Best Cards for Overseas

Are Citibank and 28degrees still the best cards to take overseas (specifically the US)? Haven't travelled for a couple of years, like most people.

Also, are there any good options for loading up a foreign currency, and then withdrawing cheaply overseas?


  • +2

    28 Degrees card is great for overseas. However their customer service department feels like dealing with people from the movie Idiocracy.

    • Great card as a credit card for overseas.

      But if i'm not mistaken they don't have cheap/free withdrawal fees anymore?
      (Used to ages ago).

  • +1

    bankwest platinum credit card………

    citibank are terrible to deal with, deal with them if you must, but man they suck ass.

  • Wise

  • Highly recommend Bankwest Zero Platinum card for overseas travel and online purchases.

  • -2

    Best cards for overseas

    Birthday cards are nice.

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