This was posted 3 years 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate $45 Per Year + $1 (+ $15.95 Expired Users) for up to 3 Years @ Ultimate Choice on Eneba (Need TR VPN)


A VPN to Turkey must be used for this deal. Only works on accounts with no active GPU (expired or new members).

Purchase Xbox Live Gold $45 per year for up to 3 years, and add 1 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 (new users) or $15.95 (expired users). The Xbox Live Gold subscription will then be upgraded to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.


Key for a year: $46.34
Service fees with PayPal: $3.83 ($3.59 with CreditCard)
Discount: -$5.09

End-price per year: $44.99

The Xbox Live Gold 12 Month end-price is $45 on Eneba (as indicated below), but the user must also redeem a month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price.
(Therefore slightly cheaper per month to buy three years (max)).*

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Buy up to three 12-month subscriptions for Xbox Live Gold.
  2. Connect to Turkey via VPN - (Recommend using the free Windscribe Chrome extension)
  3. Once connected, navigate to and sign in with your normal Microsoft/Xbox account.
  4. Enter the code as normal, redeem and turn off the VPN
    Any subscription on your Xbox account can be topped up up to 36 months.

  5. After you've activated the Xbox Live Gold, redeem the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate month from the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate landing page.

(Will add $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price).

The (up to) 36 months of Xbox Live Gold should show as 36 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on your account now.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Bought 3 or 4 game keys off Eneba a few days ago, keys worked fine. Prices were decent too.

    • Did you have any issues upgrading the GPU? I got the codes, and they redeemed, but when I turn off the VPN and switch back to AU I get this error:

      You currently have a subscription from a different region. If it still doesn't work, please contact customer support.

      • +2

        I had this error too. In my case, it was because my actual MS store region was USA. So I did the steps to upgrading live gold to GPU from the USA site in an incognito window: and it worked!

        • Good to hear you got it to work.

          I went a slightly different route. I purchased a 1mo global GPU key online, redeemed it, and it converted my gold as expected.

        • How did you tell which region your MS store was? I have the same error.

  • +3

    search for past comment for step by step AFTER purchase.

  • Will this work if I have an active pc gamepass subscription?

    • Yeah I did mine with 1 week left on my PC Gamepass then it was converted to XGPU

    • +3

      If you have an active subscription, I read that it only converts 4 months to GPU. Be careful.

      • Can someone confirm

        • Confirmed.

          See FAQ here -

          After I join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, can I still redeem Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass codes?

          Yes. After you join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, you can continue to redeem Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass for Console and PC Game Pass codes. These codes will automatically convert to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate based on the following conversion table. Conversion ratio subject to change.

        • +1

          As above, you should wait until your current subscription expires before applying Gold otherwise you get a terrible conversion.

  • Anybody know cheap region to buy Xbox games from 3rd party? I tried from Xbox turkey official website but can't work it out. Looking for FIFA 22 ultimate. It's $67 AUD right now.

    • $39 for the standard

    • Need to know this too.

      OP…. Do you know the way to purchase games from Turkey Xbox store?


    • -1

      Also interested. Been waiting on NBA Jam to come down in price. I know it's only $15…. there is a reason I am on this site.

    • +1

      I have been getting the games gifted through the Discord channel. Find the game you are after on the website. It will show you which country is the cheapest. Copy/paste the link to that game in the 'trade_games' section on their Discord server then verified gifters from the cheapest country will private message you with a quote. It's usually a few dollars more than listed on the website so they make some money.
      While it does work really well it can be a pain getting the money to the different gifters depending on how they want it. As an example FIFA 22 ultimate is approx $31AUD in Turkey.…
      The website has a FAQ section with links to the Discord channel.

      • Thanks for ur input mate. So if I buy FIFA 22 turkey from discord, how will I be able to activate on my Xbox account?

  • Thanks. Redeemed!

  • The discount code doesn't seem to work.

  • -5


  • +6

    GPU sub expired today so this is perfect timing. So happy to have 36 months of sub stacked well under a $150. That is some serious value on a service that already offers amazing value. Thanks to the poster and all the hints, tips and recommendations in this and other posts on this subject.

    • Please confirm if it worked for you. My GPU is expiring in few months and want to know if I can still add gold and convert it to ultimate taken I already had ultimate.

      • I did confirm in my initial comment. 36 months. Followed the instructions with a single year of Gold first they got the additional two years. After one year topped up you can go to add one month of GPU and it will tell you how long you will get at part of the conversion. Cancel and then added any additional time as required. This way you downside risk is reduced.

        • Hi there - so just checking - (my gamepass expired yesterday) - i add/redeem the 3 codes (will show as 36 months of Gold), then i buy 1 month of GPU and it will convert it all to GPU….? Im confused by the "Cancel and then added any additional time as required. This way you downside risk is reduced." bit…

  • Juat bought it yesterday for 3 yr for around $147 aud. smooth transaction

  • Last time I did this… I just lost money.

    MS wouldn't take the codes no matter what I tried.

    So, nah.

  • Novice question but am I right in my thinking that if I buy this 3 years worth of GPU, that I then have access to around 400 games that can be downloaded to our Xbox and played at will during the life of the subscription?

    I am looking at this so the kids would have access to play more games without needing to purchase individual titles each time.

    Presumably normal parental controls can apply to which games they can install or do I install them using my parent account and allow them to play via their profiles?

    Apologies for the simple Q's but haven't done this before.


    • +4

      You can play the games for as long as they are available on game pass (usually a very long time)
      Think of it as Netflix for Xbox games.

      I haven’t tried any parental controls so can’t speak to how that would work, but I can’t see it going any different to normal.

      It’s a very good system really, so many good games on there.

  • Waiting for my membership to expire to just do 3 years and be largely covered for this generation

  • Is this the current best price?

  • New to the xbox GPU thing. If Gold to GPU transfer is still avail in 12 months I'll be able to top up my subscription using the same method beyond 3 years right?

  • Do people normally create a seperate Gamertag to do this on in case Microsoft decides to crack down on doing this?

    • I made a new Gmail for it when I did it last year - less because of worries about Microsoft as I was about buying off websites which have loose morals (not that I'm complaining as I'm purchasing) are highly likely to sell your details.

      So I did fake name, fake address (10 Main Road, Sydney etc) and a new Gmail.

  • First time pulling trigger to do this, worked like a charm!
    Just need to get a Xbox Series X, still having a Xbox one X :)

    • +1

      Same here. I've got one on pre-order from EB so expecting it to arrive this month

  • Awesome! Kind of stressful there for a sec coz my bank called me after I bought the codes. Then after that I got "this code could not be redeemed", but trying the windscribe extension instead of my ExpressVPN did the trick. All good in the end.

  • Did this a couple of weeks ago, worked perfectly for me if the process is followed to the letter. Xbox Cloud gaming works really well on a Telstra 100 down/20 up plan, I almost don't need a console any more (tried it on an old Lenovo Tiny PC with an i5 CPU plugged into my TV and was pleasantly surprised by the result, though the actual Xbox produces a smoother picture.

  • Apologies if this has been answered, can't see in the above comments though. If I have an active GPU sub, can I still do this? Thanks

    • +2

      The first line of the deal’s description has your answer:

      Only works on accounts with no active GPU (expired or new members).

      If your membership is active right now it won’t work. You’d need to wait until it expires before this process will work for you.

  • I wouldn't recommend it. If u redeem gold on a current membership, you only get a percentage of it which converts to ultimate. Not 1 for 1.

    • You can wait for the current sub to expire or forcefully cancel it by contacting Microsoft.

  • Anyone managed to cancel their current subscription without having to wait until it's expiry?

  • +1

    Can I just ask those who have done this before, when you first purchase the 3 Xbox Live Gold packs, do they have to be done in separate purchases or can you just add 3 to the cart and then buy all 3 at the same time?

    First time doing this so just wanting to check.


    • +1

      I did 3 in one transaction. Make sure you do this from a PC or use desktop mode on your mobile to allow you to chuck in the discount code.

  • Thanks OP, this worked like a charm

  • Hey guys, I bought one 12 month and redeemed with vpn, but it is auto converted to 4 month game pass ultimate, is there something wrong with my method or did it got patched.

    • Did you have ultimate in the past?

      • If you have ultimate previously, but it's expired now, will this cause problems?

        • Dont know, but asked this to another user above in the comments. I had read it somewhere that you can convert gold to ultimate in full once only. Cant confirm it though.

        • You won't get problems, but you may need to pay $15.95 instead of $1 to upgrade the Gold to GPU.

      • Yeah, it might actually expire tmr… I read if I used to have it I need to pay 15 instead of 1 to convert but this is quite different

    • +3

      You need to let your GPU expire before doing this, otherwise it converts 12 months gold to 4 months GPU

  • If I have 3 months of Gold left, can I still purchase 3 years of codes and switch to Ultimate? Or do I have to wait for the 3mo to finish first?

    • +1

      The maximum Microsoft let you stack is 36 months. It actually won't let you redeem the last 12 months because it will bring you over 36 months. You can either just get 24 months now and upgrade or wait until your remaining months expire.

  • Trying to upgrade from gold to GPU but after I press continue it does nothing, anyone else getting this error?

    • Are you doing this step without VPN?

      • +1

        I found the error, had an expired card linked to my account lol.

  • So I managed to get all this sorted and I now have 3 years of Xbox GPU so many thanks OP.

    One question, what was the code for as I never needed to populate it anywhere in any of this. Did it auto populate somewhere along the way?

    • It doesn't auto-populate, you can input a discount code at the checkout screen. It gives a $5 discount. (Remember fees get added on top)

      • I tried to add the code when I checked out on the Eneba page and it said the code wasn't valid.

        Oh well, still a ripper deal at the end of the day to get 3 years worth of GPU for less than $150.

  • Can anyone help me what I'm doing wrong ? I got XBL expired. I got 3x key….when I tired it goes

    Redeem your code or gift card
    It'll be added to xxxxx@xxxx (Australia) << showing Australia ? (I'm VPN'ed and my ip shows instanbul)

    And then it fails with this message…

    This code can't be redeemed. It was purchased in a different region from your account. Get more information

    This code can't be redeemed. It was purchased in a different region from your account.

    EDIT: seems using my own paid IVACY VPN does not work…HAD to use the one provided in the steps and worked without issues…all 3 redeemed. Thanks!
    2022/03/03 - 05:39:38 UTC

    help please ?

    • How did you get passed the ultimate game pass step? I get a GEO restricted error there

  • Is there an expiry on this? I just cancelled my subscription which doesn't expire for another 10 days and hoping to come back and try this then.

  • +3

    I am compelled to post each time to highlight the sketchy practices of Eneba. Some very interesting commentary from other posts below with the same or similar experiences here.

    I would not trust Eneba to honour any of the deals posted here or on their website. Their business practises are funded by dubious methods, and they will go to all efforts to deny responsibility should you have any issues with activations. The deals may appear to be a good deal, especially if you are financially strapped right now, but don't expect them to be respectful, upstanding citizens of the community. Tread carefully.

    Check comments here.

  • Is $46.02 now

  • Worked 100% thanks. This is my 2nd conversion to gamepass ultimate. Like everyone said, just make sure your gamepass has expired and your all good.

  • cool, have u tried to redeem it while its still active?

    • No, because I prefer 12 months of gamepass ultimate, rather than 4 months for the same price.

  • Can someone please help me?

    1. Buy up to three 12-month subscriptions for Xbox Live Gold - check
    2. Connect to Turkey via VPN - (Recommend using the free Windscribe Chrome extension(
      Once connected, navigate to and sign in with your normal Microsoft/Xbox account - check

    3. Enter the code as normal, redeem and turn off the VPN check - Turned off VPN
      Any subscription on your Xbox account can be topped up up to 36 months. check

    After you've activated the Xbox Live Gold, redeem the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate month from the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate landing page(

    This step fails, it says I have a subscription from another region. Do I need my VPN on or off for this process?

    • VPN should be off for the last upgrade step. Check that your Microsoft account's region is set to Australia.

      Note that any attached payment methods/cards to your account also need to have their billing address in Australia. Make sure to remove any expired payment methods too.

      • Thanks mate, all set to Australia but no luck

        • You'll have to contact Microsoft support, they should be able to sort you out. Obviously don't mention about using a VPN.

          • @wangasm: Thanks for your help Wangasm.

            I think my account was set to US before I redeemed Xbox Live. So my Xbox Live is US.

            Note to everyone - check your region before you do this! Don't make stupid mistakes like myself.

  • This is a great deal, can I buy this now and when my gamepass expires at the end of the year (Nov) activate it then or will the code expire and I effectively lose my money?

    • +1

      Technically these codes do not expire. But I wouldn't risk it with these unofficial sellers, if there is something wrong with the code it'll be too late by the time you find out in November. (Can no longer dispute) There are Gold deals all the time though so you don't really need to buy them in advance.

      • Are they as good though - the gold deals, I mean? Only ask because I have already used the $1 new account deal and got two years GPU for $100 and want to get a similar deal for the next 3 years. I know new deals are posted all the time but what is the cheapest way right now if you know? Is it just VPN from other sites?

  • Fantastic, thanks for the post. Code worked when using the instructions (don't connect VPN before purchasing from Eneba)

  • Where do I enter the discount code XLGTr12 in the Eneba website? I’m purchasing on my mobile and it does not show a field to enter the code, it goes from cart straight to payment.

  • I have 1 month left on my Gold and I can’t add the last code as apparently I reached the maximum.

    Is that right, can’t we have more than 3 years gold? If so, will need to wait until the end of the month to redeem the last code.

    • Yes 36 months is the absolute maximum. They won't let you add if it makes you go over. This is why it's recommended to wait for your current sub to expire (Also do not add if you have an active GPU sub).

  • Worked just as described got 2 years for 90 bucks a bargain!

  • Worked like a charm! Thanks OP!
    Now is even cheaper, A$128.68+1 for 3 years including fees.
    Just waiting for the preordered XSX this month from EB~

  • Hi guys. I got xbox PC Game Pass trial for 3 months. I was wondering would this XBOX live thing can used for PC Game Pass or are they completely different?

    • +1

      Xbox Live Gold converts to Game Pass Ultimate (includes PC) 1:1 when you don't have a current subscription. Gold is significantly cheaper than purchasing game pass directly which is why this conversion method is popular.

      If you already have a game pass subscription then the conversion is worse (12 months Gold = 4 months GPU) hence why this is only good when you don't have a current subscription (including trials).

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