Hi all,
My mom was involved in a fender bender 1.5 years ago where she hit 5km/h into the back of the car in front of her and damaged the bumper from Toyota Corrola Ascent 2010.
She of course had her insurance lapse by a few weeks at the time (rectified immediately but irrelevant for this problem).
- She received a bill today for 3.6k from Allianz, 1.9k for labour and rest for parts and painting.
- They added a few other parts in their list of items and I am unsure if this can be fought or just pay and forget about it?
- parts list that was replaced:
- Rear Bumper
- Beaver Panel
- LH Crush Can
- RH Crush Can
- Rear B/Bar Slide LH
- She is at fault as she did hit the car but without any evidence (no phone on her at the time) I am unsure how anything can be disputed
- Insurance stated to get 'desktop assessment' however I can't see anyone would be able to disprove the cost.
Any advice is truly appreciated. I am just afraid she's being taken advantage of. Do you guys think the price is normal or inflated?
Without knowing full context of works undertaken that doesn't seem too unreasonable frankly.
Both side crush cans being replaced? That's not a 5 KM/h bump.
Might be worth speaking to a lawyer though.