• expired

Australian Made Kangaroo Rugs $55 (RRP $139) & Free Delivery @ Ugg Australia


Autumn Season Sale! Be winter ready for the upcoming cold season ahead!

Our weekly Winter Season Production with ONLY 100 KANGAROO SKINS AVAILABLE!


Link to our Mens & Womens Made by UGG Australia Scuffs $35 (RRP $89) with code: AUTO

Link to our Mens & Womens Made by UGG Australia Princess & Prince Slippers $47.50 (RRP $130) with code: PRI

Link to our Mens & Womens Made by UGG Australia Mini Boots $65 (RRP $185) with code: MIN

All rugs have been individually measured and are 160cm+ (Long) by 75cm (Wide) from head to tail.

We buy our Kangaroo skins from local farmers, who have government permits to cull kangaroos on their land. Also, a by-product from the food industries.

Best Kangaroo Rugs you can buy. Perfect for your bed, floor, chair, any decoration or as a gift for Christmas.

100% Australian Made start to finish, support Australian manufacturing and Australian jobs.

This is a great price for our beautiful Rugs for OzBargain only.

Our ‘Ugg Australia® Kangaroo Rug’ is made using the pure, warm and luxurious Australian kangaroo. Our kangaroo rug will give your home a luxurious feel, whilst providing superior comfort and warmth. These rugs are great for multipurpose use as decoration, to drape over chairs, as wall hangings or even for cushions and upholstery.

We are The ONLY 100% Australian made UGG Boot company from start to finish, this is because we own the LAST sheepskin Footwear tannery in Australia.

Ugg Australia® we have been making sheepskin boots for over four decades in our former Brunswick factory. Operating Australia’s last and ONLY sheepskin tannery for footwear guarantees that we are the only one in the world who has 100% Australian Made Ugg boots.

We encourage all customers to do some research when looking to purchase any brand of Ugg Boots.

Ensure you purchase from reputable websites or stores.
Contact details - If you can't find the business address or contact number of the business you have purchased boots from, who will help you with customer issues.
There are so many sheepskin boots out there claiming to be 100% Australian Made. How can you tell one authentic boot from the rest?
What to ask your retailer when buying your sheepskin products.
Where are your skins from?
Where are they processed?
Ask for the address of manufacturer and tannery. There should be no reason why your retailer cannot provide you with details of the origin of your boots.

All Ugg Australia® products are 100% Australian made at our factory and ecologically processed at our Tannery in Laverton North, Melbourne.

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closed Comments

  • +4


    • +44

      by-product from the food industry'- bit like saying petrol is a by-product of the oil industry used to make plastics

      Not even close. Like it or not roos are being culled or harvested for meat regardless, if the hides aren't utilised then they end up rotting in a hole or burned.

      • +9

        Roo meat is a big in the pet food industry. Most dogs love it and great for them. Does alright in a burger or lasagne/spag bowl too.

        • +7

          It’s way, way better for the environment than beef, too.

      • +2

        Agreed, at the least shouldn’t we make use of the resource.

    • +6

      faux leather

      That's plastic. From the oil industry.

    • +1

      Hahaha this is Funny Sht

  • +1

    What's down, Skip?

    • +1

      skip's reply semi 5 minutes ago heading south 18 wheels felt each one

  • -7

    I know we need to control the number of Roos population and we do eat all sort of meats… But just not a fan of such skined leather product.

    • +29

      We Salvage the Skins, therefore they don’t end up in a bin and wasted..

    • +1

      Thanks for letting us know.

    • -2

      Just gave you a +1 because you don’t deserve to be so negged over expressing your opinion. To you I say, fair enough.

      I’m interested in one of these.

      You see a lot of animal skin rugs in fancy fashion shops with polished concrete floors.

      • I dont understand what's the deal with people down voting all the time when others express fair and uncontroversial opinions.

        • -1

          Generally when they're accompanied by erroneous neg vote. Not liking the product is not a reason to neg.

  • +4

    "160cm+ (Long) ….from head to tail"
    The tail looks half the length of the rug.
    An 80cm tall "kangaroo"?

    • +4

      Greys most likely. Like fleas in places.

  • -1

    It beats buying over some of the awful overseas products where animals are skinned alive.

    • where?

      • +1

        Google mink coat

        • :(

        • dont

        • -5

          c'mon that was in China - you know animal welfare has zero care factor there.

    • +11

      Have you ever skinned an animal? What possible advantage would there be to skinning it alive? It just makes it more difficult, and more likely to damage the end product. The only possible reason to do it would be if you like torturing them. Sounds like you watched some sort of propaganda video and assumed it was common practice.

      • +1

        I agree with you that it's probably not very common place especially when your consider how absolutely massive the animal product industry is. Though there are many videos online of various animals literally being cooked/skinned alive if you're morbid enough to search for them. I've seen a live snake go from being completely alive to skinned and cooked within a minute. Fish being descaled and cooked alive. Octopus. Cats and dogs being boiled in a oil drum, alive. It's horrendous.

        • If it's part of the preparation for being eaten, that's another matter. Even here, we boil lobsters alive. It is however illegal in Austria, New Zealand, and Switzerland.

  • +8


  • +2

    No issue with using animals for skins/eating etc but… if I went over to somebodies house and they had a kangaroo skin on the ground it'd be some serious alarm bells!

    • +3

      what about a cattle skull on the letterbox as is quite common?

      • +1

        On a farm it's completely fine… on a letterbox in suburbia it's ring a ding ding ding!

        • +1

          Perhaps it'll be a good burglary deterrence?

    • +3

      if I went over to somebodies house and they had a kangaroo skin on the ground it'd be some serious alarm bells!


      • I think it's the tail…

    • +7

      As long as they had the matching ballsack purse, I think it would be fine.

      • And the foreleg bottle openers!

        Also useful using a pair of these in certain television shows

        • +1

          A man of culture I see.

          • @[Deactivated]: Well yes I am, but specifically I referring to Skippy. I am pretty sure they used these when Skip was doing some rather technical and dexterous activities, like playing with radios etc. and you had a skippy-eye view of the action.

      • lol

    • I agree. I wouldn't take animal skin as a decoration.

    • +2

      I'd buy them as a warning to all the kangaroos.

      • lol

    • +1

      How is it different from someone wearing leather shoes/bag/belt?

      • I wonder…

      • +1

        At least shape it so that it's a nice circle or square, and not looking like an dead flat animal on the ground which you couldn't be bothered picking up its corpse.

        • +1

          Oh I meant from an ethical standpoint which is what I thought OP was referring to. With regards to shape/dead animal on the ground that's just subjective taste.

          • @Xastros: Ethical its a bit more honest to have the kangaroo skin on the ground but I dont want to be reminded its a dead animal every time I look at it.

            • @Franc-T: Fair enough. I wouldn't want this in my house either.

    • +5

      One of the benefits of civilisation is how people can be quite removed and freed up from the raw, physical reality of food production, or also in this case, the pest infestation as the establishment of watering points has allowed roo populations to be much higher than they used to be. Pre settlement they would have just about died out in an area every time the creek dried out.

      The worst thing can be for graziers that say, reduce their stock numbers to preserve the country in a drought, and then end up infested with every roo migrating in from miles around chasing grass. Denudes the place just like rabbits or grasshoppers.

      In the case of hides, it is of course what is in just about any decent quality shoe. But keep the fur on and a very common reaction is as above. I know someone that specialises in cow hide luggage and bags. Very good quality, each one unique and while cheap for what they are, I could get an even better deal as the owner used to work for me. But my city raised daughters aren’t interested in a cow hide duffle, because they fear people will judge them.

      • -2

        Yeah. We have heaps of kangaroos around our house, neighbours have dogs so they tend to hang here, which is fine. I enjoy watching the males kick and scratch the shit out of each other to assert dominance. Makes me reflect on humans going to war, fighting, etc. I do need to build a 6ft fence around my veggie garden as they’ve been getting in there to enjoy my plants.

        Back on topic, these guys sell wool rugs every other deal but no complaining about animal welfare.

        Always seems like it’s ok to mass raise and murder (yeah, it is) cows, sheep and chickens, but nothing else. 🙂

        • +1

          Always seems like it’s ok to mass raise and murder (yeah, it is)

          There's always one

    • Clearly many ozbargainers have not spent much time in Africa - I have been in people's houses over there and have seen plenty of zebra, impala, lion, giraffe, kudu, etc. rugs on the floor and loads of different animal heads on the walls, including cheetah, lion, buffalo, giraffe, impala, zebra, etc. Occasionally tusks as well as pouffe's made of elephant feet but they are not supposed to be sold anymore so these are quite rare. You get desensitised pretty quick… roos are very tame compared to some of the big game and not even close to being an endangered species.

  • +2

    I ordered 3, I got some of the sheep ones from UGG when they were on sale a little while ago and they were a really great quality.

    • +2

      So like that's cool and everything but where do you put three kangaroo skin rugs? What other decor do you have in those rooms? Genuine question, not trolling.

      • +2

        I'll figure that out once I get them, haha.

    • How do you set up the sheep ones? I'd love to see a picture of the room these fit into, I can't imagine it working well in any house I've been in.

      • I bought one and I have it by the side of my bed to reduce the dirt and sand that finds its way on to my sheets. I wouldn't say it fits the room but it suits my purposes. The kangaroo one would be harder to find a place for

    • +1

      The wool rug's a lot nicer than the kangaroo skins in my opinion. I did buy one of both when they were cheap and the kangaroo skin had me feeling a little strange compared to the wool and the tail can start pointing upwards which may represent a trip hazard. Overall I'd rebuy the wool over the kangaroo

  • I bought the sheep skin rug and some other ugg Australia products and can definitely see the difference compared to other similar products. If I buy Ugg, Ugg Australia is my goto place

  • Kangaroos are a b&$y pest in parts of the country. We should be killing more, not less. https://www.farmonline.com.au/story/7496330/scientists-want-…

  • -2

    Tie me kangaroo down …….. Sport!! tie me kangaroo down?

  • all animals are produce every part of the animal is not wasted. event he skin.

    • +3

      That comment hopped all over the place.

      • never type on a phone keyboard it f$^Ks up words with auto correct every time.

  • +2

    hi op, any discount for kids/baby ugg shoes/boots?

  • that looks like a rat… :/

  • +2

    Furry sting ray

  • +1

    Bought one of these for my English mum for Xmas once, she freaked out thinking it was a giant rat. Not everyone's cup of tea but they are soft

    • Perfect for Bub to sleep on.

  • +6

    I bought one from the last deal despite others posting issues with quality. I should have listened. The quality is extremely poor. The fur is far from what would be considered soft. The skin itself is very rigid to the point that I wondered how they were able to fold it to put it in the post bag without it cracking.
    Not worth the discounted price let alone the ridiculous RRP.

    • +1

      Were there any tire marks on the fur?

      • +4

        Unfortunately no. I think a tyre would have softened it up a bit more.

    • +1

      Did you contact the company for a refund/replacement?

    • Agree

    • I also bought a number of these in the last deal, and while I do see some similarities in our experience (mine were a bit rigid but nothing a little working of the leather didn't fix), I certainly think in my case I did receive quite good value for money. The fur on mine is soft and pliable, and they have stood up well to wear about the home.
      Just trying to share some of my experiences as well.

      • +1

        Good to hear somebody received something decent. I have a few other animal skins ranging from brand new to ones that have been in the family for generations. Never had any issues similar to this. Stiffness in new ones were never to the point that it felt they may split or crack and the older ones are still supersoft. There was an old giant roo skin that my dad had, that was amazingly soft even after being used as the main floor covering in the lounge for decades. I unfortunately didn't receive that one when it was passed down.

    • I bet you’re a bot.

      • +1

        I bot youre a bet

  • "Our weekly Winter Season Production with ONLY 100 KANGAROO SKINS AVAILABLE!"

    they're 1000s of kangaroos and they only made 100?

  • -3

    something something PETA.. something something Tash something something vegan bootie something something

  • -2


  • Just a question… So you guys are allowed to kill the national animal ??

    • When they’re a pest. Same rule as with those South Australians 😉

      • Lol… But Still no answer for my question..

        • +4

          Yeah he did… we have a cull. You get tags, and can control the numbers.

          Kangaroos breed and can first control the gender of the offspring, but also the number of times a year they reproduce. If the food is plentiful, they will breed as much as they can. Many crops to kangaroos are food sources in abundance… we have lots of crops

          Smart hunters will target the males… it slows their breeding cycle… but the kangaroo can determine the gender to rebalance its own. If you dont cull, they breed for an abundance of grassy crop, that is gone in a short period once the farmer harvests. Leaving Skippy and friends to starve.

          The national animal, is not endangered.

          Or something like that. Ill let you do the maths.

    • +1

      I'm not sure who "you guys" is, but I'll answer, yeah, we do kill them. We have millions of them, and they are delicious. We kill and eat Emu too. What are you going to do with that information now that you have it?

    • Not that unusual. Countries that eat their national emblem
      Australia – Kangaroo.
      Denmark – Swan.
      Finland – Brown Bear.
      Saudi Arabia – Camel.
      Sweden – Elk.
      Spain- Bull.
      Japan – Carp.
      Monaco – European Rabbit.
      South Africa – Springbok and Gemsbok (OK, these were on the old coat of arms, not the current one)

  • -1

    We've got road kill all along our country roads in Victoria. Why have any inside your house?

  • -1

    Why’s all the comments about eating kangaroo and emu getting downvoted lol?

    • +1

      I dont get it either.

      Not like i support cruelty to animals. If the kangaroo or emu was humanely hunted or killed. The why not eat it right?

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