Details from Auspost
Telstra Smart-Touch
$39.50 each (Save $39.50)
Starts 23 April - Ends 20 May
Half price. 21883, 21885. 3.2MP camera. 2.8" resistive touchscreen. WiFi & GPS. Android 2.3.
Details from Auspost
Telstra Smart-Touch
$39.50 each (Save $39.50)
Starts 23 April - Ends 20 May
Half price. 21883, 21885. 3.2MP camera. 2.8" resistive touchscreen. WiFi & GPS. Android 2.3.
Sorry if this has posted before………
pls provide the link
Good post, don't think it's a dupe.
You're probably better off with this phone if you have a Flybuys card:
Went ahead and bought one of these instead. Thanks
It's not a dupe but this is 50c dearer than HN at $39.…
That was online and probably will cost more with shipping
Also Pick up Instore Only! While stocks last!
Good excuse :)
I would rather pay the extra 50c and be able to walk in and buy it rather than ordering online and then having to pick up.
i dont know why you are getting neg, harvey norman is obviously the better deal, you can pick in store for both deal
Yes, Aust Post deal was included in that one.
Same phone, same Telco, just 50c dearer at different store, & already discussed.
Alternatives of better phones like the Flybuys offer already discussed.
So this is a dupe, just a different place to buy it - as already suggested in other deal.
It's not a dupe. It's the same product sold at a different retailer for a different price. This deal expires 20 May, HN deal expires 30 April.
PO is probably more convenient for most.
And that was already discussed in the other post!
theredkrawler on 24/04/2012 - 23:21
I saw these advertised in Australia Post the other day for the same price…
Might be more convenient for people than Harvey Norman?
Discussion is completely different from posting a duplicate deal which is certainly not the case here.
In the details of the HN posting, the OP mentioned nothing about the AP deal.
As you can see there are separate deal listings for different retailers:
Users searching OzB do so by category and retailer and keywords. The HN deal expires in 2 days' time. If the user searched after that they would have no idea about the AP deal if it wasn't posted separately. Not everyone reads long discussions especially when carrying out quick searches.
You suggest we should now post deals for the same product at about the same price but from different retailers in multiple posts, rather than discuss the merits of the deal & product in the one place, with discussion of the slight variants (also available at…). Roll on so many deals on the same product at the same time! To compare we will have to jump between deals discussing the same information & not realise it is available elsewhere. Suggest you take it up with the MODs.
The previous deal covered all the most relevant details, discussed the quality of product & Telco, and suggested an alternative purchase location. No benefit in repeating it all again here.
I find searching by product and retailer often brings up deals listed under other retailers.
Its not a great product, as there are better phones around this price. The only discussion has been if this should be a new deal. So can't see the need to discuss again.
Maybe a new feature is needed from the devs, the ability to have more than one post point to the same discussion? Or a simple redirect? Similar situation happens when someone posts a single deal from a Coolies catalogue.
A tagged/linked system would be great. Products could be discussed in 1 place, with variants of Telcos, Retailers, etc being available by links - with discussions of the benefits of those. Latest deals could be linked with a product. But that is a more complex & different beast to OB.
Our preference for a certain way of orgainising information/ categorising says a lot about us, our psychology, exposure to different approaches, etc. There is always debate about the benefits in different approaches.
Yes, as an example, a (C)Woolies catalogue deal for a Huawei IDEOS X3 was pulled as a dupe, as it was mentioned with a vast range of products in the weekly comparison. There were many discussing the product & deal, but it was pulled. Hard to discuss that product under a general discussion of the price of baby wipes! Luckily, someone reposted, but that was pulled as a dupe. Finally, the Mods ignored the third dupe objection & allowed a deal to be posted, and a good discussion of the phone, unlocking, price-matching deals, extension of the deal occured. I bought based on that discussion.
You suggest we should now post deals for the same product at about the same price but from different retailers in multiple posts, rather than discuss the merits of the deal & product in the one place, with discussion of the slight variants (also available at…). Roll on so many deals on the same product at the same time!
Happens all the time, eg. recent Galaxy Nexus deals.
Suggest you take it up with the MODs.
I don't have to since they would have already deleted this deal if it was considered a dupe according to the posting guidelines.
Its not a great product, as there are better phones around this price.
I agree, but that's got nothing to do whether it's a dupe post or not. You're the only one in this thread who thinks this post is a dupe (apart from one other who got negged down).
No benefit in repeating it all again here.
Yes there is, that previous deal is already off the front page, long ago, buried somewhere. Many users wouldn't know about this latest deal otherwise.
Yeah, it's a crap phone and all that, but that's not the point. Let the OzB users decide that. Next time around we might be talking about a much better product and we wouldn't be having this converation.
I simply said this has been discussed in much more detail, with more information in another deal. The PO deal was presented there with a link and your suggestion that a PO may be more convenient was posted 4 days ago. I did not refer this deal to the Mods as others do, or neg - I never have, just pointed out it has been discussed before - a dupe. But multiple posts of every outlet a deal is available at with minor variants will mean real deals will not stand out and discussion of the product does not happen as few people post on each post, leading to less discussion/debate. Your point about the expiry date of the previous deal is valid, but that deal could be simply modified to reflect that. Apart from that, only the retailer & 50c separates the deals.
Eg. Just posted, already nearly voted to the front page as I write this.
I recall somebody mentioning this very same COTD deal in the comments of another Galaxy Nexus post just a few days ago but no one is calling this a dupe post. How many Galaxy Nexus' posts is that in the last month all with similar pricing?
Is this cheap because it is a terrible phone?
How does one go about unlocking?
It says nothing about unlocking there (you have posted the same link 3 times already?). Stop sending people on a goose-chase.
You are right - so many discussions about the same phones with links to other deals- try
- unlocking, reviews, etc
Posted the wrong link. Sorry!
Thanks for link — some good advice there. If the unlock in comments doesn't work try this:
Surely a person on a tight budget will not want Telstra, and a person who can afford Telstra will want a better phone (or a simpler one). Can it be unlocked easily?
Yes, it can be easily unlocked for free.
Surely a person on a tight budget will not want Telstra,
Whether or not a person is on a tight budget has no bearing on the coverage offered by the carriers, and this is often the deciding factor. Although this phone is not promoted as blue tick, we found it provided similar coverage to our other blue tick devices.
Something you need to bear in mind is that you cannot tether multiple devices to this phone. It might be cheap, but it's for a reason. There are better phones available in the budget range.
As someone who recently had their S2 fail and needed an emergency phone its a +'ve from me
I brought a cheap Nokia brick for the same price only to find all of my contacts were on Google.
So a cheap android phone you don't have to care about is a good deal for $40
Where are the full specs? Can it be unlocked?