Groceries Price Increases by 40%, what cut backs do you have to do?

How do you survive when almost everything in Supermarkets increases by 20-40%

I am referring to every day essentials like food, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc

What cut backs do you have to do?

Buy no brand name
Eat cheaper food like 50 cents instant noodle instead of eating 🍕
Stopping kids music lesson
No more kids sport lesson
Stopping kids dance lesson
Sell car and buy old car or use public transport
Move kids from private school to public school
Quit smoking and drinking
Canceling streaming service like foxtel

Feel free to add more


          • -2

            @klonky: I get mine down at the pier, there is no fishmonger there to chase you…

  • +3

    With a list like that your answers are obvious. It’s just a matter of choosing which ones are the priority.
    Sounds like you have plenty of room to move, Choose in accordance with your families values.
    e.g. are kids dance lessons worth less to you than your cigarettes?

    There are some folk in OZ doing it hard. There are plenty of folk in OZ who are doing it soft….

  • +4

    Sell car and buy old car or use public transport

    This is a horrible idea.

    Unless your car is a $100k+ money pit, buying an older car may have the opposite effect.

    Remember that the price of the car is not all. You may spend $10k on a car but you may spend that much each year maintaining it.

    Also now is the worst time to be buying a car.

    Eat cheaper food like 50 cents instant noodle instead of eating 🍕

    Again this is a bad idea. Your health long term is important, and eating highly processed and salty things like instant noodles is a horrible idea. Good food can be made cheap, you just need to do a bit of work.

    • buying an older car may have the opposite effect.

      Not if you buy OzBargain favourite. Toyota Camry. I think Corolla is better but I'm just slimming down.

    • Buy a properly serviced older car of the type renowned for reliability, Camry, AU Falcon, Many Mazda and Honda models, my 21yr old AU ute is in very good condition, used in a rural area on dirt roads and used to haul 1200kg plus loads (1400kg rated load limit), when getting new tires the guy fitting them commented on how the front end is in good condition, I replied "nothing has been replaced" Learning how to complete a minor service on a car will save you heap also as most mechanics will lie to you to obtain extra $ from you fixing unbroken stuff, befriend mechanically minded people who know their stuff, like people do in Cuba, take your time, look for a vehicle that has been inland and away from the coast and salt water.

  • +9

    The reality is many people in Australia, and certainly in its major cities, have an enormous amount that could be cut back if it came down to it.

    Now, I will agree that many of those things are what "makes life bearable" when we're all flogging our guts out every day, but it doesn't change the fact that these "little luxuries" are still luxuries.

    Some expenditure that is insidious includes …

    Eat out/home delivery/take away food
    "Overly" generous mobile phone plans … cut down to effectively calls only and run data via Wi-Fi only … which may also be tied into to accepting a lower-range handset
    TV subscriptions, especially multiple ones
    "Excessive" use of air conditioning
    Not accepting "lower standard" products when something breaks down … when your old TV breaks down, do you really need to upgrade from 40" in 75"?
    Effectively buying all brand name products at the supermarket and not accepting home brand/off brand

    The list goes on and on.

    I appreciate many people may have already made the sort of sacrifices I'm referring to, but there's a lot of people out there who "have no money", but are still actually living to a pretty high standard.

    • -3

      Look at this guy suggesting we live like the Proles. What do you think this is, 1984 USSR??

      • +1

        He can do what he wants, you're the suppresionist … da Comrade?

        • Nyet. Live like the poors, do what you wish. Does not concern me.

  • taxes

  • +9

    'Stop smoking' is an obvious no brainer at any time, but especially now. A friend likes to smoke Marlboro cigarettes, and I was honestly shocked they cost $47 per pack. He can't afford it, but buys them anyway. Pack a day smoker. $17k per year, up in smoke. Literally.

    • +4

      But smokers get that back in the medical care provided to them.

      • +3

        Smokers are revenue raises for well over a decade. True selfless heroes. Income tax and GST was not enough, they want to support the nation a bit extra.

    • +4

      If you’re a smoker and still buying smokes from the shop in this day and age you’re an idiot. Most people I know have switched to the black market tobacco you can buy from corner stores and vape shops for like a third of the price.

    • Yeah, neighbor keeps trying to quite, she met a woman and she recommended smoking this stuff she gets from the health food store, years later she still has to add some tobacco to it and seems unable to completely quite, it's an evil habit that should not exist.

      • +3


  • Minties have gone up 60% so my dentist has to find an invisible hole to make up for the loss.

    Ah well the BBS owner wants us all to admire Mao. And Mao will pay a bounty for every sparrow. He will keep a grain storage for the ones that do not oppose him!

    Oh here I go! Expecting 2 Months of Ozbargain jail for this one!

  • +3

    small things:
    Cut back takeaway coffee purchases at work. Now use a pod machine, it nicer that instant coffee.

    • +1

      Pod machines are expensive, if compare the total costs fairly. Buy a cheap manual machine, ground coffee.

      Source: been there, done that, 5+ machines

      • agreed, but i can't take a manual machine to work. it's somewhat lesser of the 3 evils ( take-away/instant/barista)

    • Just drink Moccona Barista Reserve black. Way cheaper and can get like at least a few weeks on one can.

      • how fast does it take you to go thru a jar? i founded mine ended up growing mould after a few months.

        • Lol gross. Probably lasts me about 3 weeks if I have a cup daily I think.

  • +6

    Shouldnt cut back on food. The kids need their proper nutrition. You can stretch the dollar by buying smarter like mince in bulk, carrots that are ugly but still good to eat, eggs by the tray that works out cheaper than a dozen, etc.

    One thing i have learned is buying vegetables from Asian supermarket. They are way cheaper than Coles/Woolies. If in Sydney, try the supermarkets at Burwood or Eastwood. $4 for 3 bunch of veg (or $1.50 each), $10 bunch of ginger, 80cents bak choy, $2.50 pack of garlic, etc etc.

    And obviously cutting smoking and drinking. You dont wanna contribute more to the government than your fair share of income tax. Cost to manufacturing a 20 pack of cig is probably in the $1 to $2 range. It cost under $5 at retail in many countries. So really the rest is all going to Scomo's pocket. Smokers, think about it.

    • +3

      i agree with buying from Asian supermarkets.
      But your also need to compare between stores, sometimes they're better price sometimes they the same or worst during tet festival they're much higher.

      last week they has pink Lady for $2.50 a kg but these were seconds/rejected fruit. Coles also had them for $2.50/KG but were perfect graded appled.

      Bannas from 3 different asain stores ( $1.99/$2.50/$1.70) with varied grades compared to coles @ $3.50kg

      • +1

        Where did I mention "fruits"? Wink wink…just teasing.

        A smart consumer will naturally do their research before making a purchase decision. The only thing im doing is pointing out an alternate source other than the major supermarkets.

    • As much as I hate smoking and to an extent smokers, I'd prefer they keep smoking. If everyone who smoked stopped tomorrow the government would likely raise income taxes to cope with the loss in revenue from selling darts.

      • The government will plug the hole using something else so that is right. But if a family is tight, consumer discretionary items are first to go. Everyone's situation is different so im not in a position to say who is right and wrong. They make their own decisions.

    • -1

      Those places are always packed hard to get parking especially you got kids and can only shop on weekend, its a horror with fresh off boat people with no politeness

  • -8

    If you save in Bitcoin.. everything is getting cheaper.. U keep crying things geting expensive and don't make an effort to understand why.. look for Mike Maloney Hidden secrets of money… Hear from Michael Saylor why Bitcoin ..

    U buy vanguard portfolio and not understand where the money is invested how much fees are collected.. and it gives U a return that barely beats inflation.. U take all risk and they take all fees.. stop complaining and do some research..

    Some will say ohh Bitcoin went from 69k usd to 40k USD… U know how ridiculous it sounds
    It's over 40k usd.. just contemplate that.. there are more people who won't sell than those who do..

    Don't gamble in alts just Bitcoin .. peace . ✌️

    • +1

      Recommending gambling to those doing it tough. Genius.

  • Why are you asking us…. we don't know your spending habits.

  • +1

    No body wash.. Only soap. No Himalayan pink salt… Guess you know.. Only the basics

  • +4

    When Coles or Woolworth have 50% off on body wash, toothpaste, laundry soap or anything else that I will need I will buy several. I currently have probably 3-6 months worth of each of this products in my cupboard.
    I won't buy any of them at full price, they go on special I buy more and top up.

    • +3

      I also focus on these non-perishable, high use household items. This is a great way to save $$$$ without necessarily needing to compromise. Basically anything you use in the bathroom or laundry is great to fill up on when half price.

  • +3

    Poop at work instead of home.

    • +2

      Boss Makes a Dollar, I Make a Dime …

      • +1

        All those 1’s & 2’s add up.

  • +1

    Gym at night ~9-10pm, and take a shower there, saves water and gas water heating.

    • +1

      Cancel gym membership n save

  • +4

    Stopping kids music lesson
    No more kids sport lesson
    Stopping kids dance lesson
    Move kids from private school to public school

    Why stop there? Just get rid of the kids.

    • +1

      Nah SELL the kids, use the money to buy extra groceries

      • Use money to get better toys

        • +2

          Who’s gonna mow my lawn, while I drink beer?!

  • +4

    I agree, food (quality) is the very last thing anyone should cut back on. People will waste money on all kinds of pointless and unnecessary things then cut back on quality and healthy foods because obviously TV subscriptions, having a 75 inch TV or making impulse purchases online are more important than your health.

    Its goes the same for those who complain about the price of gym memberships yet they will pay the same amount or much more to maintain their car or for Netflix. The human population is very strange.

    • +3

      You are right, of course.
      When you mention gym memberships and cars in the same sentence, it reminds me of all those people that drive to the gym to get some exercise. Incredible.

  • -3

    instead on cutting out you can find ways to earn more with some side husstle

    • +5

      Work day job 8am-5pm, put kids to sleep by 9pm. Turn on uber app 9:15pm, get back home 3am, go to bed, ready for another day. Rinse and repeat.

      • +4

        Jump off cliff at 4am. Cash flow problem solved for you

      • +2

        Better yet work day job 9-5, work night job 6-12, work night shift 1-8. Rinse repeat for a week then fall over and die.

  • +4

    If you have a backyard, you could use it to grow veggies.
    Then learn preserving

  • +3

    I already live as cheaply as possible.
    The current price rises mean I simply have less savings, can travel the 97k's to the big town with majors and a Bunnings once every 3 months instead of once every 2 months.

    Most of my food is carefully selected for quality and price and bought in bulk, Cheap concentrated dish detergent is used for everything including washing hands, cleaning and showering, local IGA (50k's each way) have cheaper spuds than the majors, 5kg brushed for $5, though I now buy a few at a time from the local shop as they sell them close to that price loose, onions and bananas also.

    my dogs eat Roo Mince and chicken drumsticks (I also eat the drumsticks) as one of them gets sick from kibble and the expensive kibbles that are grain and vegetable free are several times dearer than roo mince and Woolies often has drum sticks for $2.90, when they are that price I buy enough to fill the available space in the freezer, the local rural supplies has roo mince, for $9 kilo (human food grade) 2% fat, unlike beef mince which is a much larger % fat, buy a box of 12 get one free.

    I eat a lot of brassicas and my main protein is the Chicken I buy, never buy sweets, biscuits chocolates etc, make my own flour from grains purchased in 24kg bags, make my own low sugar biscuits from that, make bread and anything flour can make even pastas from that flour, buy 3 or 4lts of rice bran oil, grow a lot of food on my 2 acre property, and today I have $2.60 in the bank, mainly as I tried to buy a compressor online and pay with Paypal pay in 4 the option never showed and I ended up paying the whole amount at once.

    Luckily there's the choice of Telstra and Optus mobile where I live and they can both be fast and have generous data included, Telstra would not listen when I complained about the speed, reception is good and there's little interference, Telstra have more subscribers and travelers using the local network and often they come on mass as it's a good cheap place to camp on the way across the top of Oz (many free camps), switched to Optus, things were worse till I complained and now it's fast, not having several ways to connect but just the phone saves a lot of $.

    I live off grid as the pole to bring grid power to the property is untreated hardwood, the authority condemned it and disconnected me, and the cost to replace even with a treated pine pole is exorbitant, a steel pole is $17k (no lie!) off-grid does not save $, things break all the time!

    I miss Aldi, the closest is at Mackay about 700k's away

    • +5

      Cheap concentrated dish detergent is used for everything including washing hands, cleaning and showering

      your skin and hair must be dry af

      • +4

        Nah, the rest of you use stuff with the same ingredients but labeled for specific use

        Hand soap, dish liquid and shampoo are made with surfactants such as sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfoacetate and all other ingredients are the same, though in different proportions, different perfumes are used, perfumes could be left out as far as I care!

        My skin is fine, Shampoo is to remove the unwanted build-up of dirt or grime in the hair without stripping out so much sebum (natural body oils) as to make hair unmanageable.

        I have no hair.

    • +2

      Have you considered using Boost mobile? Cheaper than Optus and uses the full Telstra network, which in my experience is far superior than Optus’ network.

    • Dont the grid providers own the pole? Or is the pole on you property? Our pole is being replaced and we don't pay for it.

  • +1

    Hard to afford beef these days. Have been buying in 20KG lots from the wholesaler to save a bit of cash.

    Also buy whole raw chickens at the supermarket and break them down myself. Use the bones for bone broth so the whole thing gets used.

  • Intermittent fasting (skip a meal every day)

    Is it a good idea to consider piracy for TV, Movies and Books (side-load to a kindle) or is that immoral?

    I read that eggs are the cheapest source of bioavailable protein by the way.
    And an egg contains everything required for life (re-arrange the molecules and you end up with a chicken).

    • Nice to know, have been building a coup for chickens, my neighbor just told me yesterday she was offered 20 chicks and that she cannot manage them do I want them, will need to step up the building of the coup, not looking forward to finding someone to take the roosters, don't want them crowing, there was one a few houses away that I think was complained about, even in a rural area like this you can be too close to people.

      • +1


        • +3

          No, the chickens wish to take over control of the posters property by force.

  • -3

    U upvote and enjoy free rat tests by govt ain't U? U enjoy _$2 cashback and buy _$29.99 worth of shit U don't want ain't U? Well someone's gotta pay Sherlock.. This applies to everyone who will get triggered and negatively vote this comment. Yes U reaching for the downvote the moment U started reading this.. Pathetic

    • +7

      I'll negatively vote it for bastardry of the English language.

    • +1

      who hurt you?

  • What

  • None

  • +1

    i do most of my shopping at Aldi the rest i do at Coles which is next door to my local Aldi

    as a bit of a bonus keep shops under $100 and use HSBC tap and go to get 2% back

  • +1

    How much is your weekly shop, $400? Some of those measures mentioned seem rather drastic.

  • +1

    I noticed a lot of alcohol has increased in price at least 20%

    Feel bad for those who don't stack the flybuys and cashback deals to claw a decent chunk back

    • They go up every 6 months due to ATO excise.

  • Who even smokes durries these days?

  • +1

    Woolworths gift cards earned through exercise via AIA Health Insurance Vitality App

  • +2

    Have you tried - not being poor?

    ~Joe Hockey probably.

    • +1

      “Earn or learn”

  • I used to buy steak, now I buy chicken and pork instead.

    • I just butcher my own steak…

      • No backpackers

  • +1

    "How do you survive when almost everything in Supermarkets increases by 20-40%"

    Proof or is this another clickbait opening sentence like, "house prices to fall 30%", etc

  • what cut backs do you have to do?

    I stopped all my donations to the Labor party.

    • They take that kind of donation?

      • a nice lady in a red coat didn't hesitate to take the donations…

  • -2

    Go Vegan. Healthier, cheaper and better for the environment.

    "Oxford University research has today revealed that, in countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and across Western Europe, adopting a vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian diet could slash your food bill by up to one-third."

    Oxford link

    • +7

      Go Vegan. Healthier, cheaper and better for the environment.

      Definitely not always healthier, cheaper and better for the environment…

      • The study assumes that you eat vegan in a nutritionally balanced way, described in the study as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.

        If you decide to only eat chips and other processed food you will not have a good time.

        • -1

          The study assumes that you eat vegan in a nutritionally balanced way

          Same could be said for people eating normal food.

          • +2

            @jv: What is normal food JV?

            Animal agriculture is in no way environmentally friendly, or cheaper even when considering a balanced diet.

            • +1


              What is normal food JV?

              The food most people eat…

              • @jv: 2/3 ("normal") of the adult Australian population are overweight or obese. You aren't making a great argument.

                • +1


                  2/3 ("normal") of the adult Australian population are overweight or obese. You aren't making a great argument.

                  The need to eat more meat and veg, and less carbs then…

                  Is sugar Vegan ???

                  • @jv: sugar is vegan.

                    However. I think you will find that the selection of items with a lot of sugar is rather slim compared to a normal diet. Most chocolate, lollies are out of the question as most use animal products in some form.

                    How does eating meat improve your health, reduce expenses, or help the environment?

                    • +3


                      sugar is vegan.

                      it's also the main cause of obesity in the world…

                    • +1


                      How does eating meat improve your health

                      protein, iron, amino acids………

                      and tastes good too…

                    • +1


                      How does eating meat improve your health

                      Have a read…


                      • @jv: I should have been more specific.

                        Protein (amino acids), and iron are available in sufficient quantity and quality in a vegan diet.

                        How does eating meat improve your health, reduce expenses, or help the environment over a nutritionally balanced vegan diet?

                      • @jv: May be a government website but there is no science or citations.

                        "There are lots of ways you can shop for meat and poultry sustainably and ethically."


                        • @EDM: That study talks about high consumption of red meat, but they don't specify what high consumption is. Is it 500g every day. Or 300g serving twice a week, is it lean vs fatty.

                          • @tomfool: I agree with you, that the amount of fat is probably a very important factor but I do not know and they do not mention. While they do not specify what high consumption is, the following is a table of different levels of whole-grain bread/red meat intake associated with particular biomarkers.


                            They summarise the table data, "A significant (P trend <0.05) positive association between red meat consumption and plasma levels of GGT and hs-CRP was observed (Table 2). After further adjustment for BMI and waist circumference, only the association with GGT remained significant…"

                            GGT is studied as "A Predictive Biomarker of Cellular Antioxidant Inadequacy and Disease Risk"

                            This is getting into areas I'm not familiar with so I cannot speak to it, however this isn't the only research that suggests that the levels of meat intake in western culture is unhealthy. Happy to hear your thoughts.

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