Hi we've recently had a Stiebel Eltron 302h heat pump system installed to our house 2weeks ago and as someone who works away from home and wasn't there at the install I've just noticed on Sunday that there's damage inside the unit itself.
When you look through the grill like cover of the rear of the machine you can seen roughly over a 150mm area that many of the car radiator esq looking fins of the back of the fan unit has been pressed and bent inside .
I called the installer/Plumber first thing Monday morning 8am and he said it's nothing to do with him as it's internal and he didn't take that cover off to install it and didn't notice the damage inside until I showed him the pictures,which are roughly eye level for a 6 ft person.
So he called the Stiebel Eltron Perth Rep Monday morning and they'd get back to him about it, I heard nothing back so I called him lunchtime and he gave me the Stiebel Eltron Perth reps number,so I called her for an update and she said it's been passed above her head and she's waiting from a response from the Melbourne service manager
Got a text yesterday lunchtime from the Installer ,passing on the info from Stiebel Eltron that they would not be replacing the part, as it will not affect the operation of the unit so they feel no need to replace it at all!
This sounds pretty dubious as I'm pretty sure this is used to either trap heat or expel heat or somewhere along those lines.
I tried to call the Perth Rep couldn't get through ,so I called their service manager Melbourne and he said it was likely a machine or human did it in the assembly of the unit and it would cost too much for them to get a part or replace the whole unit as it's built in Europe and I'd have to live with it,best he will do is to send someone out to try straighten the fins out best they could and give an extra 3 year warranty on the specific part which I find mind boggling as I've spent just under $7000 including installation costs .
The whole units only have a 2 year warranty and I'm worried that it's a time bomb,plus the fact the thousands I've spent on it already this sounds like I'm being very short changed and fobbed off by them.
Any advice on my rights or the way forward? Should the installer be asked to foot the bill or the manufacturer? I believe I should be getting a new part at the least for this damage and expenditure. Like you wouldn't expect to buy a new car or a tv and have dents in it or a cracked but working screen on it and told to live with it ,you'd surely expect new parts at the least!
Very bewildered and frustrated by this,can' someone give me any advice on the best way forward ,many thanks 🙏
My uninformed opinion is you should get rectification from the installer, and they can get rectification from the manufacturer. You have no relationship with the manufacturer and to get a new unit installed you would need the installer to do something anyway. The installer should have to get compensation for the extra work from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer may tell the installer they will give no compensation for the extra work given they installed it without checking it, and they will have to do the extra work for free.
Please keep us informed as to the outcome whatever it is you choose to do, I'm interested and probably others will be too.