It has now been almost 3 months since my lifesaving Open Heart Surgery.
I'll keep this as short as possible but I'm a 24 year old male born with congenital heart disease. I had an operation when I was 5 days old to fix my coarctation of the aorta (narrowing of the main blood vessel from the heart). 24 years later I underwent open heart surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm (abnormal enlargement of aorta) and repair my bicuspid aortic valve. My ascending aorta was well over twice the normal size and was at a heightened and ever increasing risk of dissecting.
In order to perform the surgery and reach the heart, the surgeon was required to cut open the sternum. My heart was then stopped using a chemical agent and I was placed on a heart-lung machine (Cardiopulmonary bypass). This enabled the surgeon to perform the surgery with a blood-free and still heart. After the surgery was complete, my heart was restarted and the heart-lung machine disconnected.
Medical science really is amazing! Glad it went well and you're with us today. :)
What's the upkeep like in terms of medicine/appointments/physio etc? What can you not do anymore?