I received an email from Razer this morning advertising their HyperSense Suit
…a highly-advanced, full-body gaming suit powered by Razer™ HyperSense haptic technology.
My first thought was “”What the…??”, then I checked the date…
I received an email from Razer this morning advertising their HyperSense Suit
…a highly-advanced, full-body gaming suit powered by Razer™ HyperSense haptic technology.
My first thought was “”What the…??”, then I checked the date…
🙇 for asking.
I now know why the oil is yellow.
That's actually legit; people were posting about it to their Instagram stories yesterday
Shame I was playing a gig saturday night!
Don't worry it's sold out / registration closed long before. Lol
"The first reservations are available for April 1st. But this totally isn’t an April Fools thing."
the end
It's only the beginning…
that we getting extra this tax return
only low income earners.
Sad there's no April Fool's announcements anymore on OzBargain!
Too hard to distinguish from clownworld 'reality' these days.
Sad there's no April Fool's announcements anymore on OzBargain!
Maybe that’s the joke.
It fooled everyone looking for it…
Sad there's no April Fool's announcements anymore on OzBargain!
There was a thread titled 'SlavOz gets Vaccinated', but it was removed because it didn't fool anyone…
Where is Levity?
Bad accident apparently…
OZBargain: iPhone 13 Pro Max for $999 delivered.
Hard core OZbargainer: I need to consult with Jon Prosser
That would actually be awesome…
I miss the Cadbury Vegemite blocks… They should have made them permanent…
University of Melbourne are introducing school uniforms to ease transition from high school to university life…
Are you sure its an April Fools Day joke?
After all this was the university that gave Bruce Pascoe a professorship, and promotes him as an expert, even after pretty much everyone else has accepted his claim to aboriginality is fake, and the book (Dark Emu) his fame is based on quotes that are either faked or taken out of context. Aboriginals are saying he's a fake. Academics are debunking his book and what's in it. The ABC has backed away from making a program about his book. That has all made the University of Melbourne a joke, even when its not April 1.
after pretty much everyone else has accepted his claim to aboriginality is fake
Everyone has the right to identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander.
No proof is required.
Fuel Prices
50% off All APPLE Devices hurry i need 10 words
20% off ebay sales!
SCOMO's federal budget
Omega X Swatch
Giving free royal easter show tickets to kids 5-11 that get jabbed at Homebush has to be a Aprils fools joke.
I hope they open a Bowdens car petting cafe near me soon.
RTX 3080 for RRP
As a follow-up to this week's 2022 Federal Budget, the Government has today announced the application of a capital gains tax on second-hand car sales.
The 'LandCruiser Levy' will apply to all vehicles sold at a price above their agreed value, based on conditions of the market prior to 1 April 2020. This removes any inflated pricing the second-hand car market has endured over the past 24-months.
Do you think this a way of the government trying claw back the billions they have spent/promised or is it a way to stabilise the used car market.
I also wonder how they would track this? The ATO will now have access to registration information.
Sounds like a cash grab to me.
See more information here - Federal Government to impose capital gains tax on used car sales
Note: The article above was written on 1st April.
Tony Gouger from the Fringe Offset Opportunity Liasion department of the Federal Treasury noted "the responsibility of the Government is to identify every opportunity where Australians are able to turn a profit and clip the ticket on the way through."
Happy April fools. Except it's now 3 April in Sydney.
Said so in the article.
UPDATE, 12:00pm, 01/04/22: Well done to our readers on seeing through this April Fool's Day joke. The original story can be found below.
LMAO for $186,450.
An example scenario noted a 2007 Toyota LandCruiser 79 Series ute (new price of $56,490) which has a pre-1 April 2020 price estimation of $27,400 being sold in the current market for $186,450.
One of their very few good ideas
They should be focused on home ownership. But unfortunately pollies have so many investment properties they are too corrupted to lower home prices.
That's… That's not a bad idea. But how would the "agreed value" of a house be determined?
There is already capital gains tax on houses that aren't a ppor.
I was referring to a much bigger issue. Maybe home ownership should be more treated as a right rather than a privilege & investment properties as highly privileged, to change the paradigm & consequently affect policy making
@Boogerman: Yes, seize the property of the bourgeoisie, redistribute it to the struggling underclass. You have my vote comrade, burn them at the stake!
@brendanm: Good thing there were so many mindless jobs in your low IQ era, otherwise you may have had to take up the offer of, free, university education
@Boogerman: I'm in my 30s, genius 😂. Looks like the money you spent on your arts degree was quite the waste.
@brendanm: Sure, gramps. Not only have you got Clive Palmer & her five daughters to look forward to in 6 weeks, you've also got the orange haired orangutan in a couple of years. Their sloganeering should be right up your alley!
@Boogerman: HAHAHAHAHAHA is the sound I’m trying not to make in the cubicle at the office right now reading your comments LMFAO.
Thanks for the entertainment hahahaha.
Maybe home ownership should be more treated as a right
Owning property is a human right.
Owning real property isn't.
Maybe home ownership should be more treated as a right
What is home ownership and how is it different to owning real property?
@rektrading: No, I see it the other way around (if there are only two options).
Owning a home should be a human right.
Owning (investment) property shouldn't be.
@Boogerman: People who think that now have the opportunity to do something about it in the upcoming election.
@rektrading: Labor have said they will introduce a federal ICAC - so ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, Labor would be more likely to introduce curbs on asset ownership.
And for posterity, Tony Abbott (that's LNP) removed the ban on pollies owning shares in public companies:
What do you think the IQ threshold is for recognising an April fools joke over actual legislation?
Voting should be weighted by IQ, scientific education & age.
Unfortunately, for the likes you, the consequences would mean the Missus Palmer & Her Five Daughters Party wouldn't even bother registering
@Boogerman: Yet it is you who couldn't spot an obvious April fools Day joke from a mile away. Really gets the noggin joggin.
@brendanm: Nah, I did. Unlike yourself I didn’t feel the need to nibble on intellectually low hanging fruit
@brendanm: Keep telling yourself that holding a conversation around the bbq is a legitimate prerequisite to a PhD in science
@Boogerman: Not sure what that has to do with you not understanding that this was a blatantly obvious April fools joke. That arts degree obviously didn't teach critical thinking.
@brendanm: Arts Degree??!! Funny, but totally expected, how you conservatives (& yes you are a conservative, Trumpster) gobble up that low hanging fruit that fairy floss media feeds you about progressives & their education. So what's your sewer rat of choice to tell you what to think, Alan Jones or Andrew Bolt?
@Boogerman: Haha, I don't actually listen to any of those things, I don't need others to tell me how to think about things.
Yes, arts degree. The thing that pseuds get, to make themselves think they are clever, even though it has no application in reality. Either that or a degree in gender studies.
@brendanm: LOL - Arts Degrees & Gender Studies. “I’m an informed individual!”. You really do gobble up what they feed you on Sky News. Lemme guess, cause Fat Clive is a self made billionaire, that makes him politician material? You know, if he can run a company, he can ‘run the country’. FFS.
@Boogerman: I think Clive is unhinged and only wants to enter politics to further his self interests. Nice attempt though 😂
About 200 given the way clownworld is these days. I have a brain the size of a planet and I've been fooled a number of times over the last few years. Every time I call peak stupid/evil on the human race some person or government goes and lowers the bar again. I've stopped calling it now but surely we must be close to the end by now?
There is a difference?
have you ever read the comments section on facebook for betoota advocate or the onion or any of the other satire news pages
there are plenty of boomers who are dense as shit who think its real
It was put forward as a suggestion to the ATO internally about 10 or so years ago but they turned their nose up at it thinking it wasn't worth it.
Like most things, they were wrong.
April fools joke it seems. I was fooled.
Shame on you
Is there some kind of irony in the fact that one of the few things in the budget that might actually help disadvantaged people is an April Fools joke?
Not sure many disadvantaged people are looking to buy a 200 series cruiser.
Some people believe cars are personal use assets but you need to show work they are. The avg Joe is safe. But it's clear flippers are engaged in a profit seeking motive and thus need to be accoutned for
Don't laugh yet.
The US feds have included a policy in the budget to collect CGT using the mark to market (MTM) method. It will be sold to lawmakers as a fair tax targeting the rich.
If the policy gets approved and it turns out to be successful then it would only be a matter of time before they lower the threshold to target all taxpayers.
It won't be hard to imagine the Australian feds adopting something similar if the opportunity presented itself.
While I'm not against the idea (assuming it's price above original sale price, not some arbitrarily made up depreciated govt value assigned to the car), that's an April fools joke
You buy a block of gold, it increases in price, you sell it…you pay CGT.
You buy a car, (drive it or don't drive it), if increases in price, you sell it….. ?
You buy a block of gold, it decreases in price, you sell it…you use these losses to pay less tax.
Would you also be OK with me claiming the depreciation of my personal vehicle against my income tax?
I cant see it work because what happens when you lose money on a car,which is the case 95% of the time.
Shhh don't give away the alternate benefit ;)
Imagine if you could claim all of your "investment" car's servicing expenses, repairs, etc!
I dunno -what about trades and real estate agents- dont they buy their vehicles claim tax then sell it without claiming a CGT?
charged only on those who voted labor!
or in a safe labor seat
if you dont like it buy another house in a liberal seat or… vote clive palmer
I sold all my Bitcoin because the EU just ban Bitcoin and it's crashing to zero.
It's back to working at 🍔.