Hey Oz Bargain Community,
As promised, here's our exclusive ASAP rolling dispatch deal, following our recent exclusive delayed dispatch deal.
This deal is to celebrate the launch of our new product which we're very excited about, it's our fresh coffee special Lucky Dip Single Origin Combos. Sometimes I have the same type of coffee every day of the week, sometimes I have a different coffee each day of the week; both weeks are terrific coffee weeks for me. What I love about trying different coffees and want to share with you via this new product, is the coffee adventure of trying new regions and types. Every coffee in these combos I love for one reason or another, some I prefer over others, some I prefer black, some white (with milk) and some are so wonderful I'll take them anyway they come on any day! What I personally do is take that the time making and drinking my brekkie coffee to go on a quick holiday in my mind to that destination, I first imagine myself on the coffee farm at dawn, then I venture into the rural and city areas of that region in the world. Other times, I'll let the coffee take me to a different part of the world that the flavour of the coffee reminds me of. I know it may sound a bit la di di but if done right it can be such a profoundly relaxing and uplifting experience that the best way to explain it is to experience it, you can go on several overseas trips a day without even standing in one airport queue.
Here's the key points below:
- We are very excited to be releasing 8 Single Origins from 8 different Countries. These are limited release delicious SO's. At present we have only been able to secure a small supply of each (hence Lucky Dip), none of these SO's are currently available for individual purchase on our site, they can only currently be experienced through our Lucky Dip Combos. Who knows your luck, you may end up with a Grade 1 Ethiopian and an incredible Colombian or an amazing Kenyan and a delicious El Salvador…
- All bags are 500g-Minimum total order quantity is 1kg, which will come in the form of 2 x 500g
- You are guaranteed at least 2 different Single Origins. You may get 4 different SO's or 8 or even more depending on the quantity you order, but you are only guaranteed two different SO's regardless of the quantity ordered. You can enjoy each SO as individual experiences or make them your own by creating an experimental blend after enjoying each SO Who knows your luck, you may end up with a Grade 1 Ethiopian and an incredible Colombian or an amazing Kenyan and a delicious El Salvador…
- You are also guaranteed to receive at least 1 Washed Process South American coffee, which will suit both Black and Milk Based coffees
- Other coffee/s you may receive may be from another South American region, Central America or Africa
- Other coffee/s may be Washed or Natural processed
- There is a range of different size, density and varietal of beans we'll be sending out including Peaberry
- Specific Single Origin flavour, region, processed type requests is unavailable for this product, as its a surprise lucky dip
- The special lucky dip does not include any Decaf options AKA you won't receive Decaf
- Your Single Origins will be 85/100 or more in score
- All SO's will be Omni roasted to suit both Espresso and Filter extraction methods
- All orders will be dispatched on a rolling ASAP dispatch basis
- Delayed dispatch is unavailable for this product
- If you're a Member of our Frequent Buyers Club traveling on our Surprise Mystery Flight your March stop will not be included in these combos, nor will it be our next featured rotating Single Origin
- If you've recently ordered our current featured rotating Brazil São Paulo Single Origin for delayed dispatch you're welcome to email us to push out that delivery to a later date if you're interested in trying our Lucky Dip Single Origin Combos because the Brazil São Paulo Single Origin won't be included in these Lucky Dip SO Combos
Here's the deal highlights:
We're offering you a 40% discount (only $29.39 per 2 x 500g different SO combos, usually $48.98 per 2 x 500g different SO combos, see link below) off our Lucky Dip Single Origin Combos for orders placed until 7/3/2022, unless sold out before. Please note this discount is only available for ASAP rolling dispatch. Delayed dispatch will be unavailable with this discount, as such all delayed dispatch dates on the calendar will be red :)
Some helpful info:
- Complimentary gift notes can be written in the "special instructions for seller" box on the cart page
- If you select paypal express checkout on the product page you'll likely skip the order notes section, which is on the cart page (as mentioned above)
- The discount price will show up after the "cart" stage of the ordering process AKA once you start entering in your delivery details
- All bags have a zip lock (are resealable)
- Flat Rate Shipping $6.99 No Delivery Company Preference $7.99 Shipit-Courier's Please $8.99 Australia Post $12.99 Express Post
Gonna have to get a bigger freezer soon