This was posted 2 years 11 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[PS4] The Last of Us Part 2 $14.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Crazy price. It's currently $20, price matching Big W, but there is a $5.01 off coupon on the listing. $4 cheaper than the previous $19 deal.

Grab it before the coupon disappears.

Total: $20.00
Promotion(s) Applied: -$5.01
Order Total: $14.99

Delivery is free with prime or $39 spend without prime.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    FANTASTIC game! Plays smooth 4K60 on PS5:

    Make sure to play TLOU 1: Remastered first though (free on PS5 PS+ Collection).

  • Awesome, thanks for sharing. Snagged a copy.

    • +2

      Link to where Ghost of Tsushima is $14.99????

      • -7

        Exactly. You can tell how much better GoT is in comparison by the fact that it rarely, if ever, drops below $50.

        • +8

          Having played both, I didn't even get half way through GoT, so repetitive, average graphics, no feel to explore the world, as an open world was quite poor, but great swordplay. Played TLOU2 twice. I'm not intentionally sexist/homophobic/racist so I don't have an issue with stories with various topics. I can understand that close minded people might have issues with modern topics though. Sucks as you missed out on a great game

          • +2

            @onlinepred: But that's the difference between the two, GoT actually plays well, not many games with better swordplay.

            Could easily list 5+ games that do survival/stealth better than TLOU2 though

            • -4

              @cille745: Tlou2 has fantastic combat and gunplay. Clearly you haven’t played it. There’s room for epic combos. I was just saying the only thing I liked about GoT was the swordplay.

              • +2

                @onlinepred: I've played through the entire thing, only thing that pulls you through is the story. It simply doesn't compare to something like MGSV when it comes to 3rd person stealth and combat mechanics

                • +1

                  @cille745: Cool, I guess you like different styles of games? MGSV is more of a comedy/action/unrealistic game. Incredibly fun, but all outdoors, no indoor combat.

                • @cille745: If you're going to go that far, then Ghost of Tsushima doesn't come close to the combat mechanics of Sekiro or the Nioh games either.
                  Garbage right?

        • +8

          Paw Patrol The Video Game better than God Of War in your book.

          bro. no way.

    • +9

      I don't have the time nor the inclination to play this woke trash.

      Thanks for letting us know, broseidon.

    • +1

      I'm still very disappointed with the direction they took, such a departure from the first… Phantom pain is real man 😅

    • +5

      Are you the same person as the previous username - mmcgr97 ?

      • +4

        That person was banned for a period of time due to personal attacks in the last TLOU2 deal because people did agree with his opinion. Hilarious.

    • +5

      Why woke, because of the girls?

      • +4

        Could be anything, doesn’t really require much for some folk out there get severely triggered.

        Imagine being so proud of one’s own ignorance, that they can’t be bothered to play a game to determine whether it’s any good, instead preferring to believe the opinions of outrage merchants and angry bois out there, who themselves never played it either!

    • +1

      Nice to see some authentic reviews, instead of the blind shills

  • +1

    $15, I couldn't pass it up! Thank you.

  • +2

    Just started the first one so perfect timing for me. Thanks.

  • Nice price, has been in the 2 for $30 on and off for a while at JB also.

  • +1

    When will they release the online multiplayer? I have finished the game and enjoyed it but traded it in so I'd pay $10 for the online.

    • Factions II will probably release towards the end of this year or the start of next year. But it'll most likely be standalone, won't be tied to TLOU Part II as such.

    • You just became my personal hero.

      • -3

        Thanks. I do the same for switch cheap switch lite for online Mario kart hacked switch for everything else probably have 2k of games of my 400gb micro SD.

    • -1

      Where do you get free games?

      • +1

        The internet.

    • +3

      I'm all for emulation and whatnot and love me some old games, I feel no guilt about pirating those, I can't buy Spider-Man 2, Tony Hawk 3 or the Simpsons anywhere. I ain't gonna get all up on a high horse about that

      But straight up stealing currently sold games on current hardware is defo a bit less savoury.

    • So many downvotes. I have a theory that those who get on their anti-piracy high horse, are actually secretly jealous they are too stupid to know how to do it.

  • I love the story of part 2, hated the gameplay though.

    • +1

      Did it just wildly deviate from the gameplay of part 1?

      I am still searching for something to fill the giant hole left in my life after finishing part 1 for the 5th time recently…

      • +5

        I didn't think it deviated wildly from part 1. Basically refined and improved pretty much all aspects of it.

        To be honest, I'm surprised that somebody who loved the first one enough to finish it 5 times has managed to avoid the second one for so long? Get it, it is superb.

        • +1

          I loved the first one. I've managed to avoid playing the second one. Not having a PS4 or PS5 helps.

        • +1

          I am a tight arse

    • +1

      Really? I think most people hated the story but preferred the gameplay 🤔

      • Yeh trust me. I have watched over 100 hrs of people playing TLOU and TLOU2 on youtube.

        • Lol! Username checks out 🍻

  • The only part I did not like are the long pauses where you just watch and don't play. The rest is 10 out of 10

    • Man MGS is every worse in the cut scene department

  • Never mind, there is no spoiler tag in markdown or markdown extra.

  • +2

    masterpiece. game is the ultimate test of "are you an empathetic person who can see past your own bias?".

  • Would the 'pro gamer move' be to just wait it out until M$ buys out Sony eventually, and adds TLOU Part 2 to games pass haha

  • Can't add to cart?

  • Damn… missed it! Looks like its OOS now

  • +1

    Just missed out

    • +2

      Available again @JL1 @Cuddlah @Stigasaurus if you are quick, a few more available.

      Edit: Sorry, gone again, didn't last long.

      • +2

        Thanks for the heads up, was busy and didn't see!

  • Back in stock

    • +1

      Nah, available but can't add to cart.

  • Another The Last of Us Part II thread, another bunch of triggered people.

    There are many reasons why this game has been cheap, one of them is that Sony is already happy with the sales (Same thing happened with God of War, Horizon, etc.)

    • +1

      Sure, if it's selling well, heavily discount the price. You must have gone to Harvard business school?

      • Sony always discounts their good games, especially those ps hit ones.

        • Yeah, pretty much. But some people don't get it.

  • +1

    besides the shitty story this has one of the best fighting game play mechanics i have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. no brainer for 15 dollars i paid full retail day 1

  • Why do people say this game is woke? If the critics can give me a valid explanation please. If not, then i guess its just ignorant or hateful people

    • +1

      I wish it were possible to spoiler tag in comments so I could answer your question.

  • +3

    GOTY for a reason, and deservedly so

    • Ghost of Tsushima deserved its GOTY that year more imo

  • -2

    Had to put this up in response to people don't like it because it is "woke".
    Watch "Moist Meter | The Last of Us 2" a review by Cr1TiKaL.

    He was a fan of the original/Dlc and explains why people who are huge fans of the first game felt like this game received praise it did not deserve and was a step backwards in story for the series.
    Obviously i did not enjoy tlou2 and i wish i did, I was looking forward to it for several years after all.

    I just couldn't stand the decisions the characters make. I would cringe at the choices they make and i did not expect so many people to be so happy with it honestly.
    And the excuse of "it's just hard to understand that's why you dont like it" is pathetic.
    This is written by the same person as the original but as we know missing one persons input. Also it's a game not a philosophical paper, I understand the original and the sequal just fine.

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