• expired

350GB 25/5 nbn Databanking Plan $58 Per Month + 18TB Bonus + $35 Setup Fee (New Customers Only) @ Future Broadband


This attractive deal also includes a $0 phone line with all local, national and mobile calls included. Normally, this would cost $10 as an add-on but here it is included for free.

The massive data signup bonus (18TB) would obviously go a long way even if one used significantly more than the included data on a regular basis.

Future Broadband is a little different from other ISPs in the residential market in that it makes the business-grade IP-Line product available to residential customers at accessible prices. This gives customers looking for a very stable connection with consistent speeds the choice to opt for a quality product. The static routed IP address included on all connections ensures there is no delay in reconnecting after an NBN outage or hiccup. No sessions, no delays, whenever NBN is up, you are online the same instant.

Referral Links

Referral: random (41)

$35 + 1TB Databank Bonus for referrer and referee.

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Future Broadband
Future Broadband

closed Comments

  • 1.8 or 18tb bonus? :/

    • Says 18TB when opening up the link

  • +11

    How is this attractive for 25/5?

    • +2

      It barely scrapes by if you value the phone, and if it's 18TB, not 1.8TB. Ah, once again edit happy mods editing in erroneous data on a deal. Well done, you did a thing!

      • +8

        FBB is a premium business-grade ISP. I switched to them from ABB (which seems to b the benchmark) and have been very happy with the service. Things you get included AS STANDARD:

        1. A real IPV4 /30 static address, not a DHCP reservation like what other ISPs charge extra for
        2. Free VOIP number (or porting)
        3. Business-grade network
        4. No contract
        5. Local support that you can actually chat/speak to, I had initial setup issues due to my router not supporting VLAN Tagging, and the support was very helpful.

        If the extras are important to you it's a great deal (I'm on the 1000/50 plan so pay much more than this offer and very happy with the value), if you just want a no frills service then probably not so much.

        • I would argue having VLAN is the first place is a bigger problem than having support quickly solve the problem for you. I also question the value of most of those things, but there are certainly some very passionate supporters of this provider.

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: For your information, FBB removed the requirement for VLAN tagging quite some time ago. It is still available for those who request it but the default is 'no VLAN tagging'.

            • +3

              @ozimarco: Good then. All the requirement does is limit the hardware you can use. Definitely not a consumer friendly option, and offers absolutely no benefit.

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: You're right, the requirement for VLAN tagging (except for FTTP and FW) in the early days put off quite a few potential customers. It is a good thing it was removed.

                • @ozimarco: No idea about network things but does that mean we don't need to put those VLAN settings in the router and can just plug it in the NBN box?

                  • @plmko: No you still need to enter the static IP they email you. So you need a router that supports static IP as an option.

                    • @doot: Wait, VLAN is different to static IP or one replaces the other?

                      • +1

                        @plmko: Yes, VLAN and static IPs are entirely separate. You can have either one without the other, both, or neither.

                        • +1

                          @[Deactivated]: Exactly. @plmko visit the manufacturers page of your modem and check if static IP is supported as an option. For a specific reference, the Telstra Smart Gen 2 modems are not (unless you have a rooted DJA0231.)

        • 1-3 are pretty irrelevant for users that'd buy a 25/5 plan in the first place and 4-5 aren't really rare.

    • 350gb monthly + 18TB

      any other deals (not just first 6 months) offering better than $58 on 25/5 ?

      • No, but if you're prepared to swap every six months, then you can find cheaper. Of course there is also the phone to consider. The value there is not zero to some people.

      • +3

        There's a couple ISPs offering unlimited 25/5 and 25/10 for $1-1.95 more.

        • +7

          FBB has never tried to be the cheapest. If you cannot see the total value of the product, then it is probably not for you.

      • -2

        Tangerine cost $44.80 P/M unlimited for 25/5.

        Edit: Sorry, that's first six months, then $59.90 ongoing.

      • better than $58 on 25/5 ?

        Flipconnect have 25/5 for $44 for the first six months, then $54.90 ongoing. Unlimited data.


    • And whoever is charging for NBN setup is not a deal

  • Can you use a referral code to basically waive the $35 setup fee on these promos? If so, then the 12/1 deal is kind of a free month, if I'm reading it correctly. I'm not sure if too many people want to use 12/1, even for free, but there might be some.

    • According to FBB's owner, the 12/1 deal has proved to be very popular among pensioners and singles. The free month promo expires tomorrow but the deal itself will carry on.

      To answer your question, you can indeed use a referral code on the special deals.

  • +1

    Future Broadband has a referral scheme as well. $35 discount off the next invoice for both referee and referrer plus an additional 1000GB data bonus.

    All services include a static routed IP address on a reliable business-grade IP network (AAPT/TPG's IP-Line). FBB customers will vouch for the reliability and consistency of their connection.

    • +1

      Just to correct you ozimarco it's just TPG IP Line now days, no more AAPT IP line for new connections

      Owner said it himself on another forum

      Best just to announce it as TPG IP Line from now on so people don't get confused and angry when they don't get AAPT IP line IP Address upon connection

      • Thanks for that. I wasn't aware as our recent second connection last Nov was provisioned on AAPT.

  • How does this compare to TPG? Is Future Broadband as reliable?

    • +2

      TPG - reliable?!

      • +1

        Been with TPG for years, never been slow or unreliable.

    • +2

      Future Broadband is synonymous with reliability, consistency, whatever you want to call it. It is its main claim to fame.

      The network FBB uses, i.e AAPT/TPG's IP-Line, is mainly used by businesses.

      • +1

        TPG has been very reliable for me for many years despite negative feedback by some customers. This seems cheaper with free calling included. Only thing holding me back from switching to Future Broadband is their website looks dodgy and never heard of this company.

        • There is nothing dodgy about FBB. The website is more informative rather than flashy. They have been in business since 2017 and have been growing steadily. If you haven't been active in the Whirlpool forums, I am not surprised you have never heard of them. They are still a small ISP and so far haven't spent any money on advertising. This may change in the near future.

          If you do a search for the owner, Jason M. (you'll find his full name on the website), you'll see that he has many years of experience in the ISP business in various roles. He has a small team of engineers working with him. These are the people you communicate with should you need customer support. The best way to contact them is via live chat on their website.

          I recommend reading through some of the comments from customers in the FBB threads on Whirlpool. This will give you some idea of the kind of company you would be dealing with.

          • @ozimarco: Thanks for the reply. I've got three questions
            1. What exactly is Databanking? Does it mean the 350gb gets carried over to the next month if some of it is unused?
            2. What is the 18TB bonus? Is that get used if the 350gb is all used up in a given month?
            3. The website says it offers $0 calling for landline and mobile. Does this mean I can use my home landline number for free?

            • @brainactive: Yes, to all 3.

              • @[Deactivated]: Wow that was quick reply lol is there expiry for 18tb? Or does it indefinite? If so, seems like it is pretty much unlimited

                • @brainactive: No expiry that I have read. It would be pretty useless if there was. Yes, I imagine it would take most people happy with 25/5 quite a while to go through 18TB, plus the 350GB each month.

                • @brainactive: There is no expiry for the data in the data bank. For many people, this means that in practice, the plan is unlimited. In my own experience, the data bank has kept growing to the point I decided to give some away, something FBB allows you to do after you have been a customer for a while.

                  • @ozimarco: Are these deals temporary and promo? Or are they intended to be standard plans?

                    • @brainactive: Like all plans, they are temporary, i.e. they won't be offered forever. Once you are on the plan, that plan is permanent for you. FBB have a record of grandfathering plans when they are replaced. I am on a grandfathered plan myself.

                      The only thing 'promo' about the 12/1 plan is the free month. That will expire at the end of today, 28 Feb. The deal itself will carry on as it's quite popular.

                      If you change to another databanking plan later on, you don't lose your data bank.

            • @brainactive: I forgot to add that if you change plans, you won't lose your data bank as long as you move to another databanking plan. If you move to a flatrate, i.e. unlimited plan, you lose the data bank.

  • -5

    Must be nice to have such passionate customers… would save on the cost of hiring shills and touts…

    • +6

      Future Broadband has, to date, relied on word of mouth rather than spending a lot of money on advertising, money that needs to be recouped somehow, either by raising prices or devaluing the product.

      As a West Australian, I am happy to promote a premium Perth-based ISP.

  • -5

    Capping internet usage and a 12/1 plan, this great for my nanna on ADSL to check her Telecom shares. Oh wait my nanna doesn't have the internet to check shares. Nanna phones the ASX direct 1300 135 638 on her amplified big button phone.

    • +3

      You haven't been doing a great job educating your nanna. Age is no barrier to being a little tech-savvy. I am nearly 74 and do my best to keep up. :)

  • Superloop is $55 per month for six months 50/20. Plus $50 credit if using zippay. This is slower and more expensive.

    • -1

      Yeah but it is Superloop

      • on the market after Telstra increased monthly charging on my 50/20 plan to 95. so, what would be an alternative (aussie bb, superloop, something else) - reliability/speed is important due to working from home in IT

        thanks in advance

      • +2

        Superloop is fantastic. They buy plenty of CVC so you don't get slow downs much in peak periods and I've always had great service.
        Just take a look at their reviews, they are one of the best NBN RSP's (close to Aussie BB).

        • You don't get slowdowns with FBB, either. The reason for this is that the IP-Line product is mainly used by businesses. Most businesses are closed by the time the peak period starts for residential customers, so there is CVC to burn.

        • +2

          This is simply not true. A lot of POIs have skimped on CVC and Superloops call centre is almost non existent. They used to be premium 1-2 years ago, but have dropped the 8 ball and are slipping into the budget category. I've not personally used FutureBB so I can't comment on them, but I was a Superloop customer for 3 months recently and never again.

          • +1

            @doot: I can say i don't suffer any issues with my gigabit connection with Future Broadband, 24/7 connection

    • The Superloop promo is time-limited. After 6 months, the price goes up. This is not the case with FBB's deal. Also, SL's connection is not IP-Line and static IP costs extra.

  • In order to use voip, do I have to buy their modem? It’s $145. I have a 5 years old iiNet branded FTTN modem, can I use it with FBB?

    • +1

      No, you don't need to use their modem. If you have an unlocked VoIP-capable modem that can handle a static IP, you can use it with FBB.

      By the way, unlike with Aussie Broadband, for example, you don't need to be on Future Broadband's network to use their VoIP. You could even put the VoIP account details in an app on your phone (such as GSWave or Zoiper) and use it that way. FBB uses Maxotel for their VoIP. Maxotel is a highly-regarded provider in the VoIP space.

      • that's great, thank you

        • Correction: I have been told FBB does not use Maxotel for their flatrate, i.e. unlimited voice plans. They do use Maxotel for their PAYG plan. For the flatrate plans, they use a multi-tenancy hosted softswitch and 3 upstream providers.

  • You'd have to only browse FB with videos disabled to stay under the limit XD

    • This plan is obviously not targeted at power users. It would probably suit an individual, an older couple or a small family with modest usage. I am sure many people would fall into this category. The huge data bank acts as a buffer for those months when their usage exceeds their quota. Any unused data during the month is added to the data bank.

      FBB also has data gifting. I have personally given away 10,000GB this year to people who needed it more than me.

  • +1

    What's the setup fee for? NBN don't charge them a setup fee.
    Serious question as perhaps it's for something I'm not seeing here.

    • +1

      They resell a business product from TPG? AAPT? Anyway, they charge them a fee, so they pass it on. They waive the fee with a referral code.

      • +1

        Ahhh I see. I didn't realise it was a resold TPG service. Thanks

        • +1

          It is but not the residential TPG service. TPG's IP-Line is a wholesale product targeted at business. FBB is packaging it into a service available to residential premises. The main characteristic of this service is reliability and consistency.

          Also, because they use a static routed IP address, the connection is up whenever NBN is. No waiting for session timeouts. FBB customers who have been with other ISPs report that they are getting fewer and shorter outages with FBB.

          Personally, I have only noticed one outage in 3.5 years. It was around the same time last year and lasted for two hours. If there have been others, they must have happened in the middle of the night or were too short to be noticed.

  • If you can live with 25/5 then maybe, until you used up 18TB. But probably most 50/20 unlimited plans from other ISP is faster, if the price is similar.

    • I don't think it is possible to use 18tb on a 25/5 connection? (25/8)x60x60x24x30 = 8.1tb max possible if downloading every second of every day for the month.

      • It's possible to use 18TB on a 25/5 connection, when i had adsl 18/1 with TPG i managed to do 3TB one month with ease

        • +1

          3tb to 18tb is a huge leap mate. Max possible on a 18M conneciton is 5.8tb in one month. Downloading no stop every single second of every single day. It is 8.1tb max in one month physically possible on a 25M connection. You simply can not do it.

          • +1

            @ONEMariachi: There is obviously some misunderstanding at play here. The 18TB is a permanent databank that carries over from month to month. It is there to be drawn on when the customer uses more than their monthly quota. You could think of it as a form of security against being charged for excess data. It does not make sense to say that it is impossible to download 18TB in a month because that is not the purpose of the data bank.

            Also, if the customer does not use the total monthly quota, the unused portion will be added to the data bank. For example, if they only use 275GB, 75GB would be added to the data bank. There is no limit to the size of the data bank. If you have too much data, you can gift some to a friend or relative if they are with FBB on a databank plan.

            • +1

              @ozimarco: ahh yep. That makes a lot more sense. Cheers for clarifying.

          • @ONEMariachi: Sorry misunderstood your question, over some months it's possible to do that much yes but in a month on that speed 25/5 it wouldn't be possible

  • +1

    Good deal for some, especially with the big data inclusion & banking plus a whopping bonus and an almost free to use voip.
    I just wish it was 25/10. I'm happy with 25 down, but 5 (-> 4) up is just not enough. I'd be happy to pay $5 more for 10 up with this deal.

    • +1

      FYI, Future Broadband has a 25/10 databanking plan for $65 with 1000GB of included data. On signup, you get 3500GB of bonus data for your data bank. Setup is $35, which can be negated by using a referral code. The code will get you $35 off your first invoice and also give you an additional 1000GB for your data bank. This will also show up after you receive your first invoice on the first of the month following signup. You don't get free calls but you do get a $0 per month pay-as-you-go VoIP phone line and you can port a number in for free or accept one they give you.

      Go to https://futurebroadband.com.au/nbn/ and click on 25M/10M.

  • Too little, too late for me.

    Would've jumped if they'd brought back "$10/24M & $20/12M Promo Vouchers" from January.

    Jason M doesn't seem to want to respond to multiple requests for exactly that on Whirlpool forums though.

    SIgned up with another ISP today and even if I'd seen this deal before signing up elsewhere wouldn't have swayed me, as 25/5 is not enough for my needs.

    Will test out the wares of my new ISP for a while and wait it out to see if FBB actually want the business of many on Whirlpool forums requesting they bring back the January deal.

    • These promo deals are always time-limited and often limited to a certain number of signups. Unless the customer stays on after the promotional period expires, they are not making the ISP any money. It's a gamble the ISP takes in the hope some customers will see the value in the product and stay on. I am such a customer.

      • Sure, but with so many ISPs with introductory offers that contain decent financial sweeteners with the same aim of securing your custom long-term and marginal difference to the end user in real world use, think it entirely reasonable to wait for such a sweetener from FBB before I try their wares.

        If a deal like the one I outlined above comes up again, then I'll sign up and the experience may well snare me as a long-term customer. Whirpool forum FBB posts suggest I am not the only one in this position. Jason M would be completely aware of this as the posts are directed to him, but have clearly been ignored. If he wants to grow his customer base further then responding to these requests is an option, but in the end it's his business, so his choice. This month, he has directly responded to some requests to bring back much higher speed deals, but neglected the middle ground, which is where my NBN technology performance limitations and bang for buck requirements lie.

        Glowing reviews from one user at a significantly greater cost or lower speed compared to deals that have been offered in recent times is not incentive enough for me to try them over other ISP introductory sweetener offerings, so will wait. Not sure why such honesty should garner a negative vote, as completely reasonable for any consumer to try to secure the best deal they can for their needs, especially when better deals have been offered fairly recently. If similar comments were made about a larger ISP, they would barely raise an eyelid.


        • Regarding the glowing reviews from one user, have you read the FBB threads on Whirlpool? Also, some customers have posted on Productreview (https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/future-broadband) although, unlike some other providers, FBB does not ask, incentivise or encourage customers to post on that site. They are genuine reviews.

          • @ozimarco: I have read all I can on Whirlpool and here on Ozbargain which I give a lot more credence to than Productreview, as the former two sites tend to have mostly real-world users that post. I simply do not trust ProductReview for anything.

            However, my point remains the same, is supported by my own experience and also seems supported by some comments below i.e. Jason M responds when and if he feels like it. That may be acceptable to a point, but I've seen several smaller ISPs of a similar model come and go over the years i.e. small reactive, rather than proactive, management team, which is scalable only to a certain point before the cracks start to emerge, so also question the long-term sustainability of FBB.

            Glad for you and others that have had a great experience with them, but TBH you are coming across in this thread as a bit of a crusader that may be putting off more people than it is convincing of the merits of this ISP. There are also other experiences out there with FBB and if Jason M wants to get some more mid-tier speed new customers like myself (limited by FTTN), the pathway has clearly been pointed out to him by several. Completely understand that it's his company though, so entirely his prerogative to choose what he does.

            I've had two days with the CBA More deal now and no complaints on price or performance (including successfully churning on a Sunday which many smaller ISPs simply don't do). Time will tell if this initial experience with them is sustained. If not, will look elsewhere for the best deal for my needs at the time, including any deals with sweeteners offered by FBB :-).

            • @opposablethumbs: I share your scepticism about reviews on Productreview because some companies actively encourage, even incentivise their customers to leave positive reviews on that site. Aussie Broadband, for example, feature Productreview prominently on their website, boasting of more than 5000 5-star reviews. Future Broadband simply does not do that. I have never even seen Jason M. mention the site. That's why I say that those reviews are genuine reviews from satisfied customers.

              Jason M. spends little time on Whirlpool. He is a busy man. looking after a small ISP with a tiny team of engineers. He won't see every post on Whirlpool because he just doesn't have the time, unlike lil' ol' retired me, to be monitoring every post appearing on the discussion forum. I understand that people sometimes get their nose out of joint because their particular question or request was not responded to. All I can say is that if you really want an answer to an important question, why not contact Jason M. directly either via PM or live chat on their website?

              Regarding the long-term sustainability of FBB, I honestly do not worry about that. One can only enjoy what one has in the moment. FBB has been in business since 2017. Jason M. has more than 20 years of experience in the ISP sector and is well-regarded by his peers. How he moves the business forward remains to be seen but I have full confidence that he will make sure his customers are looked after and not left in the lurch as what happened with some other ISPs in the past (e.g. Telecube).

              I do actively promote Future Broadband because I recognise the value of their product. It's also one of a few ISPs run from my state of WA. I don't mind supporting a quality local business. I'm sure some people are put off by my enthusiasm and that's OK. As a bit of a hobby, I have chosen to familiarise myself with the ISP's residential offerings so I can answer most questions people have. I don't know anything about the many products FBB offer for business customers.

              Good for you that you have found a good deal with More as a CBA customer. I hope you have a great experience with them. If not, you are always welcome to give FBB a go.

              • +2

                @ozimarco: "…why not contact Jason M. directly either via PM or live chat on their website?"

                Did so through PM and email on multiple occasions over different weeks/months and no reply.

                There are many others that have posted about a similar experience.

                If your experience is positive, then more power to you, but it may not be truly reflective for all of their current/past/potential customers.

                • +1

                  @opposablethumbs: I'm sorry to hear that you had a disappointing experience. Looks like there is room for improvement. I have had a number of exchanges with Jason M. (and his staff) and have not personally experienced the same problems. Thanks for your feedback.

                • +1

                  @opposablethumbs: I found the only way to receive a reply was live chat on their website during operating hours. I had read a lot on whirlpool about FBB and was pleased to be supporting a small business. However, FBB were not able to relay important information to me such as when the date of my nbn install was booked for.

                  They were also unable to take action on their word. For instance when my nbn install was unable to be completed, FBB stated that it would be 'rejected' by nbn within a couple of days and FBB would process the refund on the day it shows up as rejected. 3 wks later, I contact FBB who stated there was a delay with nbn rejection showing up on their system. That's understandable if it is not on their part and with the nbn. They said they could see my order was now rejected and would process the refund which would take 2-3 days to show up.

                  A further 3 wks later I ask where my refund is and they tell me my account was receiving some admin and clean up. FBB said they would process the refund that day and I would receive an email confirmation of my refund (something that I had heard before!). More weeks pass and the refund (or the email) still had not showed up. I have to contact FBB again and they state there were 'some back-ended processes that needed to occur'. They didn't seem to be fazed or too apologetic of the situation. I understand that being a small business, there may be more manual processes but it was frustrating that they failed to follow up or process something when they say they would. It was always me having to chase up. Hopefully they can improve on that.

                  • +1

                    @RoosterBooster: I've tried many ISPs over the years, both big and small. Also experienced some quite remarkable ones of all sizes, that have seriously declined in service during expansion, due to clearly insufficient planning around scalability or profitability of margins.

                    I'm also happy to support smaller businesses, and will often pay more for a service if they have superior offerings in some way e.g. local, responsive customer service.

                    As a small business owner myself in a fairly niche area, I know that there are certainly a few more challenges compared to the resource bases of the big boys, however also know that those sort of excuses might give me some reprieve with clients once, but after that if I'm not able to offer at least equivalent, if not superior service, then that's where the rubber hits the road and clients will move their business to whatever gives them the best bottom line.

                    I have seen enough red flags around FBB's customer service to be cautious, so TBH am not surprised by your experience. My ISP needs are generally set and forget, so I am however also willing to give them a go to judge for myself, if there is a sweetener to make it worth my while.

                    The reason I like OzB (and Whirlpool forums), are that there are a large number of fairly astute individuals describing their range of real world experiences. That resource is invaluable to me, so I also try to respond in kind, where I think I have useful experiences to share.

                    Cheers for sharing yours and hope you've landed on a suitable internet offering for your needs.

                    • +1

                      @opposablethumbs: I know many of us (myself included) will share a bad experience if we have one, more so to make others aware that so they can do their research and potentially avoid that business/brand. In saying so, I am not telling people to stay away from FBB but rather consider their options and don't discount customer service as it is an important aspect of business.

                      I used to always post reviews on product review but have stopped now due to the high number of fake or incentivised 5 star reviews. I am also coming to OzB & whirlpool more often as a result. I have had a lot of positive experiences with businesses as well, which I will have to make attempts to share them too, as they can often be forgotten amongst the frustration and angst of our negative experiences.

                      As a business owner, you would be aware that customers are your most important aspect and although you may not please them all, you need to do your best to please as many as you can. Responding to their needs, following up and taking their feedback on board is crucial to help your business grow. All the best with your endeavors!

                      • @RoosterBooster: I have always considered Future Broadband's customer support as one of the best. The few times I have needed to contact them, mainly to do with setting up a new connection, I have gotten through to their live chat person in less than a minute. Now, I have been with many ISPs in the past and have always had to spend a fair bit of time on hold or waiting in chat before I could contact someone. I have yet to experience that with FBB.

                        Others who I have recommended FBB to in our local community have also commented on how easy it is to contact them. They also get to speak to an engineer who knows his stuff so you will never deal with someone reading off a script.

                        I understand that no matter how hard a business tries, they are never going to satisfy 100% of people, particularly those who want a quality product at a bargain price. We all know that providing NBN connections is a very low-margin business. For a small business, it can be very hard to even make a profit. For example, Launtel recently revealed that so far, they haven't been profitable although they hope to be in future.

                        If customers are always going for the lowest price, they have to accept that corners are going to be cut somewhere. I for one am happy to pay what FBB charge for the quality of the product they provide.

                    • -1

                      @opposablethumbs: I'm a little confused. On the one hand, you say you have seen a number of red flags yet, on the other hand, you are looking for a sweetener so you can join. I don't know about you but I wouldn't be joining an ISP with red flags even if they gave me a discount.

                      • @ozimarco: Whew, you have an awful lot of posts here selling this place. Ok, you like them and appreciate the post/recommendations. You have done your bit. This isn't Whirlpool forums and bargain has been noted.:-)

                      • -1

                        @ozimarco: Seriously?

                        It's called risk/ benefit analysis. I use it when appraising many things. Other ISPs have red flags too, but sometimes it might be worth giving them a try, if there is a sweetener that weights it more into the benefits column.

                        As also mentioned by others though, your missionary zeal is now probably having the opposite impact to which you intended.

                        • -1

                          @opposablethumbs: I must be the only one thinking that you are just wanting to join a premium provider but only if they offer you bottom bargain prices, that you would like to have a great experience while not caring whether your custom is profitable for the provider. If everyone had this attitude, small premium providers like FBB and Launtel would soon go out of business, leaving you with the big companies, who may not provide you with the same quality of service. Do you realise that IP-Line is the most expensive wholesale product in the market and that it is not cheap to make this quality product available to residential customers?

                          Anyway, I will leave you to your cost/benefit analysis and carry on with my mission, whether it puts people off or not. :)

                          • +2

                            @ozimarco: I realise a lot of things.

                            I run my own very niche and lucrative business and realise the bottom line for each individual and business is different and do not attempt to make the assumption that my set of circumstances is the same as others.

                            I am very happy to pay an appropriate amount for a service from a big or small company if it satisfies my needs. This puts me completely in line with approx. 99.9999% of other individuals and businesses. Unlike many, I even choose to pay more and support through other means when a product, service or conduct of a company is exemplary.

                            I have simply posted that many have asked the owner of FBB, Jason M, to match previous deals and he has chosen to ignore them. I choose to wait until one of those deals comes up again. Others have stated they have had less than stellar customer service.

                            I have remained polite and reasonable throughout, however you need to realise this now - there are opinions, needs, experiences and ways of choosing services and products that may be divergent to yours.

                            Enough already!

                          • @ozimarco: I wouldn't say FBB is a premium provider like Launtel just for reselling TPG IP-Line, their international routing and latency is horrible and FBB customer service is closed on weekends.
                            I have never had problems with Launtel and ABB, so IP-Line would be worthless to me, I would rather have better routing/latency and customer serivice on the weekends.

                            • @ValuexHunter: FBB has livechat support for 3 hours on both Saturday and Sunday morning from 9-12. I am glad you found a provider that suits your particular use case.

  • -2

    Only 5mb upload. Hopeless.

    • +1

      Not really. I have been on a 25/5 plan for a couple of years since ADSL2 disappeared. 5 Up is a lot faster than what ADSL2 was. I was initally on faster but realised I didnt need it so downgraded. I do Remote IT support "without" issue. Upload isn't important to many. Even 25 down is fine for streaming needs.

      • +1

        ADSL2 is from 2000s. Its 2022. Being marginally faster than ADSL2 isn't something to celebrate, especially when other providers have 25/10 for the same price. But really in 2022, 50/20 should be the lowest tier.

        • Not sure what you mean by so 2000s, NBN was only installed a couple of years back OR is your comment due to me missing the + on my above comment and should have been ADSL2+ ?

      • We were on 100/40 for a year before we downgraded to 50/20. Never noticed the difference. I'm sure we could downgrade to 25/5 and still do everything on the internet that we do now. The only time we may notice the difference is when we have the grandkids over for a weekend. They tend to hammer the connection. If it wasn't for visitors, we could easily manage on 25/5.

  • +2

    Did OP miss the affiliated tick box?

    • +1

      Not at all. I'm just a very satisfied customer and am in no way associated with Future Broadband other than as a customer. Having cleared that up, I must add that this is not the first time I have been accused of being on some provider's payroll in my 20 years on Whirlpool. When I am enjoying a quality product or service, I want to tell the world about it, particularly if it comes from a local company.

  • +1

    Based on my 2 months' experience with FBB I'd probably give them 5 stars out of 10 (average, nothing special). Would NOT recommend based on personal experience. VOIP service doesn't even offer a busy tone for inbound callers if you're already on a call and just drops their call. Submitted issue and still 6 weeks later no reply/update from them. Had NBN outage last week, submitted issue, ZERO subsequent updates (meanwhile, NBN site has updates on service restoration).

    Thus lack of communication has been my biggest frustration and overall it feels like an ISP that is still in a 'beta' mode.

    • +4

      The slackness and lack of action was the biggest issue I had with them too. We signed up to NBN with FBB last yr. It was always us that had to contact them and ask about something or chase up. We inquired about the install and was told future had booked the soonest available appt and gave us a date (around 6 wks wait).

      The day of install appointment came and nbn tech didn't turn up. I messaged FBB who told me they hadn't submitted the install date to NBN and I would need to choose a new date with a further 1 month wait. Eventually when NBN tech came, he spent a long time but was unable to get a signal and told us we could not get NBN unfortunately.

      I notified FBB straight away. They told me I didn't need to do anything. NBN would reject the install and I would receive refund within 2-3 days. Weeks had passed and I had not heard anything from FBB or got refund. I contacted them and was told there was a delay on their end, they would manually process the refund that day. Another few weeks and still nothing. I had to contact them again and wait some more.

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