Is it just me or are we seeing and influx of graphics card posts?
Should They Start Standalone "Ozgraphics Cards"?
INB4 BuT the new 4060 iS aS fAsT aS a RTX3090
4 RealZ?
5 realz
at least they are no longer OZ RRP posts for nintendo switches / ps5s.
Honestly, someone should’ve done this like 12 months ago. Ahahaha, would have been so good.
We were fine without OzMasks, OzSanitisers and OzRATs.
What we really need is
And if it is based on this site’s user base, it would be a veritable sausage festival. I dont know, though. That may still appeal to some.
Except a good chunk of the single ones are incels and/or anti-vaxxers, so likely the only form of willing female participant would be one who's charging for her services
Graphics cards are finally dropping in price so there'll be an increase in discounts being posted. That's a good thing.