I love the salted caramel myself, although there isn’t a flavours of theirs I don’t enjoy.
The Salted Caramel is pretty damn good. They add some salted caramel sauce to the base then use some in a ribbon and have a few bits of brittle thrown in (thin coating of coconut oil I think to prevent it dissolving so it is still crispy).
Good enough that with some help from the internet we worked out the recipe and added it to our list of favs to make.
Over half your daily calories in every tub.
Guess then should probably eat less than a whole tub :D
Or eat two
Or just eat a whole less that day to balance it out.
I don't think that's even possible. Unless you're some kind of maniac.
Does anyone actually put one of these tubs down in one hit?
Damn they're good, I'll be in there Wed morning.
Yes. Frequently.
nope , they are only 470ml ….i will eat the contents in one session.
Good lord. It literally takes me 3 months to finish one of their tubs.
Currently finishing off their strawberry and cream one. A mite too sweet. Still prefer the vanilla but might go grab a mango one to try. Maybe.
Is it Australian made? If not, I won't be buying it
why not use google and find your own answers?
One can’t humblebrag with google, you need an audience.
Needs to be 100% too. Not 1 less.
Their Vanilla cannot be beat. It’s so good.
Only 4 ingredients which is rare these days.
speculoos flavour is unreal!
Price is $11.50 in S.A……..
6–11 Apr In 2 days
OK Thanks
I suggest everyone tries the box of 4 Fruit flavours when they're half price….Fantastic flavours! Much better than Connoisseur icecream…
We make our own blueberry and strawberry ice cream, using vanilla as a base. Just use around 5 table spoons of Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream and one cup of frozen berries in the blender. We get the most delicious healthiest ice cream you can possible get! Try it yourself. And It becomes not as sweet anymore!
People in this thread m8 are after quality ice cream .
Believe me your stuff is no where near .
Yesterday had only flavours I wasn't interested in and very few left of those. Today, not a single one of any flavour. Will start calling it Haagan Not (there).
I just tried the mango and raspberry one and it's delicious!!
Watermarking Coles marketing property….?