This was posted 3 years 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Prime] Free - Madden NFL 22, SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, Crypto Against All Odds, Surviving Mars @ Prime Gaming


March's free games from Prime Gaming. Prime subscription required to redeem.

  • Madden22 - Origin key
  • Surviving Mars - Epic Games

Amazon launcher -

  • Steamworld Quest (Hand of Gilgamech)
  • Crypto against All Odds
  • The Stillness of the Wind
  • Look INside chapter 1
  • Pesterquest.

Full credit to Billbil-kun for the original find.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Keen to play madden

    • +1

      Hopefully it’s EA launcher

    • Give it an hour or two and you'll be done with it…

      • +10

        And then you'll be sadden.

        • +5

          too badden so sadden don't get madden

        • +1

          Madden 22. The 23 version is coming and will be even saddener.

          Death, taxes, EA releases progressively saddener.

  • +3

    Steamworld Quest is big, I'm looking forward to it!

  • Was considering buying Madden so this is perfect!

  • is madden 2022good

  • +2

    Can you bag these up for future use? In a similar way that you can get something on Gog and it stays in your stash forever.

    • +6

      yes once you claimed it stays forever even if you leave Amazon Prime

      • +2

        even if you leave Amazon Prime

        That's what had been intending to ask but brainfaded when I was typing.

        Thank you!

    • +2

      As long as you activate the key it's yours to keep for as long as you remember it is there. If the keys go unused they expire, typically in a month

  • +1

    There is also Madden 22 content drop each month - whatever the heck that is:

  • +1

    Thanks, too many free games I have no idea what I have now.

    • And spread across all the different stores… can’t keep track of what’s where… someone needs to make a ‘all stores’ front end.

      • +5

        GOG Galaxy 2.0 does just that except for Amazon Prime Gaming.

        • +2

          Actually.. it also does Amazon Prime Gaming

        • Good to know… never noticed that functionality.

      • +3

        Also have a look at Playnite.

        • people reddit said playnite is better than gog galaxy thanks

  • Is Madden NFL 22 as boring as a regular NFL game with 3000 advert breaks and take 3 - 4 hours for 10 minutes worth of action? I hope so for realism, otherwise I'll be disappointed if they've somehow made NFL interesting.

    • +1

      I know you've been negged but I thought that was as funny as (profanity) ;-)…

      • I made this comment knowing it’ll probably be negged, but I appreciate the sentiment.

  • Steamworld Quest is great

  • +1

    Thanks, too many free games

  • +1

    I've wanted to play Surviving Mars eventually and I'd play a couple games worth of Madden and probably uninstall it. Same as most EA sports games

    • If you've been keeping up with Epic's free games, it should be in your Epic library already.

  • Madden was also added to Xbox game pass.

  • +1

    Nothing for me the second month in a row :(

  • I don't believe Madden is free here - only "Madden NFL 22: Prime Super Bowl Pack"

    • Yah is it just the pack and game not free?

      • +1

        It does say later today so it is the full game

        • ah yep sorry 9pm i see

    • Madden NFL 22

      edit: sorry, I had this deal page loaded from yesterday (I thought I had just opened it, and your comment was 2 hours ago!), and only just reloaded and saw the rest of the comments! lol

  • +2

    what time is this on ?

    • +1

      From 1 Mar 9:00pm

      But from experience it's usually delayed to some later time.

  • +1

    I'm confused I clicked on the link and there's other games listed.
    So I tried to search for "Surviving Mars" but there were no results.
    For Madden 22 there was a Super Bowl Pack, is that the fill game?

    • +5

      I don't think it's updated yet. Those games you can see are the Feb ones and they say they're still available until tomorrow, so I'm guessing the new ones will be available then.

  • Thanks OP full madden claimed

  • +1

    Anyone want Madden? I don't see myself ever playing it

  • +1

    Don't play Madden so here's a key for someone to claim. Please comment once you've claimed it, cheers.

    • Redeemed. Thank you!

  • +1

    Just thought I'd come back on here to reassure people that Madden 22 is indeed as terrible as expected. Wish I'd given it away. I feel bad as I realised I was having less fun playing the game as I would've been sitting in the same seat doing nothing, starring into space.

    • classic

  • Madden key up for grabs: 46E6-FPAC-Q375-4B5U-9KHP

    • +1

      Redeemed. Thank you !

  • 2 hours into Madden 22, played maybe 15 mins only because the game freezes all the time.

    • You lasted 2 hours? How?

  • Any one got a "The product code you entered is not valid. Please re-enter the code." message when trying to claim Madden on the Origin store website?

    • +2

      Unfortunately not. Mine worked and I was forced to play it. It sounds as though someone has freed you from having to play the godforsaken game.

      • Is this game really that bad?

    • +1

      had same problem with another game req activation with Origin. Worked an hour later.

      • Thanks. Tried again today and it worked!

  • Not sure I would wish this game on anyone but here's a Madden key (Origin) for whoever wants it

  • I also have a free Madden NFL 22 key available for whoever wants to use it: 66E6-V3HV-DDA8-F6L8-TN32

  • Anyone have a code I can have? I'm too slow with grabbing from a comment.

  • I'm also after a code if anyone would be kind enough to share - thanks!

  • Im not sure if I had Surviving Mars on Epic before claiming this key. Any way to tell if a key is still valid on EGS?

  • +1

    Madden key as I cannot see myself ever playing it


    First x is the third letter of the alphabet

    Second x is the fourth letter of the alphabet

    • +1

      Woo! Got it, even with the missing *'s


      Thank you!

      • +1

        That was quick - realised the asterisks wouldn't work and updated.

        I was just trying to stop a bot from taking it.


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