This was posted 3 years 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate $43.79 Per Year + $1 (+ $15.95 Expired Users) for up to 3 Years @ Eneba/Ultimate Choice (Need TR VPN)


A VPN to Turkey must be used for this deal. Only works on accounts with no active GPU (expired or new members).

Purchase Xbox Live Gold $43.79 per year for up to 3 years, and add 1 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 (new users) or $15.95 (expired users). The Xbox Live Gold subscription will then be upgraded to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.


Key for a year: $45.42
Service fees with PayPal: $3.79 ($3.55 with card)
Discount: -$5.33

End-price per year: $43.79

The Xbox Live Gold 12 Month end-price is $43.79 on Eneba (as indicated below), but the user must also redeem a month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price.
(Therefore slightly cheaper per month to buy three years (max)).*

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Buy up to three 12-month subscriptions for Xbox Live Gold.
  2. Connect to Turkey via VPN - (Recommend using the free Windscribe Chrome extension)
  3. Once connected, navigate to and sign in with your normal Microsoft/Xbox account.
  4. Enter the code as normal and redeem.

Any subscription on your Xbox account can be topped up up to 36 months.

  1. After you've activated the Xbox Live Gold, redeem the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate month from the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate landing page.

(Will add $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price).

The (up to) 36 months of Xbox Live Gold should show as 36 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on your account now.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is this the same long running deal ?

  • +4

    every ozbargainer has atleast one year of gamepass now.

    • +1

      I don't.

    • +1

      Mine is about to expire in 2 days. 3 years will be beauty.
      I'm loving the Xcloud. Can do some gamig during quite time at work

  • So this is only for Xbox itself? Can't be used on PC?

    • +2

      Works on PC, install the Xbox app and you're good to go.

    • +1

      Xbox game pass and PC game pass are only for game pass on Xbox and PC respectively. Game pass ultimate is Xbox and PC game pass, and ea play etc.

  • +8

    If you haven't gotten this yet, I highly recommend it.
    I've 'made back' the cost of 3 years with the games I've played over the last 2 months.
    The Xbox app on PC isn't great, but the library is massive.

    • +1

      It amazes me how poorly made Microsoft apps are on their own operating system.

      • Microsoft stopped being serious about app development years ago, They put most of the effort into services and data mining.

  • +5

    If you play pc games with any regularity do yourself a favour and get this. Play two triple a titles in three years you would have bought on steam and it’s paid for itself.

    In my 1 year of game pass to date, just checking game pass before buying a steam game added up to about $180 not spent across 4 games. Not to mention the value of being able to just try random games that look interesting but I wouldn’t usually buy. And I already know I would be buying TWW3 on steam if it wasn’t day one release on game pass, so that’s another 60 to 80 dollars.

  • I'm currently on the $1 trial that ends in Feb 2020 - can I still buy this and activate it straight away to add the year, or should I wait till the trial is finished?

    • +2

      Assuming you meant 2022.

      Wait until it’s lapsed otherwise the conversion ratio will be only 4 months of GPU for 12 months of Gold.

      Or you can buy the code now, wait until the expiry then redeem and convert.

      More info here under FAQ -

    • I am in same boat (ends mid Jan 2022). So I guess the mechanism that makes this worthwhile is that MS Gold subscription period is converted into GPU subscription of same length when you sign up to GPU?

      So you must add gold to an expired account, getting gold subscription…THEN upgrade for GPU.

      Where as if you have a valid GPU sub, when u add gold, it is converted at a lower rate?

  • I paid $118 new user on the long running deal in the last week as live subby for 3 years was only 39 plus $1 for ultimate, great deal, playing sea of thieves with my son using one account presently, it will be easy to get value out of these vpn deals, said Brazil but got turkey codes as did that op

    • Is he playing on the Xbox and you on the PC?

      • We're using 2 PCs, I have a PS5 for a console and don't want an Xbox

        • How do you game share on 2 PCs?

          • @Agret: I've only played Sea of Thieves so far but figure if it works for a Co-Op open world/Multiplayer it will work for all. I added him to microsoft family. (Organiser as member seemed to impose other annoying limitations, if you do the wrong one you'll have to delete and start again) Then I logged into his Microsoft Store on his PC. He used his Xbox App per usual with his own account. So far I'm having issues setting up parties using the app, so I'm just inviting him within the game so future games may need more research but in any case we can both download any games we want from the pass.

  • +3

    Hey rep, could you please explain how these keys are obtained? I have heard many times that these keys are obtained through stolen CCs and what not.

    More info from @Kozhutki if others want to know more about this.

    • +6

      If you want, just buy from that way you can be certain that all your keys were stolen.

    • -1

      I do wonder, these deals are all for Turkey region keys.

      I wouldn't say Turkey keys are very high reward. I'd expect the high target granny on the phone paying her "fine" to head down to the local Best Buy and buy a US key, but Turkey?

      In either case, would be nice for rep to chime in.

    • +1


      Yes, we get the "stolen CCs" accusations a lot. This is mostly caused by other marketplaces' poor track-record, who have been active since the beginning of 2010s (not going to name any specific companies here).

      You might find some of our sellers (companies selling the keys through a marketplace) on other marketplaces, too. That being said, not all the sellers you find on other marketplaces are sellers on Eneba.

      The accusations also come from recent years, too.
      There was a case in Germany recently where a person bought a Nintendo card from a marketplace and received a criminal complaint.
      To avoid this, we have a much more strict seller application policy, where they have to verify the sources they are buying their stock from, thus we never had and aim to never have anything even close to a case like that in the future.

      With every new and existing merchant, we always make sure that the stock comes from official sources and the seller is a certified distributor of digital goods.
      Giving out specific information about key sources (which is not only protected by law but could also run a seller out of business) is, obviously, not something we can do on a deal thread or anywhere else for that matter.

      By selecting only the verified resellers/distributors we are losing on price competitiveness and stock quantities, but we are saving ourselves and our users from any trouble.
      I have to say that this has also helped us grow and become the quickest-growing video game marketplace in the world, as we are already closely competing with the biggest marketplaces and digital shops in terms of monthly visits, only three years after our launch.

      If there are any problems with purchases – always contact support first at
      If anything comes up, feel free to also send me a DM, so I can prioritise the issue quicker.
      That being said, issues occur very rarely, and if they do, we make sure to take required action against the listing or the seller itself.

      A dude from Eneba

      • +10

        Why is it then that when I purchased two keys as a present for my children ahead of the Christmas rush, that when I (thankfully) went to test the keys ahead of Christmas, found that neither key worked and you would not honour the original purchase agreement? I was struggling financially at the time and thought it would be great to get my children keys to the games they really wanted that year. The keys were redeemed by other parties, you washed your hands of the incident, and I was out of pocket. Screw you and your business practises, and your "strict seller application policy". Seems awfully like criminal activity to me. You are not welcome here.

        • +1

          Why didn't you charge back?

        • +1

          Yup, My experience with them wasnt great either. I bought 3 keys, but only 1 worked as advertised. I was told that was because i had to use them within a week or 2 but there was no mention of that at all.

        • Sounds like this wasn't recent but worth people noting that you can contact Microsoft and they can tell you whether a code has been activated or what time and date it was used. I've used this in the past to show a code was activated before I'd bought it and managed to get another one sent.

      • Thanks rep for this reponse, I removed my recent reply because I misread a point of yours. So I'm assuming then that ALL vendors on Eneba are verified, in the sense of sourcing their keys without the means of stolen CCs?

        • Hey there,
          Was not fast enough to read it, haha – all good.

          Correct. We also deny a vendor's application when we have even a slight suspicion that they are not being fully transparent with the source of their keys. We must make sure that the source is legit.

          • +1

            @Eneba: Thanks once again rep for responding, appreciate it. I will say that I am still somewhat sceptical, but your replies at least allow consumers here to make a more informed decision.

            I guess the other main complaint is customer service issues. I often see complaints on TrustPilot (TP) or here (even in this thread) of unsatisfied customers. I have read that due to Covid, there's been more sales happening, but even then some are waiting a very long time to get a response or are needing to escalate such issues to TP or here for assistance.

            What I am trying to say is more should be done firstly on the main support page so that less people are having issues that last a while (like we see here & TP), and for here, more should be done to address the comments. I mean sure you could be sending dms to those that need help, but other comments on this thread are valid too and should be addressed as a means of ensuring reliability.

            Hope this feedback finds you well, I purposefully did not neg this deal as though I am sceptical, I believe that Eneba will be able to improve on what I have mentioned for a better experience for consumers.

      • My experience with Eneba (some time back now) seems to backup those accusations, maybe you have cleaned up marketplace since? bought a key for guildwars 2 only to have my account banned on the gaming service for using the key a month later. Normally I know better than to use a key service like Eneba, but at the time I couldn't justify the game retail price so thought it was worth the gamble (a gamble I lost).

    • +3

      Turkey price is much lower than ours. However, stolen cc or normal cc is a concern which they won't tell you even if they use stolen ones. So what do you expect the answer to be.

      • I just wanted to see if and how they would respond. Seems like it worked and it opens up a discussion for other members here to understand the company they're looking to buy from.

  • +6

    The support from these guys is pretty poor. Last time, I bought this and had issues, maybe because of me being a Xbox world newbie or lack of complete instructions. Whatever. The support was virtually nonexistent.

    • What kind of issues?

        • +4

          I just purchased this:
          Logged into my MS account (with an expired Xbox Live)
          Downloaded Windscribe > switched to Turkey
          Popped in the code - done.

          Took me about 2 minutes in total.

          I'd say 80% of issues are user error and 20% are an issue with the code.
          But as he said above, he recommended contacting support or DM'ing him.
          Replying on a thread is probably not the best method to get their attention if you're stuck.

          • @Deviner: DMed him. Got no response. Had to work with MS Support for quite some time and got this sorted after a month (just yesterday) which was quite upsetting tbh given it was supposed to be a gift

            • @thegreatermamba: Ok, that's fair then.

              With MS Support, what was the solution and were they curious about where the codes came from and did the same codes work in the end?
              If the problems weren't with the codes, then it sounds like the issue was on the MS side?

            • +1

              @thegreatermamba: To be honest I don't understand all the complaints you have. These keys are much cheaper than Aussie keys for a reason - risk is involved. There is a complex process to redeem the key and then there is always the chance that keys do not work when buying from grey market sites. If you really wanted a proper gift, you should have paid full price at an Australian retailer. Also the fact that MS support solved it, makes it seems that you were unable to follow the instructions as I really doubt they would give you replacement after buying Turkish keys from a grey market key store.

              • @sTein0: The instructions did not cover everythin’ mate. On top of that the guys did not respond despite multiple times reaching out. I am not asking anyone to not buy it, just shared my experience.

          • @Deviner: Is windscribe free for Turkey?

    • +5

      Eneba is good value when it works, but otherwise it can be a gamble.

      Many people also get the 'already been redeemed' error when submitting Xbox codes; it appears to fail on the MS website but actually does work.

    • +7

      I agree. I think they're crooks, no less. A couple of Christmases ago when cash-strapped bought a couple of keys to be out of pocket, and made to feel like crap when challenging Eneba's business practises.

  • +12

    I would not trust Eneba to honour any of the deals posted here or on their website. Their business practises are funded by dubious methods, and they will go to all efforts to deny responsibility should you have any issues with activations. The deals may appear to be a good deal, especially if you are financially strapped right now, but don't expect them to be respectful, upstanding citizens of the community. Tread carefully.

    • +4

      I honestly don't see why these deals are still able to be posted. I swear I see comments like these on almost every thread made by Eneba.

      • +5

        Neither do I. Love ozb but the rules are so inconsistent. No adult shit allowed because of ads but fraudulent key websites are perfectly fine.

        Eneba can give all the reasons in the world that their keys and distributors on their platform are legit, but it's complete bullshit every single time. "Stringent" rules and regulations mean nothing when the keys are not sourced legitimately, even when they say they are.

        • -2

          If a person is ready to vpn, it’s like saying, am ready to do wrong things, but others shouldn’t. VPNing to other country is technically not a deal. It’s unethical.

          • @[Deactivated]: It isn't unethical, I have no problems with getting around ridiculous Geo-fencing prices or region locks, it is just grey market importing and perfectly legal and acceptable as long as you are aware of the warranty and consumer rights you lose by doing so (often you are trading those for the cheaper price), doing it to access stolen or dodgy keys is unethical. Hell even the ACCC have recommended VPN's etc to get around Geo Fencing in the past.

            • +1

              @gromit: The geofencing is done to keep the prices down for developing countries where thier income is very low. If we are using a VPN to exploit it, it is unethical. You can contact MS regarding this and let them come back saying it is ethical, lets see. Moreover, if this is done by masses, then companies will have no choice but to increase prices in those countries hurting the users of those countries as well.

  • +1

    Rep, the code is no longer working

  • Be very careful using a VPN to get a cheaper ultimate, gold or game pass. Microsoft made it against their rules and can shut your account down for it. Me, I got the Brazilian gold, and when I tried to upgrade to ultimate it demanded Brazilian payment. Locked me out of upgrading. Don’t risk it.

    • +1

      I got the same error as well with the Turkey Gold. Have anyone successful converting their live gold to Gamepass ultimate? Mine said that the subscription is in different region and if I used VPN, I cannot used my credit card

      • I got the same error just a few days ago when I bought 3 years worth of XBL Gold Turkey keys. I can't upgrade to UPG.
        I followed the instructions as posted, but there were a few steps in the redemption process that is not covered and possibly could have been what locked my XBLG to Turkey region.

      • Hmm I recent my did it and it was fine, only problem I had was I had to set the vpn to turkey even though they were labelled as Brazilian. Did u have your Microsoft region set to Australia when you punched in the codes?

        • The codes redeemed fine. I have 3 years of XBL Gold. But it just won't let me upgrade to Game Pass Ultimate. Keeps saying my subscription is from another region.

          • @JLai: Did u have your Microsoft region set to Australia when you punched in the codes? ie was M$ account set to Australia and vpn set to brazil when you punched in the codes?
            What region/country is your microsoft account set to now? I suspect ur gold subscription is stuck to that region now…of course I have no idea what i'm talking about either, so dw, just try to help…

            • @bowtiehoon: I think it was set to Turkey because the VPN was set to Istanbul, Turkey.
              There was no instruction to change it to the Australia region when I entered the codes. That's why I think the instructions provided by Eneba are not detailed enough.

              I might just call up MS Support and see what they can do. I read some others on Reddit have had success by contacting MS Support.

    • +3

      Microsoft made it against their rules and can shut your account down for it


  • Code doesn’t work.

    To get 3 years, do u just add it to the cart 3 times?

  • Used the code about 15 mins ago and worked fine.

  • -1

    on pc, you are about to deal with massive headache

    • +1

      How so? I did all of this in about 2 minutes flat…

      Maybe it's because I had a currently expired subscription.

  • if im currently in my 1$ first month of GP Ultimate - do i need to wait for that to elapse and expire before doing this?

  • +3

    The guys are no better than g2a

    • +1


  • +2

    why is there so much hate for these marketplaces? no one is forcing you to buy anything.

    yeah, I am cool with these deals. I have bought many times from different marketplaces G2A, Eneba etc and never had problem. I can understand if you run into a problem it's frustrating, but then so are most online sellers, even if bought from EB online, you would go thru same problems in getting support.

    • +2

      Right. This is like gambling.

    • +2

      I too have purchased off similar websites, I just don't think they should be allowed to advertise here.

    • probably because many of them are notorious for allowing 3rd parties to resell codes bought with stolen CC's with very poor support or recourse when you find yourself in that situation, Eneba may be better but many have had similiar complaints for them too. Just like I would not recommend you buy from the "sony authorised rep" selling new TV's off the back of his ute behind the pub. These are generally high risk sites where you cannot be sure of the source of what you are buying.

  • I don't need Ultimate just PC Pass, is there anything like this for even cheaper?

  • Took me too long to realise GPU was game padd ultimate and not my graphics card

  • Seriously though, why such a huge discrepancy on a digital purchase? Should just be one price worldwide in USD and it shouldn't be anywhere near what they ask in our market.

    • Average income and different prices which markets are willing to bear are the main reasons.

      • Yeah people are so deluded with the average aussie wage compared to “developing” countries lol

  • Although the "ozxlgt" coupon didn't work for me, the rest of the process did.

  • Thanks OP, I was able to ultilise this deal <3

  • Best buy Xbox ultimate for 3 X 89$ I mean come on it's a great deal why skimp out, $300 for 3 years, I bet your electricitys that much a quarterly (and no the saved money will not reduce your electricity bill while saved)
    Australia does have consumer protection, however I'd advise buying in-store.

    • I thought it's 16 a month normally?

      • It is after reacurring charges if you do not stop the fees. You can pay 576 for 3 years or 89$ X 3 for 3 years gold physical and prepaid it into your expired account, or a new account and login with a dummy account, totally up to you.

  • Every-time this deal gets posted the code does not work. Tried chrome, safari, on phone, with/without VPN etc. Decided to just buy from another seller and pay a few $ more

  • Is eneba the same type of site as cdkeys?

    • +2

      Pretty much, but cdkeys are more trustworthy in my opinion.

      • +1

        No cdkeys are grey market while eneba are black market

  • +1

    I don’t understand why this is a deal, I got this cheaper on mtcgame with the voucher. How are these guys better or worth the premium? Honesty just curious …

    • probably no better or worse, both housed in countries to ensure you have no legal comeback on them and both have many reported incidents of issues. If you must use then go with the cheaper.

  • tried to pay with prepaid credit card did not work

  • Can I clarify before I go through with this - how does adding the 1 month of Game Pass for $1 end up converting to Game Pass for whatever length of XBL Gold that has been purchased? Am I missing something? Is there still an ongoing fee after the first month?

    • no ongoing fee until after your current subscription term end. (Hence adding 3 years is most beneficial) - It reads as if the next month will charge you so thought I blew money at first but all good.

  • This method doesn't work anymore, when attempting to redeem the codes it says that the code was purchased in another region. The error lists that the code is geo blocked.

    • +1

      Did you do everything in the more thorough guide here?:

      I'm pretty confident the method works but there must some funnies depending on what method/VPN you use etc.

      • Went through a different vendor and the new code didn't have a problem. Not sure what the deal was with the code from Eneba.

        • Did you manage to upgrade to Game Pass Ultimate too?

        • Which vendor were you able to redeem the code from?

    • +2

      Same issue here.
      Purchased and redeemed following all the instructions.
      Attempted to redeem Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and receive the following error message, "You currently have a subscription from a different region. If it still doesn't work, please contact customer support".
      Raised a ticket with Enaba, and they basically said bad luck. 

      • Did they resolve this for you?

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