• long running

Free to Watch - Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom @ YouTube


You will need to turn on English subtitles as documentary is in Ukrainian.

Source -

Netflix has just put a full documentary on YouTube, making Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom available free to anyone interested in understanding the Russia-Ukraine war. The move came late on Friday, just as Russia announced a new fake news law meant to hinder dissent in the country. Anyone disseminating news about the war — including calling it a “war” — will face up to 15 years in jail. That includes members of the press who do not serve the authoritarian regime in the country.

Separately, Russia has blocked parts of the internet in the county. That means many people in Russia are not able to watch Winter on Fire, even though you can stream the entire documentary for free on YouTube. But everyone else in the world can watch it in full for free on YouTube. The documentary will help you understand where Ukraine’s desire for freedom comes from and what kind of people are fighting Putin’s army.

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      • +4

        The way I see it, they plotted it and would respond the same way if pushed into such position.

  • +14

    This deal has given me hope that many Aussies genuinely question the popular Western government/media narrative. Refreshing to see so many are open to facts and questioning unlike the droves of sheep on social media.
    FB media has been relentlessly pumping out the Western propaganda machine's rhetoric, worse than I've ever seen.

    Much love to those who always seek out the truth and question regardless on which side you stand. <3

  • +25

    As an Australian with Ukrainian roots, the comments here are absolutely vile. So saddening.

    • +17

      I share your disgust.

      I don't know if it's just local Russians brainwashed by their 'mother country', or a concerted effort by a well organised troll group.
      But there's no facts or logic, just a lot of wash about USA and NATO being the bad guys in the past, so because they did it then we can do it now rubbish.

      Russia has invaded Ukraine and the entire world is not happy about it. But apparently its a big conspiracy against Russia. Like the world give a crap about Russia in the slightest. No one wants to invade Russia. No one gives a toss about Russia. They just want them to not invade and conduct cyber warfare on other nations, trying to steal property they can't develop themselves. As usual Russian behaviour. We can't do it ourselves, so we'll steal it.

      Ukraine is a food bowl and has a nuclear power station. Russia wants it, plain and simple.

    • +9

      You are correct, they are disguising. I can only put it down to a lot of "well-red" people on this forum skews the narrative to something undesirable.

      Most of these people would not share their vile opinions around worksite or office as their is no real way to endorse the killings of women and children, and the shelling of hospitals and civilian buildings. Yes an old Soviet may be nostalgic about the USSR and the landmass it formerly claimed, but there is no justification this conflict.

      • +2

        well said mate.

      • There is no comment under this post endorses the killings and the shelling

        • +3

          They are certainly working on overdrive to muddy the waters. Subliminal messaging and implicit meaning also exist.

    • +5

      Don't be. The "discussion" here is tailored for people who know little or nothing about Russia's or Ukraine history, who don't know about Baltic states, bordering Russia, already being NATO members, or Ukrainian "nazis" elected Jewish president, who is leading the fight against Russian invasion.

      I was looking for some objectivity of those who criticized Western politics and media. But none of negs (that I've read so far) are lamenting arrests of antiwar protesters in SPB or closure of Russian media outlets (Echo of Moscow, Rain, Novaja Gazeta), murders or arrest of journalists, opposition figures (Nemtsov, Navalny), or the fact that current Russian aggression actually making NATO stronger and prompted Finland and Sweden to consider joining NATO.

      So consider this for what it is, a parade of "Aussie Cossacks", showing their loyalty to Putin's regime.

    • +7

      They are vile, however you can safely assume these comments don't represent what the majority of Australians think of the conflict.

      The circular reasoning, distraction, and ludicrous assertions displayed here are designed to confuse and distract. There is no point engaging despite how incorrect or irrelevant it is.

      The war is a humanitarian tragedy. Those responsible for it should be ashamed of the suffering they have caused in pursuit of their own gains.

  • +2

    The best propaganda is always available for free, so I don't see why this is a deal.

    • +1

      you expect Ozbargainers to pay for information. Have a PhD from the university of Youtube.

  • +16


    With that out of the way if you are shocked by the comments here you need to consider that Australia is a multicultural country and the west and Ukraine have not done themselves any favours by isolating other cultures.

    When news correspondents call ukraine refugees 'civilised' as opposed to middle eastern refugees you push away support.

    When BBC interviewee says it's sad that blonde hair blue eyed people are dying you push away support.

    When your president actively supports Israel but gets in the same situation himself the hypocrisy pushes away support.

    When Poland deploys 15000 troops to stop brown refugees but then says they are open and welcoming to Ukraine it pushes away support.

    When Indian students are having trouble leaving Ukraine and people say it's their fault for staying in the country despite the president and universities repeatedly saying it's safe you push away support.

    When you adopt openly neo-nazi military groups into your national guard and then post videos of yourself tipping bullets into pig fat on your official twitter you push away support.

    All this while children in Yemen starve and Palestinians are treated as second class citizens in their own countries by US allies. Hell, Ukrainians are getting their pets out with them, but I remember people saying Syrian refugees with mobile phone aren't real refugees. Consider how all these hypocrisies affect people and chip away at their sympathy. Combined with HEAVY propaganda this past week on social media people are getting a little bit tired of Marvel Cinematic Universe analysis of the war given by the media.

    • +2

      When Indian students are having trouble leaving Ukraine and people say it's their fault for staying in the country despite the president and universities repeatedly saying it's safe you push away support.

      Don't worry the Russians control that area and will get them out safely with that countries Russian alliance.
      Its making the Quad BS look like a joke .

    • Oh.. "Ukraine can't honestly be Nazi.. Their president is a Jew"..

      MSM bad faith argument.

      • You trying to insinuate some other characterisation?
        Come on, tell us.

        • +1

          A president of a country, despite being a "leader" doesn't necessarily determine their citizen's ideology. Can still exist a Jewish President leading a country who's National Socialistic. Look up their "brave" army Azov and Aidar Battalions to see who these people actually are.


          Oh. "Amnesty International" also spoke out against them too.. but it's all crickets now that Ukraine is the "good guys" all the sudden.

          • +1

            @bchliu: Agree with you on that. However Zelenskyy's moderate neolib party and the man himself are not the problem.

            • +1

              @Techie4066: I personally quite like Zelenskyy and think he'd make a pretty good guy to catch up with at a pub or something. But given what he's been through (ie. extortion by Trump and now being left in the cold by NATO), he's really not very good in his politics. He's unfortunate stringed puppet, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

              I think the hardest thing for him now is how to back out of everything, while keeping him and his family alive without losing face for the country but not start WW3 at the same time. This is where I think Putin's a bit of a prick because he's not making it any easier for Zelenskyy to do this either.

              Pretty sure everything is still resolvable at the negotiation table. Just will take some time and some compromises on all sides (if they are willing, of course).

              • +2


                This is where I think Putin's a bit of a prick because he's not making it any easier for Zelenskyy to do this either.

                Always has been. He's in it for the money.

    • +1

      all these hypocrisies affect people and chip away at their sympathy.

      You’ve summed it up beautifully.

    • +13

      Yeah because anyone who questions the mainstream narrative and asks why the MSM are doing things like using photos from entirely unrelated incidents from years ago is "supporting Putin". Get a clue. There's a big difference between the two.

    • +5

      No one I've seen is "in support of Putin" here. If pointing out they hypocrisy and the lies of the Western allies is hurting your ego, then you have other issues.

      • +10

        I hope you're right. Some of the comments sound like justification. I'm in touch with people on the ground and the situation is truly tragic 😰.

  • +1

    Putin in seeds and they're coming up Trumps.

  • +13

    Nothing like a bit of propaganda to get people fired up. Every country acts for its own interests, including Ukraine, Russia, US, Belarus, India, China… the only exception seems to be the muppets in Canberra who don't seem to understand that allegiance is a bargaining chip and ambiguity is part of survival. As usual, the victims are usually those with no part to play in the scheming, while the benefactors are in comfy chairs directing the show. As a few people have mentioned already, Cuba, Syria, Iraq, all good examples of some countries placing their interests, ahead of another and seeing the populace as collateral damage. Special mention to Dutton the idiot - what made him think it was a good idea to announce a special shipment of weapons to Taiwan just when the world was hoping for some intervention by China to Russia's play is beyond me…

    • @flyingmiffy Voldemort works in mysterious ways

  • +6

    'Free' youtube video.
    People commenting on a war with no genuine work history in foreign affairs for our federal government. Know-it-alls. Make sure you get your 2cents in!
    No thanks.

  • +5


  • +10

    The fact that OzB admins have decided this is appropriate says a lot. Regardless of your views on which side is right, which is wrong, or even if you just don't care, this simply is not a bargain. It's a video on Youtube. In what world is that a bargain? A bargain is something like 50% off at a shop.

    OzB admins endorse political propaganda.

    • +5

      Well, technically you had to pay to view it previously and now it's free, or 100% off. So I guess by your logic that does make it a bargain?

  • +8

    If we want less wars, we have to learn to see the whole picture, not just a single lens

  • +8

    So many people just gobble up the straight up drivel propaganda by the west. Sad state if the world. Plutocracy everywhere, truth nowhere. Lies, deceit and discontent.

  • +8

    While I disagree with a lot of the opinions here, I'm glad that we live in a country where expressing an opinion or disagreeing with the government will not get you kidnapped and thrown in jail.

      • +8

        This individual hasn't been kidnapped, arrested or thrown in jail. He was asked to remove himself from a private premise because he made plainly false statements that any reasonable person would have considered not socially appropriate given the circumstances. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, criticism or judgment.

        • +1

          I agree with you that no freedom of speech on the earth.

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: No - it does exist. The proper way of framing freedom of speech is referring to state censorship and legal punishments, and individuals who support authoritarianism try and muddle the waters by claiming that being removed from a private premise is against freedom of speech - which it is not. If you behave like an idiot, you will be treated like one.

            • -2

              @Tyrx: Thanks for your words, we are in different worlds.

    • +3


      • Sharing state secrets that endanger undercover operatives isn't the same as free speech.

    • +3

      pathetic naivete, In our country if you are dare to not stand by our government, or Murdoch, or US gov, you will labeled as anti-freedom, anit-human rights, Nazi, evil…blabla, then AFP will search your office and home

      • +3

        If true, then I worry about your safety and other posters safety here.

      • +2

        I hate Murdoch (not a fan of Stokes nor Costello either) am anti-imperialist and support Zelenskyy. Am I doing something wrong here?

  • I feel like playing civilization iv and starting wars

    • Age of Empires 4 is a good place to take it out on Ruskies if you like :).

  • +6

    Impending war didn’t stop these fine chaps from staging a N@zi style torch march in January in the middle of Kiev 😵‍💫


    • Wow… Hundreds of nationalists.
      You seen our Nazis out in force during the lockdown protests?

      • +5

        Lol. What about roads named after Nazi collaborators?


        Or a cafe with Nazi SS insignia:


        Check out this Ukrainian Jewish committee Director General’s account for mind numbing variety of anti-Semitic activities, including school plays (catch ‘em young😵‍💫):


        • Wow, you mean a society where you can have nutjobs running around and not jailed?

          • +3

            @Techie4066: Oh.. I am barely scratching the surface here.

            How about Andriy Parubiy, who was the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament and also co-founded a party called ..wait for it… Social National (Mirror image of National Socialists aka izaN? 😂) and the party symbol is SS Wolfangel insignia tilted sideways 😂

            They aren’t even trying to hide it.


            • +4
            • -2

              @S Padival: Interesting. Luckily not part of the GOVERNING party!

              • +1

                @Techie4066: And he became speaker how exactly? 😂

                Which side gets to choose the Speaker in our parliament? 🤔

                • @S Padival:

                  Which side gets to choose the Speaker in our parliament? 🤔

                  So everything revolves around the Westminster system now does it?

                  I think you need a book and some grass.

                  • +3

                    @Techie4066: I think you need to stop being a Neo-Nazi apologist 😂

                    And I haven’t even mentioned the other co-founder of Social National, a total psychopath named Oleh Tyahnybok. Google image search turns up some interesting pictures of him with US officials including Uncle Joe and a familiar salute😂

                    Google “Yats is the guy” - you’ll find a leaked tape where a senior US official is deciding who should be the future PM, but wants this psycho outside the government, with the PM consulting him 4 times a week 😂

                    “what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week”


                    • +1

                      @S Padival: Ah yes because I'm a Nazi or Nazi apologist for pointing out the small fringe extremist elements they are. This is what I've been missing. Thanks for that nuanced clarification.

                      May as well give up and go home because there are Nazis among their general populace. I know this won't help my case, but it's reasonable to point out those thugs were borne out of the Crimean annexation. Everything is complicated! You can't boil it down to simple B&W.

                      • +3

                        @Techie4066: Actually Ukraine's Nazi history goes much further back than Crimea.
                        Around 250,000 Ukranians served in the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS during WW2. In fact the Waffen SS division 'Galicia' was comprised entirely of Ukranians.
                        Then there's Stepan Bandera the greatest Ukranian fascist of them all.
                        You can keep defending and denying the existence of Nazism in Ukraine all you want but the past and present state of affairs is not on your side.

                        • @icarus255:

                          Around 250,000 Ukranians served in the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS during WW2. In fact the Waffen SS division 'Galicia' was comprised entirely of Ukranians.

                          They're pretty much all dead by now.
                          Never defended anything. Just the facts.

                      • +3

                        @Techie4066: Nazis are literally flying flags prominently in public, and Ukraine has done nothing to ban or prosecute them.
                        This isn't just "Nazis among their general populace". They're implicitly accepted due to inaction.

                        • +1


                          They're implicitly accepted due to inaction.

                          You should look at what's on our own soil.

                          • -1

                            @Techie4066: Actual Nazi's and then just people who just don't share your political ideology are two very different things.

    • +1

      Ethnic Ukranians have a long history of doing some pretty despicable things to minorities, but that is just like every other culture in the world. In the last little while they are no worse than pretty much any place and in some ways better with less of a far right presence in their legislature than most of Europe.

      Regardless, the treatment of minorities (and in fact pretty much everyone) in Russia is far worse, so I'm not sure how pointing out the nutters in Ukraine makes any kind of argument in in support of Putin.

  • +1

    To now this war is clearly not fight for freedom, is Slavic brothers fight(by killing each others) for US's best benefit. Best called fight of Slavic's idiots.

  • +4

    Yep, don't feel like a proper ganda at this.

  • +2

    Really youtube lessons

  • +9

    I have seen Winter on Fire and Ukraine on Fire.

    Ukraine on Fire is clearly Russian propaganda.

    The fools here who are saying don't watch Winter on Fire but believe everything they say in Ukraine on Fire are either of very low intellect or are stooges.

    The fact is Ukraine is an independent nation. Russia has already annexed the Crimea and occupy Luhansk and Donetsk.
    Russia has been supplying weapons, men, ammunition, intelligence and equipment to the rebels in Eastern Ukraine for at least 7 years.

    Somehow the USA is being blamed for Russia taking control of these 3 areas.

    USA hasn't had troops occupying Ukraine at any time in the last 70 years. They almost certainly have supported groups opposed to Russian backed politicians.

    Bear in mind that the Russian puppet elected in 2010, Victor Yanukovich, promised he would sign a deal of greater co-operation with the EU when he was running for election. The 2014 revolution was sparked by his decision to totally renege on that deal ad unsuprisingly sign a deal with the Russians instead.

    Surely no-one here honestly believes that Russian citizens enjoy similar freedoms to western european citizens?

    It would be like Indonesia taking control of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland - citing mistreatment of aborigines by Australians, then people on here blaming the USA for it…

    There are neo Nazi's in most Western nations. The Klan exists in the USA. That doesn't mean everyone in those nations supports the neo Nazis or the Klan.

    The Ukraine defence forces are outnumbered, outgunned and have no effective air power. Without third party intervention, Russia will win the war sooner rather than later.

    Ukraine have released all prisoners capable of fighting on the basis that they will fight Russia. If they are that desperate, no wonder the let the small number of neo-Nazis fight too…

    • +2

      Thank you for this dose of reality.

      Regarding your latter points, NATO reinforcement and a strong Ukranian resistance may see things play out into a longer guerilla warfare conflict.

    • +2

      M8 this place is full of this : very low intellect .

    • Bear in mind that the Russian puppet elected in 2010, Victor Yanukovich, promised he would sign a deal of greater co-operation with the EU when he was running for election. The 2014 revolution was sparked by his decision to totally renege on that deal ad unsuprisingly sign a deal with the Russians instead.

      Seeing Winter on Fire a few nights ago, it felt like I was watching people desperate not to end up in the situation Belarusians are stuck with. Seems to focus mainly on a violent tip of a broader protest, though, and it isn't something that takes an in-depth or balanced look at the political/IR aspects, which are complicated, tragic and scary.

    • +1

      Except all of what you claimed is BS. Considering the Azov and Aidar groups has been deeply implanted in Ukraine since 2013/2014.



      These "Neo Nazi" groups weren't released prisoners, nor are they a "small group". They have been active in their military force and influential in their politics since the first Ukraine-Russia Conflicts in 2014.

      • +5

        Perhaps you should read what I said again. Either that or you are incapable of basic comprehension.

        So Azov battallion exists - 2500 soldiers from 22 countries. It fights the Russian invaders in the Donbas in eastern Ukraine.
        Note it is estimated only 20% of them are neo-Nazis. So about 500.
        I never said they were prisoners. I just said that as well as allowing neo Nazi's to fight in the recent conflict, they were allowing prisoners.

        Aidar battalion roughly the same size as Azov but less detail in what you supplied. Again fights Russians in the Donbas.

        The Ukrainian army stood at around 300,000 men pre the latest conflict

        Lets be generous and say between Azov and Aidar there are 5000 neo-Nazis

        Even though the real number is way lower.
        So 1.66% of the Ukrainian armed forces are neo-Nazis.

        That is like saying 25% of the ADF are LGBTI (about right) - so that makes the entire ADF LGBTI??

        As for active in politics, why shouldn't they be. So are Jewish parties, LGBTI parties, Muslim parties, Russian parties. That is democracy at work.
        The neo-Nazis dont seem to be getting too many votes in the elections.
        Bear in mind the president is Jewish….

        • Lol. But that's where Putin's excuse comes in - it is the Eastern areas of Ukraine that clearly has instances of genocide against Russian ethnicity that sparked a fair amount of this. Again, I am not making any legitimate excuses for Putin, but this DID happen and have substantial evidence to back it up.

          It's not just about the military - but also exists at least five major far-right political parties:

          Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists
          Svoboda party
          Ukrainian National Union
          Right Sector
          National Corps

          You might claim that this is only "small percentage" of the population, but this is more than enough to cause a lot of trouble with ethnic groups in Ukraine for it to be "noticeable" on a world stage. It's also false equivalence about the LGBTI percentages in ADF - even if there was 25% of them, they haven't caused any genocidal / war crimes against ethnicity like what the Azov and related people have done. Comparing ADF personnel's sexual preference to ethnic violence really shows the sort of person you are.

          If you time travelled back in Google enough to get away from the current martyrdom of the Neo-Nazi's against Russians, you will find plenty of articles that have claimed Ukraine's Neo-Nazi problems:


          Of course, with the current influx of Ukraine news, this stuff is almost buried. Not to mention Facebook and other organisations lifting their bans on these groups fairly recently.

          As I said before - It's bad argument to say that just because a president is Jewish, doesn't mean the ideology of his citizenry can't be national socialistic.

          • +1

            @bchliu: Except the eastern didn't have genocide.

            Pre-2014, there was no issue anywhere in Ukraine, including in the east. No discrimination, no destruction and certainly no deaths.

            It's only after Putin sent his forces and supplies in in 2014 to take over territory there and create separatist regions that there has been an issue. And of course, being part of Ukraine, the government will fight to take it back the same as if anyone took over any country's territory and shot at the government. Since these Russian backed forces are shooting at the Ukrainian government, what do you expect the government to do? Putin created a war then, just as he's created a bigger one now. And in both cases, people are dying. That's not genocide, that's fighting against the attackers.

            • @odysseus: So what you're saying is all of those above quoted articles - most of written in 2014 are fake, even though they're from western media? Because the Ukraine "defenders" only attacked Russian ethnic groups after they were attacked in 2014? Even though it was already enough of a problem in Ukraine for quite a while for The Guardian, Reuters and Amnesty International to write about?

              I smell bleach from your whitewashing of history here.

              • @bchliu: Not sure how you interpreted that from what I wrote, unless you are trying to come up with a strawman to support your conclusion, against anyone who doesn't agree with you.

                Please point out anything in those 4 articles that contradicts what I wrote i.e. something that says there was a significant issue in the East prior to 2014. The Reuters article is from 2018 - 4 years after the event and the Guardian was in Sept 2014, so again after the Russian invasion. The other two are even later.

    • +1

      Oh c'mon , this isn't a lame Disney movie. You don't have to take sides. Grow the f7ck up!

      There can be baddies vs baddies. This is definitely a case of evil vs evil.

      Don't forget the US dropped a nuke on civilians in Japan. The most heinous crime against humanity in the history of the human race. They murdered a million Iraqis in an unprovoked invasion based on a lie. Oh and the needless Vietnam massacre, should I go on? Yep, zero moral high ground here.

      And the Russians? Mad as a cut snake. Clearly. Too many examples to list.

      So, the mad Russians get Intel that the feral US is setting up nukes on the border, I know what I'd do…

      Rather than pathetically whinging on their corporate media, what the West should do is help stop the war, help resettle and evacuate the poor Ukrainians who wanna leave, and let the Russians have the corrupt cesspit.

      Based on recent history, there is NO other solution that doesn't involve the end of the world.

      • -2

        Dropping nukes on Japan was a good decision and in no way a crime….
        Should they instead of invaded and lost 1 million Allied soldiers and 5 million Japanese soldiers/civilians?

        And so if the West lets Russia have Ukraine, do they do the same when Russia ask for Moldova, Poland, etc etc….

        Appeasement was what enabled Hitler in the leadup to World War 2. This has a very similar look to it.

        • +2

          Wow, Indiscriminately murdering 200k innocents in a flash based on a hypothetical. Fark, that is some evil sh1t and the most pathetically weak justification possible.

          Stop being a petulant child.

          Again, there is NO other solution. Russia the mad dog will never stop. Ever.

          The US can not win this.

          The best outcome is to save civilian lives.

          Moldova? Poland? Give it up with these worthless lame hypotheticals.

          Let's face it, the US does not give a rat's. It's a game to them. Like all their messed up wars.

          Like the middle east, it will arm militants and drag this out forever. Simply pathetic, and very sad.

          As much as I hate Trump, I do now wish he won…this would not be happening.

          • +3

            @Wm: On the same basis, if China demands they take control of Taiwan and The Philippines, do we let them have them "to save civilian lives" ?

        • +3

          Wow you just endorsed killing innocent civilians in the pursuit of military objectives as justifiable

          • @star-ggg: It wasn't the first time in WW2

            The Blitz

            To name a few.

            Would you prefer the Japanese had won WW2 or more American men died to save the lives of Japanese civilians?

            If only 1 million Japanese civilians died due to the blasts and after effects, their deaths saved 5 times that many lives by ending the war.

          • @star-ggg: The Japanese civilians weren't necessarily noncombatants though. Japan had armed 28 million civilians with spears and swords to fight any amphibious assault by the allies to the death. They called it "The Glorious Death of 100 Million". Japan also amassed 10,000 suicide aircraft as well as over a thousand suicide boats and suicide divers to defend itself.

            The death toll for the allies would've far dwarfed any previous engagement.

            The allies provided plenty of opportunity for Japan to surrender, but the emperor and his cronies were willing to sacrifice the entire population to save their own skins from a war crime tribunal.

        • +1

          Dropping nukes on Japan was a good decision

          LOL. Majority of them were innocent civilians. You're a psycho

          • +1

            @Blitzfx: It's very sad but Americans could have dropped on Tokyo if they wanted to maximise damage. They targeted military and industrial strategic cities. Japanese are a proud and strong people with rich culture and wouldn't have surrendered, especially given the island is a natural fortress. Tragic this happened but you can see both sides perspective.

            Also Russians might have overrun Japan if Americans didn't do a shock and awe blast. They would have imposed their own regime similar to East Germany. Time was very much of the essence. North Korea ended up under Soviet influence look how that turned out.

        • +1

          so killing 200k odd innocent civilians is the lesser evil that have saves many more lives? that's some revisionist history right there, the same arguments have been used as a pretext for invasions and war crimes since the dawn of time. the amount of mental gymnastics required to condemn russia atrocities whilst supporting american genocide is impressive

          • @May4th: An often quoted saying around that time was "You reap what you sow"

            It means pretty much what the Joker says "You get what you f…ing deserve"

            The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour without declaring war, raped China and tortured POWs. They got what they f…ing deserved.

            • @TheCandyMan2020: don't disagree about that, the japanese imperialists is up there with the nazis in war crimes. unfortunately the ones who end up paying for it are usually the civilians

  • +6

    A joker ruling Ukraine LOL

    • +7

      nah, just a very good puppet, and speaking of that, our country has the best one.

      • +1

        you expect Scomo to bunker down anticipating death. He'd be off to Hawaii again . I guess some puppets take their jobs seriously

        can't use all that cash in afterlife? or can you?

  • +3

    Old videos regarding situation in Ukraine but very informative


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEOy0eRcJxo (Crimes in Donbass) (Subtitles in both French and English)

  • +2

    Scum Netflix cuties

  • +4

    Ahhh gotta love politics on OzB. Almost as entertaining as iOS vs Android. BRB making some popcorn.

  • +1

    Just hoping e10 drops back to around 1-1.2/L. Member those days?

    • +1

      Ye that's probably not happening ever again with countries blocking new discovery of oil reserves now. $1-1.20 was cheapest in the recent history accounting for inflation

      • Thanks for answering. Everyone else too busy feeding the trolls but not you.

  • -4

    I totally support Russia on their military operation as it will show NATO what russia is capable of.
    Ukraine should surrender and join their motherland for good. No more war, just one country like USSR.
    How come Netflix will not create a documentary on weapon of mass destruction in Iraq? That was the excuse that US invaded Iraq for oil.
    Because of this, I will unsubscribe Netflix.

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