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[Hack] Chicken 'n' Cheese Burger: Free Lettuce Topping (Save $0.45) @ McDonald's (In-Store Only, Excludes App)


Recently purchased Chicken 'n' Cheese with Lettuce. Was surprised to discover lettuce was free. Tried it at a different McDonald's and it was also free.

Doesn't appear to be an option on app so instore Only.

Thanks Uncle Duncan for introduction.

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closed Comments

  • +126

    McDonald's "hacks" reach a new low :)

  • +31

    Free lettuce? Bargain!

    • +5

      It's pretty much a cheap McChicken with Cheese.

      • +4

        So what's the difference now between a McChicken and this? just the bun?

        • +5

          Don't forget the cheese 🧀

          • +2

            @pricematch: Can you just remove the cheese then repost this as a Mcchicken hack

        • +1

          Mayo cheese bun

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: I prefer a mayo bun

            but now I can get a lettuce mayo bun at no extra cost

    • -6

      yeah, and LOTS of lettuce ….. also they have free ketchup but KFC charges (50c) for ketchup so you can go to maccas ask for free ketchups, then go to kfc have a meal ands use the Maccas ketchups … save 50c ….. or if you have 2 ketchups save $1 …… Maccas also have free napkins so you can ask for extras and use at home so save on napkins ……

      • +34

        Who eats KFC with ketchup… The bloody hell, mate?

        • People with no taste buds.

          But then again, people who eat fast food have no taste buds either

          • +8


            people who eat fast food have no taste buds either

            People who judge others for eating fast food then click on a fast food post and make a disparaging comment have no life.

        • +1

          Maybe for the chips or nuggets lol

        • ketchup for chips at kfc ….who eats chips without ketchup ?

          • @garage sale: I work at an extremely busy KFC location and we sell maybe 1-2 tomato dipping sauces every day. I'd say a couple hundred per day of the other flavours. So, almost everyone!

      • -1

        Wth is ketchup? It's tomato sauce, mate!

        • +1

          Is that catsup?

        • +4

          I get you are trying to be cool, but it literally says ketchup on the packet

        • +3

          no , maccas have heinz ketchup not tomato sauce, heinz ketchup has more tomato than tomato sauce , buy a bottle of each, or keep the satchels they give you at the store, pour some onto a plate and you will see the ketchup is thicker and has less water in it than tomatoe sauce.

        • Ketchup clearly sweeter and has some picked ingredients in it. Onion, maybe cucumber

      • +3

        I usually ask for sauce at KFC when picking up the food. Usually it's not worth their time going to the register and ringing it through so they just give it to you for free. If they want to run a 50c transaction through then I'll just cop it

  • +5

    You can keep your free salad

    • +9

      You don't win friends with SALAD!

      • +1

        Seriously, right in front of my salad free McDonald's lettuce?

      • +1

        Lisa doesn't have many but the few she finds are phenomenal

      • You do if you toss their salad!

  • +4

    Pickles are free as well!

    • -1

      In case you want to go for a sleep in the bush?
      (Put them on your eyes)

  • +4
    • voted for healthy free option
  • +24

    I’m upvoting based on your commitment to the OzBargain lifestyle and also how lame this hack is lol

  • +14

    Unresolved Reports
    1 for Illegal/Inappropriate

    Imagine what a sad life you must live if you feel this way.

    • +11

      Obviously holds McDonald's shares

      • +4

        $37,000 is pretty woeful.

        That was the median income in Australia five years ago.

        • Tell that to people in Africa, or Asia, or South America.

      • +1

        See a penny pick it up 👌

      • +1

        Found him ☝️😂

      • +1

        I've seen 3% eBay cashback deals on max $100 spend get hundreds of upvotes here.

        • +1

          that's $3 tho'

          • @eloque: This is 10% tho. More than $3 if you buy 20 of them.

            • +3

              @beefsandwich: Cheers for the wake up call. Just bought 20

              • @eloque: haha! look i think it's a pretty lame deal but i'm not surprised it's popular.

            • @beefsandwich: …and I just found out that the eBay cashback offer doesn't even offer lettuce… pfft!

        • You would have to spend $15 at ebay to get $0.45 :)

      • i don’t think it’s the 45c i think it’s paying 45c for 2c worth of lettuce ….some people look at mark ups as part of the value ….. comparison ….. like paying $3 for bottled water vs fill from the tap …. it’s why kfc don’t have cups and soft drink machines just cans and bottles ….they can charge you for a bottle of water but looks bad to charge for a cup of water but maccas and hj have cups …..

        i remember at one maccas store they tried to sell me bottled water WTF …… they have a drink machine and paper cups ….. and that’s a lower carbon footprint than bottled water ….

    • +1

      Would report it as pathetic, but already reported as SPAM. I don't think its illegal.

  • +8

    You know you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel when a few free scraps of crappy lettuce constitute a deal on here.

    • -8

      Their centrelink money not enough even for 45c lol.

    • Stupid hypothetical let us say you buy 15 burgers.. that is 45 cents x 15 = $6.75 and if you order 2 burgers for each person that is $13.50

      what can you buy for a group of 15 people with $13.50 you say? I have no idea but probably some alcohol, drinks or condoms idk.. what do kids buy these days when they go out in groups to have "fun".

  • +2

    Does that basically make it a bargain McChicken with cheese?

    • 👍

    • +1

      McChicken with cheese junior

  • +1

    Look at all these Linux users hacking the man.

  • +4

    Someone needs to livestream this.

  • +4

    Since when has the chicken n cheese gone to $4?

    • Not sure through they were originally part of there cheap menu.

    • +1

      This is news to me, thought they were $2

      • +1

        They used to be $2, then the Chicken n Mayo took its spot…

  • +4

    Funny but not a bargain!

    • +1

      Definition "Bargain"
      a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.

      • +1

        Emphasis on the "much".

  • +1


  • +1

    +1 for the effort.
    Does it work for hamburger/cheeseburger too?

    • Appears not lettuce on cheese burger is $0.55

  • +8

    Also for those that think the BBQ Bacon Angus would be nice but lacking salads, lettuce/tomato/pickle are free add ons for it!

  • +2

    Just when you think you've seen everything, there's this

  • +2

    I just found out you cant choose oakleaf or butterhead lettuce, its all stock standard

    • 😔

    • the organic option has also been removed as has the biodynamic for lettuce …..

  • +3

    free snail??

    • +3

      oui Monsieur

  • +1

    Anyone got a review of this lettuce?

    • +3

      10/10 would cronch again

      • 10/10 would step on it

    • +1

      Due to the reduced bun size when comparing to McChicken the lettuce to Mayo to bun ratio is amazing.

  • +2

    This sounds horrible but a maccas hack is a maccas hack so take my +

  • +11

    Lettuce rejoice!

    • +10

      For it is fresh and free

      • +5

        with specks of soil and gel and oil,
        how grand is mickey d's!

    • +1

      vegans will love it, order the burger than get the chicken and bun removed and voila free lettuce ……

  • +2

    Lettuce is mostly water so you're getting free water, which is always free at Maccas.

    • +5

      "Can I please just get a large cup of lettuce thanks"

      • +2

        “No ice please”

    • You can really taste the water

  • +2

    Lettuce ozbargain this deal!!!

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