• expired

$25 of Free Webjet ASX Shares on Signup, Additional $25 of Webjet ASX Shares with $50 Deposit @ Sharesies


Got an email from Webjet today.

  • Sign up to the Sharesies platform* by Tuesday March 15 and use the code WEBJET1
  • Watch out as our thank you gift of $25 in Webjet shares lands in your Sharesies account (by the end of the next business day)
  • Plus, deposit $50 or more into your Sharesies account by March 15 and we’ll double this offer, so you receive $50 worth of shares

Sharesies is an investment app with no minimum purchase on shares. Per the last deal:

  • Fee: 0.5% up to $3,000 or 0.1% above that. So $10 trade costs $.05. Pricing
  • NOT CHESS sponsored, so any shares you buy are physically owned by them with you as the beneficiary.

As for Webjet, well, DYOR. Pre-pandemic it was trading around $9, current price $5.51, went down to $2.75 when the pandemic hit. The question is with borders open and Australians keen to travel will this translate into profits for Webjet.

Revenue in FY 2019 366.40 FY 2020 266.10 FY 2021 38.50 Yikes.

Predicted Revenue FY 2022 156.97 FY 2023 343.36

Referral Links

Referral: random (92)

Referrer and referee each get $5 credit.

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closed Comments

  • any fees to purchase the shares (broker fees) ?

  • +2

    It makes you wonder how independent your broker is when they run promotions like this. Will they end up sending promotions to listed companies that they are receiving payment from?

  • +3

    I looked into this Sharesies mob, and my understanding is that you don't actually own the shares. Essentially they own the shares and a notebook is kept of who "purchased" what.

    This means if things go tits up there's likely little protection for you. So be warned.

    • +7

      Custodian model is common all over the world, other than Australia and Singapore.

      Every broker in the US market does this, even the big guys - Comsec, CMC, IBKR. I have no issues with it overseas, but prefer CHESS sponsorship on the ASX. That comes with a price attached, and therefore your trade costs are higher.

      If you have concerns with trading ASX shares under a custodian model, CMC does 1 buy trade per day up to $1000 value with $0 brokerage but you are charged on sells. Stake is also $3/trade on ASX and fully CHESS sponsored, and you have the ability to reduce that down with referrals.

    • +2

      According to https://sharesies.com.au/faqs

      "If anything happened to Sharesies, your money and investments are protected as they are held by us (or on our behalf) on trust for you. You instruct us to act on your behalf–for example, to buy and sell investments, or withdraw money to your bank account."

      "Sharesies use one HIN for all of our investors—it’s called an omnibus HIN. So even though your investments aren’t held under your personal HIN, you still have full beneficial ownership."

      Same setup as Spaceship and other micro-investing apps it appears, no individual CHESS/HIN so be warned.

      • +1

        I’ve only ever owned chess sponsored - how does one vote on issues with this approach?

        Does sharsies vote for everyone?

  • +1

    Shouldn’t title say “with $50 Deposit”?

    • +1

      oops fixed.

  • Is today a good day to get free Webjet shares or wait?

    • +1

      Let me check my crystal ball.

      • Market closes in 30mins. What is it saying lol.

        • Just got mine today in case they pull the deal early.

          • @stripe: Deal just released today. I think they would have enough allocation for at least a few days in worse case scenario.

            Markets are up today. Buy low, sell high.

      • Mine says to buy in Jul 2004 at 2c a share

    • Are you kidding free shares you just fire .
      I deposited $50 as well .

  • cant complain for $25 free shares!

    I can say … great to make a loss!!

  • just be aware that they seem to have standard 20min updates on the ticker

  • -3

    Talk to your accountant!

    • about what you eat today!

      • It is a bit more complex. Doing the wrong mucking around could turn a $50 gift into a 50k nightmare. But everybody to themself.

  • lol easiest $50 ever

    • Anyone know when you actually receive the additional $25 worth of webjet stock? The T&C aren't 100% clear on whether it's immediate or have to wait until the 15/03…

      Ps.. These guys look like a great app! They remind me of spaceship, but simpler.

      • +1

        Watch out as our thank you gift of $25 in Webjet shares lands in your Sharesies account (by the end of the next business day)

  • $25 shares deposited within 1 hour of account opening! Deposited $50 to get another $25.. looks like a good one so far.

    • Can you sell ? Any fees ?

      • You sure can and their fee schedule is on the website as well as OP post …

  • +2

    A few free shares makes this a deal.
    Sharesies as a semi-serious trading platform is just lacking in the basics, unless you want everything in the app/website. No trade confirmation emails, no useful daily trading summary emails. The most you get is; you bought something today, goto our nz site for info…. They look as lame as 86400 does for banking. Yay a new fintech, forget the basics, we're new & sexy.

  • Is it deposit $50 into the wallet to get the extra shares, or do you have to buy $50 of shares?

    • Plus, deposit $50 or more into your Sharesies account by March 15 and we’ll double this offer, so you receive $50 worth of shares

  • I'll put in my $50 from IMB… see if I can increase my money!

    • haha good one!

  • signed up, I see a buy order for $25 Webjet shares, then I deposited $50.
    I'm guessing ill see an extra $25 Webjet shares tomorrow?

    • I'm still waiting on my extra $25…

    • Yeah the $25 is added immediately as a buy order but the extra $25 comes 7 days after the competition has closed.

  • +1

    The real question is when you sell how long until you can withdraw the total amount ($50 deposit / $50 Webjet)

    • Or just HODL the Webjet and see what happens 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • Why would you do this deal if you don't actually own the shares? They own the shares and if they go broke the shares are lost.

    What is the point of this deal?

    Why not do a deal where they give you something real, something that you can actually own?

    • If you have no confidence in Sharesies, then sign up, get the shares, sell the shares/transfer to your CHESS broker & close your account. At the very least you get $24ish for doing a few minutes of work.

      • +1

        I agree on the sell shares.

        However, I can't seem to find any details to transfer to a CHESS broker since these share are not Issuer sponsored.

        Also when you sell shares do they withhold tax?

        Since there is an option to give TFN. If you do include your TFN then this will get picked up by ATO.

        • If you sell shares (within 12 months) with a nil cost base, you will pay tax on it at your marginal rate. If you don't provide your tfn the tax will be withheld.

          • +1

            @12kahs: No. TFN tax is only on bank accounts and bonds. Please see here


            It is up to you to declare this when you lodge your tax return. However organizations in Australia are required to report this information to the ATO which ends up in your prefill data in your tax return. If you do not declare your TFN it may not end up in the prefill. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t report it.

            • @ibuy: you are correct. LOL

              I was mixed it up tax withheld on dividends.

              • @12kahs: No worries. Tax isn’t an easy area nowadays. Capital gains are isolated from regular income: dividends, interest, salary etc. Ironically in many other countries capital gains tax does not exist so many people end up being investors for capital gains and not paying a cent in tax. Pre 19 September 1985 we were like that. Ahhh the good ol days when life was simpler…😄👨‍🌾

          • @12kahs: If we transfer the shares to say Stake that won’t impose a tax though?

      • You give up so much private information for so little. And also may end up with tax issues if you don’t keep proper records. I see two issues:

        The down sides of this is the release of your personal data to this organization and where the data is stored and how it is managed. Potential for misuse of your personal data. Note the following warning in their privacy notice:

        “Some of these service providers, members of the Sharesies Group and business partners are located outside of Australia and may not be subject to Australian privacy laws.”

        The data you are releasing to them is highly personal including:

        Full name
        Date of birth
        Credit card details
        Medicare card and potential health data being released (they even warn about this in their policy)
        Driver license
        Bank accounts
        Passport details
        Tax File Number (supposedly kept private)

        and any other information requested of you.

        Their privacy policy permits them to release your data to whomever they decide. It does not say that they do not sell your data so your names could be put on a list for sale to marketing companies who can spam you.

        If I said to you I’ll give you $50 for all the above data which I can use to sell to other companies would you do it knowing that your information is floating around on the internet and possibly being spammed or potentially having identity theft?

        Further many investors don’t realise the amount of record keeping needed and the tax implications. If you use a tax agent the cost of entering and reviewing the transaction is often more than $25 in time to process this.

        The sharesies site doesn’t even have a hint of how the taxes are managed or that lots of $100 and $200 purchase transactions can create a tax nightmare for the user. Yes it’s great to get a start in the stock market but do it properly. Not in a way that buys $25 worth or even $100 worth of shares because the record keeping and accounting costs are not worth it if you don’t understand the taxes behind it.

        If you take this up go in with eyes wide open knowing the issues it could create.

        • Exactly. All that work to get $25 or $50 and when you sell the shares you have to pay tax on it, so you are doing all that work and giving up all of that sensitive private information for like $13 after tax if you do the $25 deal. Is it worth it for $13 and your accountant charging you extra for calculating the capital gain on selling $25 of shares?

  • +6


    Investors in Australia currently cannot transfer investments to or from their Sharesies account. This is something we will be looking to add in future.

  • +1

    done, signed up and deposited $50…how do i withdraw the $50…it seems I can only withdraw $25 (the bonus amount)?

  • anyone got the additional $25 webjet shares after the $50 deposit?

    • I did the $50 yesterday no additional $25 yet…Webjet might be worth to hold imho

      • Same my $50 transfer hit them yesterday .

      • Lol why… Even if it hits 10 bagger status that's just $250 pre tax. Then + another $250 if you get the additional shares (more likely for the platform to go under than this happening).

        What is this? Investing for ANTS?

    • Still haven't recieved mine and it's been 2 business days.

      • +1

        The Additional Allocation will be allocated within seven (7) days following the end of the Promotional Period.

  • Is a top up with a credit card treated like a cash advance? Or is that covered by the 3.1% card top up fee?

    • +1

      its easier just to transfer money in and then out.

      Any time you pay surcharge the point value is negative.

  • +1

    Was so surprised at how easy it was and the $25 appeared immediately. Deposited $55 and just waiting on the extra $25 now.

  • I've been meaning to dabble in shares on a small scale for some time now, this gave me the push to get into it and the process was amazingly simple.

    Joined last night, got the $25 Webjet immediately, added my own $50 and just waiting on the extra $25 which I suspect may take another day based on t&c's.

    Now when do I become rich?

  • Waiting to see if anyone get an extra $25 worth after $50 deposit!!?

  • +1

    Very good post OP! Got the freebie very happy

  • been 24 hours, did not get the extra $25 of shares

    • +1

      I reckon it’s a manual activity and they’re getting OzBargained.

  • been 24 hours. my deposit does not even appear in the app wallet, nor the bonus of $25.

  • +2

    After $50 deposit:

    The Additional Allocation will be allocated within seven (7) days following the end of the Promotional Period.

    • Just saw it from their T&C

    • that's ages, should be less imo

  • +4

    Alright guys

    If 42840000 people/ozbargainers take up this offer we can get majority control of webjet

    • +1

      I think you may be onto something.

      We can control the market

      • Ozbargain take ownership for exclusive travel deals?

  • now i have $50 in this app, what is a good share to buy and forget and hope it grows

    • Just chuck it in VGS (Vanguard MSCI Index International Shares ETF) or VDHG (Vanguard Diversified High Growth Index ETF).

  • How are dividend actually paid?

  • they give us $25 free but can't do anything with that, and an extra $25 free if we deposit $50 of our money into this account. So basically we are using our money to fund them until we cash out?

    • +2

      1st free $25 is given as Webjet shares
      2nd - I deposited $50 last Tuesday (7business days ago) I still have not received another $25 bonus Webjet.
      3rd - if I want to withdraw my $50(which is still in the wallet) I am only allowed to withdraw $25 for some reason

      • Still nothing maybe when it ends on the 14th I guess.

        • Same here.
          I'll give it til promo end and then cash out.

      • +2

        The Additional Allocation will be allocated within seven (7) days following the end of the Promotional Period.

        • Im on my 9th business day

          • +4

            @vince088: End of the promotional period is March 15. So 7 days following that.

  • Thanks OP, signed up today.

  • +6

    Did everyone get their bonus?

    • Yup, got mine today :)

    • yep!

  • +2

    nice to see they are quite honourable..

  • GOT IT too!

  • +1

    Yeahyooo im a millionaire

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