Who's at fault?
Car 1 had reversed from their driveway into the 2 way street and had come to a complete stop behind Car 2.
Car 2 was parked in an angled car park and began reversing while Car 1 had momentarily stopped in the street after reversing to check their surroundings (for cars pulling out of parking spots) before driving off.
2-way street can be busy on weekends, with many 'weekend drivers' filling up all of the parking spaces (that are usually empty) to go to nearby market and avoid paying a small fee for parking. Usually reversing out of driveway is very easy, with no vehicles in the street.
Car 2 reverses very quickly, without checking blindspot and impacts with Car 1 while Car 1 was stationary.
Note: Car 2 has a large blindspot. Car 2 also appears to have damage from a similar incident on rear passenger door.
The time period that Car 1 was stationary to check surroundings and Car 2 had reversed and collided was approximately 1 second.
MS Paint & damage to Car 1 & 2:(imgur.com)
I only have 3rd Party insurance and the damage caused to my vehicle will likely be a higher cost than the car's value (as it's an imported Japanese car). My insurance have said that because the other party is at fault, I need to make a claim via their insurance. My policy only covers me in the event that the other party doesn't have insurance. However, they will defend against a claim from the other party's insurance, but this will cost me a lot in excess.
I uploaded high resolution photos of the damage to both cars. Maybe someone can determine which car was moving based on this.
Update 2:
I uploaded photos of the damage Car 1, as close as possible to show the paint. Maybe someone can determine which car was moving based on this.
Update 3:
My insurance advised to contact the other party, so that I can file a claim against their insurance (from the case number). Apparently the version of events that Car 2 told to their insurance was: 'they reversed from the parking spot and were about to drive off, Car 1 reversed into them"
I don't see how this is believable when the impact occurred between the rear of Car 1 to the drive-side rear of Car 2, while Car 2 was within the car space.
Update 4:
People have asked - why didn't I have comprehensive insurance?
Car 1 is a grey-import from Japan. Market value may be $6000. The quotes I received for comprehensive insurance for this car, was $3000 as it falls into the same category as a sports car. This is 50% the value of the car. 3rd party insurance was 5% the value of the car.
Update 5:
I'm going to contact my insurance company again and state that Car 2 has provided a different version of events to their insurer.