I'm a Victorian employee with a large corporate, and am eligible to both annual leave and long service leave. I recently decided to take a minimum of six months off (at half-pay) and wanted to start in April.
I spoke with my manager (who also discussed with his manager), and both of them don't see it feasible for me to take this time off. They are still willing to allow me to take up to two months off in April/May, but require me back for June/July/August as it's busy period. That was the biggest reason to reject my leave request.
On one hand:
- I understand that our team gets busy during certain periods and they need team-members to be around for it;
- Potentially making life harder for the rest of the team by not being around; and
- My leave request is only 1 month in advance, which might not be adequate for planning purposes
On the other hand:
- Busy period still only starts in 3-4 months so there is plenty of time to pre-plan a replacement;
- I'm still the most junior person in the team, so it feels a bit unfair that I'm supposedly that 'essential' for business operations;
- I'm legally entitled to LSL and annual leave;
- Covid situation has only started settling now, so pre-planning leave didn't feel feasible until recently;
- Feeling significant mental exhaustion/anxiety from this role, and I really want/need time off.
What are my options here? Are they being reasonable in this situation? Should I just resign and go on leave (LSL and Annual leave will get paid out)?
I found some guidance here, but it does appear it's a subjective matter:
PS: Parents and partner would prefer me to not to resign. I feel ok taking the risk as I genuinely don't enjoy it.
PPS: Thanks for all the replies so far. I will definitely be reading them all, although may not respond to everyone.
EDIT: Resignation has been put-in, and I'll look to travel overseas at some stage.
@FlyingMiffy: True. But OP mentions that only giving 1 months notice may not be adequate for planning purposes.
OP doesn't come across as entitled to me.