This was posted 3 years 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Premium Unleaded 98 Fuel $1.759/L @ 7-Eleven Lytton, Murarrie



Ok ngl I should’ve done better formatting, but only wanted to get this deal out ASAP.

Same price as their 91 fuel right now so probably an error and will be fixed soon. So jump on this asap especially with the petrol over $2 a litre in most places :(

edit: so looks like this could become a long running deal haha

Cords as stated in comments:

Mod: [QLD] state tagging removed from title due to choppers.

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closed Comments

    • +34
      • +3

        I don't find BMT funny generally but this one never gets old or unfunny.

        • +3

          Im ashamed to admit that the video makes me laugh each time

    • +7

      When I’m going through tough times I always think of you jv!

    • +3


      • -5

        It did if you read the post when I wrote my comment and not after a mod changed it…

    • +5

      40 negs, that warrants a ban.

      • +1

        60 negs probably warrants prison time?

        • We might need to revoke their citizenship and deport them to NZ as a stateless refugee.

    • +1

      So do you 😉

  • +5

    Lon, lat coords:
    -27.456911633923 153.10576003648

    • Anyone know how I can get my rooted Android chopper there?

      • +3

        You need magisk set up with magiskhide, safetynet fix etc, then use whatever gps app, usually gps joystick. Its a bit of a mission to get done. Details are in the 7-11 pricewatch thread.

  • +20

    I hope everyone around Murarrie is safe during the floods/rain. Thanks for your cheap fuel.

    • +6

      Maybe they have water in that tank so selling cheap

  • +1

    Geez just filled with 186. I'm so sad now

    • +5

      Store the excess in a tank for later use.

      • +11

        Yep, I still have E10 from 3 weeks ago for $1.06 sitting in my garage in 3 jerry cans.

        • +19

          Ozbargain hero

          • +2

            @boretentsu: a true ozbargainer would have bought in 2020 at negative prices.

        • Hope you put some fuel stabiliser in it?
          If not… E10, it will already have water in it if has been sitting there for 3 weeks :(

          Seriously, don't put that in any engine you want to keep running.

          • @PCAviator: I read a month is okay?

          • @PCAviator: This /. My mechanic has a customer loan car. Before taking it you have sign to agree not to put E10 in it, or you'll have to pay for the repairs it will need. If everyone stopped buying this garbage, E10 would disappear, and the better fuel would come down in price.

        • I filled up 149L worth saved $121 bucks

        • Lol E10, tightest of the tight

    • +4

      Just siphon it out and refill with cheap price

    • +7

      take it back for a refund

  • THANK YOU OP, stay safe everyone in QLD :)

    • +3

      THANK YOU OP, stay sane everyone in QLD who've had their kids home for 3 days this week.

      • +2

        Saw this joke alot during Covid lockdowns, do alot of parents actually not enjoy the company of their kids.

        • +4

          No, that's why we have childcare, school, after school care, weekend sport, gap year, university, marriage.

          Kids under demand constant attention & engagement. Bosses are like kids. It can be difficult appeasing two like-minded, yet competing overlords.

        • +3

          Imagine having to spend every waking moment of your life with one of your friends. Now imagine they can't feed themselves, don't have great situational awareness, expect you to respond instantly to the most banal of questions, jump on you at random times in an attempt to play….

          Most parents love their kids to bits, but like most incessant things it gets exceptionally tiring and sometimes you just need a break.

  • -1

    If Brandon, Queensland was selling cheap petrol, it would be "go go go Brandon"

  • +6

    Link to instructions on how to start the chopper?

    EDIT: Nvm.

    • +1

      For iOS connect phone to computer, download and use 3utools to change location.

      For Android, i think theres plenty of apps out there that can change location and you just download off google i think? Not sure, never used Android before though.

      • Legend, thanks!

      • +2

        For Android, i think theres plenty of apps out there that can change location and you just download off google i think? Not sure, never used Android before though.

        I've already posted a complete configuration guide for a Pixel 2XL and generic instructions for other Android phones, it's not a 5 minute job, more like a 3 - 4 hr job for most people who have never done it before.

        • +1

          I followed cwong techs instructions for android.
          Takes a few hrs but worth it if you have a spare/old android phone

        • can we have the link to your post, please? thanks

        • Got a link to your post? Cheers.

        • -1

          Is this just to change your GPS location!? I wonder why people are having difficulty. I just downloaded a GPS faker app one day, pinched to zoom in on the map til I saw street names, pressed where I want the "pin" to drop, and apps like Hungry Jacks/KFC thought I was there.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            Is this just to change your GPS location!?

            That's the easy part. Presenting a mock location as a native location without being detected is the hard part.

      • +9

        I find the iFakeLocation method easier

        • Yep agreed

        • +2

          It is easier, but you need an computer to assist the iOS device

          Android is completely portable once set up

          • @cwongtech: I followed your guide few weeks ago, tried to lock for the first time today (rookie mistake not to dummy test it before) and I get
            "Uh oh! That didn't work as planned, there seem to be a problem. error E01"
            Any ideas? (Pixel 2XL owner)

            • +3


              "Uh oh! That didn't work as planned, there seem to be a problem. error E01"

              E01 = Safetynet fail

              Did you do grab the kdrag0n safetynet fix module?
              You can download an app off the play store to check for safetynet test results
              Need both to be ticked or it won't pass (and thus fail the fuel lock process)
              Did you do MagiskHide for 7/11?

              Also did you go to Android 12? Zygisk doesn't work with Smali Patcher

              • @cwongtech: First, thanks for the reply, appreciate it.

                Phone is running Android 11 only.
                I've got 2 modules in magiskhide

                • Smalipatcher v0.0.6.9
                • Universal safetynet fix v1.2.0 by kdrag0n

                I've also hidden magisk and duplicated the GPS joystick app, as per instruction

                Edit: yep indeed, failed the test
                Edit2: ok, went back to your guide, and looks like I need magisk props. Luckily fellow member helped me with the lock this time!

      • No, it's more involved than just downloading and using an app.

        There are a lot of steps

        • -1

          Not if it's just to change GPS location. See my post several back. Not sure why people want to do it though… because if you're not physically there, you can't fill up anyway. Oh well. Edit: Oh I see… to lock in the price. Ok. No 7/11 near me so I'd never heard of that.

  • THANKS Wolfhound - Much appreciated

  • Wow e10 has shot up 7c. Feel stupid for not locking in earlier.

  • +8

    PM me your account if you want to lock, I have 20 mins

    • Thanks T-man.

    • PM you T-man~ Thanks in advance! :P

    • +1

      not all heros wear capes… some own choppers.

    • +4

      I gotta go, have a good afternoon everyone, please do not send me accounts, thanks

  • -1

    Does anyone know if GPS spoofing work with the 7/11 app?

    • +1

      We just fly our choppers to the location.

  • Lol @ 98 being cheaper than 95

    • I just filled up yesterday $1.779@95, luckily half tank only

      • +1

        Bad move.
        It will be $2+ next week

    • +3

      U98 is the same price as U91.

      They have run out of U91.

  • Thanks! Just got the low fuel light

  • Thanks OP!
    All locked

  • Mentioning [QLD] in title is pretty pointless.
    People may think its a QLD only deal, but anyhoooo choppers know no boundries

  • Bargain!

    Thanks OP

  • +7

    I'll be online for a while longer, around the next 30-40 mins, if you want to PM your account to get it locked in.

  • +1

    What app is the OP using in his screenshot?

  • QLD you say…

  • Thanks OP,
    What app are you using?

  • +2

    Good find but it's sad that this is actually considered a good price

  • Thanks OP.


    • +1

      $2.30 next few weeks

  • +1

    letssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss gooooooooooo

    last time u98 dropped right after i had filled a full tank of u98 at the highest price……

    decent price of u98 probably the best price in these months….

  • +9

    Happy to lock for next 30 minutes. PM me creds.

    • Legend, I'll try to fix the chopper before next price lock.

    • Legend! thanks!

    • PM'ed. Thanks heaps

    • Thank you, much appreciated!

    • PM'd. Thanks!

    • Much appreciated!

    • pmed thanks

    • Thanks mate! You’re a legend!

  • +1

    Across the Brisbane river from me… i hope it's not flood affected fuel they're selling lol

    • Price lock and buy elsewhere if worried

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