This was posted 2 years 11 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

MSI GTX1650 4GB Low Profile Video Card $249 Delivered @ Computer Alliance via Amazon AU

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as far as I can see not bad price for a low profile GPU if you want to convert a dell/lenovo desktop into a cheap epsorts rig,

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Computer Alliance

closed Comments

  • +33

    nature is healing…

    • +2

      Noob question, what is this in reference to?

      • +10

        The highly inflated graphics card prices over the last 2 years. Covid, Mining, Supply meant that some of these graphics cards were going for 2x RRP.

        Things are finally healing…

        • Thanks.

        • +2

          They're also still inflated from big crypto booms before that too :(

      • +2

        Refers to posts where it is observed that nature is returning to its natural state, usually when human activity has been removed. Here is an example of the effect of the pandemic and observations of nature.

        • I guess humans living unnaturally longer lives also counts.

    • +2

      Are miners the virus? 😳😳

      • +2


      • +1

        And crypto is the plague

        • +3

          Sorry grandkids, we trashed the planet and burned excess energy mining coins who's value crashed to 0 when we realised p2k encryption had been cracked

  • +3

    1 HDMI and 1 DVI isn't a great output selection

    • +5

      Not great but "adequate". Dual FHD or 4k+FHD. It's…adequate.

    • +2

      Yeah not great. Should have at least used DisplayPort instead of DVI

      • +5

        Mostly uneducated guess would be that LP cards are typically used for cheap office displays and HTPCs both of which are often hdmi rather than dp. Also dvi for cheap/old/backwards compatibility.

        • +2

          MSI skimped on the ports. Asus, Gigabyte and Zotac all have HDMI, DVI and DP on their LP 1650s.

        • Some office displays require DP to show 1440p

    • +7

      VGA connection or GTFO!

      • You're probably connected to your router by serial port too!

        • +1

          Router!? v.90 (56kbps) modem POWAH directly into my machine.

  • +10

    my username will check out here.. but this GPU + dell optiplex i5/i7 tower for casual fortnite/apex/rocket league, its really a steal for a $450 for a working gaming PC

    • +4

      It can even handle AAA titles if you adjust to lower graphical settings and maybe adjust the resolution.

      • +1

        ^^This guy understands stealing. Having said that, if someone was going to steal from me I would rather it be the guy that's silly enough to pay me.

        • +2

          Your PC is missing in the morning but there's a couple of hundred dollars left in it's place. Amateur thief!

    • Fortnite seems to be a lot harder to run these days.

  • +4

    Some nice outputs there… Amazon listing title states 1x Display port 1.4 and 1x HDMI right now but then you have a look and see that Jurassic DVI-D port poking out instead.

    Manufacturer website confirms 1x DVI-D + 1x HDMI

  • not posting to TAS

  • They really want to clear out old stock ASAP.

    • +3

      There isn't even a replacement for these, no sign of low profile cards for any RTX 2000 / 3000

      • +8

        Neither the RTX 3050 or the RX 6500 XT can run off just PCIe slot power. Rumours of next generation sound to be even more power hungry. The 1650 might be the last half-height gaming GPU.

        • +3

          I wonder if there was supposed to be a RTX 3040 or similar, but low yields / crazy demands made them decide to cancel it for more profitable cards.

          • +1

            @Merlict: Yeah no point in tooling up for a card that has low margins and no value to gamers or miners.

        • +6

          I reckon Intel will have you covered, their new GPU's seem to be targeting the low to medium end of the market, this market would probably really suit them.

      • +2

        There is technically are low profile 3000 cards, the RTX A2000/A4000. But what nVidia did was take a 3050/3070, lowered the clock speed to get the power usage down, put in more shaders to improve performance, slapped a "workstation" sticker on it and sell it $1-2k.

        nVidia could probably just release the mobile version of the 3050 in a LP desktop card, it's 75W, but they won't do that either because it would gut sales of their workstation cards.

  • +1

    Not a bad card for plex transcoding

  • GTX1650 Super are WAY faster :) .. Great card if you need something to run off the 75W PCIe power only.

    • +5

      3090s are way faster too, they're different products. The 1650 (non-super) is currently the fastest you can get in Low Profile.

      • +3

        GTX1650 = Cores 896 + GDDR5

        GTX1650 Super = Cores 1,280 + GDDR6 gives it 50% faster memory

        Just making sure no one gets these two mixed up.. its pretty scummy that Nvidia gave it the SAME NAME! with an S at the end because the other 2000 series super cards are no where near as much of an upgrade as this one was.…

        • Thought current 1650s (not super) have GDDR6….

        • While I do think Super sounds stupid, it's no different to Ti models, or AMD using XT for some, or Intel using K, F, S, T for CPUs with the same model number. Unlike the GT 1030, where the difference in performance from the different variants is double.

  • Will a 240W Psu be able to handle this?

    • +2

      That's really pushing it, but people on reddit etc seem to make it work.

    • +1

      Let me guess, optiplex bronze 240W?

      I have an old 990 SFF with that psu running a Gigabyte 1050Ti LP, its the better performing one, has the same 75 watt 300 PSU recommended rating as this 1650, been running it since 2017, SSD, maxed ram and all USB ports were used regularly.

      Check the max wattage of your CPU but I'm quite certain you'd be fine, mines 65 Watts.

      Really hoping a 3050/Ti LP or something comes out.

    • Depends on how many amps on the 12V rail and the quality of the PSU ie it's ability to continuously handle near max power draw and ability to handle spike currents.

      Send us a picture of the PSU label and we'll be able to tell.

  • Can this run the latest games at 1080p with mid settings ?

    • -1

      NO… Elder ring would probably shug at under 30FPS.. Low settings would be the only option for most new games if not all to maybe get over 30FPS

      This card is slower then a RX570, 1650 Super and these are very old cards

      • +2

        First of all, it's Elden Ring, and second of all, you're just plain wrong.

        Playable, even at max settings.

        • +1

          AMD RX6600 8GB can only get the same frame rates..

          • @vid_ghost: It's almost as though CPU and game optimization count when it comes to FPS.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: oh i see. i just looked it up the games capped at 60FPS.. thats strange for people wanting to play on 144hz in 2022 that's a few gamers

    • +1

      It will run most recent things fine at 1080p medium settings

    • This seems to be worse than a 1060 3gb according to benchmarks, and the 1060 is my budget card pick from like 5 years ago.

      • +1

        Yeah, a 1060 beats a 1650. At the time of release a 1060 was a midrange card. A 1650 is an actual budget/entry-level GPU.

      • Thanks, I might wait for a deal on 3050 then.

  • Funny, not deliverable outside Brisbane Area (guessing metro / no regional areas)

  • Cutomers also bought (yeah I doubt it Amazon…)…

    • They bought the product, not paid that price.

  • +1

    What sort of games would be playable on these cards, and what sort of fps would be achievable?

    • +1

      Almost everything is playable. Just expect 30fps at lowest in heavier AAA games. Halo infinite, for example, barely able to stay 60fps in low - medium.

      • I play warzone on it. Can get a steady 60fps in medium settings 1440p

      • +2

        I see. Didn't think it would do 1440p. Thanks.

      • +1

        Awesome. Cheers.

    • esport titles at competitive (low) settings would be the best use-case in my opinion. It leaves alot to be desired otherwise…

    • CS:Go for sure with decent FPS!

  • Computer Alliance via Amazon AU they have issues with the people who are living in Darwin NT.

    "This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location."

    I will get my aboriginal community elders to sue this business.

  • +2

    Glad to see this is normalising, but this is the price 3 years ago. And with no mention of new lp cards, I fear that it might stay this price.

  • +1

    This is actually a very good price at this climate.

    The gigabyte model with ddr6 is still $400

    DDR6 can give up to 10% performance increase depending on the game…

    • +1

      That has DDR5?

    • Bought the "Gigabyte GV-N1656OC-4GL Geforce GTX 1650 D6 OC Low Profile 4G" from CPL Online on December 2020 for $269. They are running on my kids' 9020SFF since then without issues (Fortnite, Forza Horizon 5, Rocket League, FIFA2022 etc). The only bottleneck is the i5 CPU itself, not the card.

  • +1

    Got a GPU like this for my optiplex. For me, it was to power my 1440p 144hz monitor just for general computer use, doesn’t always have to be for gaming

    • +1

      It's a bit overkill for general computing. A GT 1030 would do the job

      • +1

        believe thats what i have

  • I paid $220 2yrs ago.

  • Need something similarly small to replace my failing RX570 OC that will fit in a Optiplex 9020 case, seems like this is either on par or slightly worse, damn.

    • You shouldn't need something low profile, there were no low profile version of the RX 570 so I'm assuming you have the mini tower version which fits a full height GPU. I'm surprised it even runs TBH, unless you upgraded your PSU at some point or what the internet tells me is wrong on the 9020 PSU.

      The RTX 570 had a TDP of 150W, presumably a 1660/3050 would work so long as it's not too thick. Not as cheap as this but a heck of a lot faster.

      • Actually yeah you're not wrong, my 570 OC is 24cm long but it is a little thicc in the case so I had to unplug the front USB ports to make it fit. Yep I upgraded the PSU to 650, so no problems there.

        So I guess a 22-24cm dual fan is risky so I'm thinking a GPU replacement that would also be a step up would be something like a 1660S? but prices are still crazy vs 2020 ones, i.e:

        • +1

          This one is "only" $100 more than it was two years ago, but yeah, prices are ridiculous -…

          There's also this tiny thing -… - The 6500XT isn't a great card but at least faster than your 570 and only $320.

          Honestly, I'd wait until the last gasp of breath from your current card, prices are only going to come down more. There's plenty of single fan 3060s that would be an amazing upgrade and they'll drop below $400 soon enough. nVidia were talking at a press release about how gamers are spending $300 more to upgrade on average than the old card they had, but that 70% of gamers simply hadn't upgraded to RTX cards yet. There's a market there to hit and they'll want to do so prior to 4000 cards coming out.

          • @freefall101: Legend, 6500xt wasn't even on my radar before but looks very nice indeed, thanks.

    • If you want something cheap then a GT1030 costs about half of this, although it also has half the performance, but on the flip side you are not losing much in terms of value for money :). I have a GT1030 in a Optiplex 9010 which I use as a HTPC hooked up to a 4K TV, it can decode anything 4K I throw at it with ease. The only downside is you don't get a hardware encoder (NVENC).

      • Nah, I'm looking for something that can play games decently as well, so it needs to be upwards. I bought the 570 refurbished for like $150 though so every upgrade I'm looking at so far still stings.

  • Will this fit in am optiplex 3040?

    • It’ll fit if you have a MT or SFF case, but whether the bundled PSU can handle it or not is another matter, especially the puny 180W PSU that comes in the SFF. Because this card is rated for 75W, thats almost 1/2 the capacity of your PSU.

  • missed it :(

  • Wow over 2 yrs old card already OOS still, so quickly got ozbargained!

  • This can mine ERGO and RVN. Revenue ~50c a day :D

  • Back in stock for $299

    • with only 3 left in stock,

  • Have been on the look out for something to put in an optiplex refurb - missed out on this unfortunately :(
    (let me know if anyone bought one they dont want!)

    • $299 now if you want.

      • Yeah, i saw that - not sure if its worth it at that price…..although still the cheapest available

        • If you after low profile gaming card not much selecting

        • Cheaper on eBay, and Asus also give you a display port. Wait for a 15-20% off sale maybe? That will bring it back down to ~$250.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah, i saw that but not optimistic of a sale anytime soon! Thanks for the heads up! (EDIT - hadnt noticed it was a different brand - weird that they have different ones on ebay vs amazon….)

            • @JuryWheel: Computer Alliance, the seller, are often part of eBay sales. So it's highly likely they will participate in the next one.

          • @[Deactivated]: PLUSMAR5

            5% at the moment.

            • @superforever: Yes, still cheaper than Amazon, but you'd have to wait for the next 15%+ sale to get it down to ~$250

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