This was posted 3 years 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Synology DiskStation DS920+ 4 Bay NAS $719.10 + Delivery + Surcharge @ Shopping Express


First post (second if the very first deleted was counted.)

Original storewide discount post:

Have been looking to upgrade the NAS to a later version. This is the lowest price for the last six months.

DS920+ is close to the "update" cycle. New model (ds922+/923+?) is imminent, but price like this is attractive.

NOTE: Discount applied at checkout.

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Shopping Express

closed Comments

  • +6

    If anyone is interested in Plex performance, sounds like it'll transcode 1080 ok, and stream 4k direct (with no transcoding):

  • Anyone know if it's worth pulling the trigger now on this or waiting for the new models that are supposedly coming out soon - I couldn't find much info on the new ones?

    • By looking at the DS2422 which got updated, similar CPU spec for single thread which seems Plex uses to say DS2419 (DS2419-II) but just more expensive.

      • So not much of an improvement then? I wonder if the current models will drop more in price then once the new ones get released.

  • +1

    OP, is it $729 delivered? I was charged $9.90 for delivery….. Did I do anything wrong?

    • +1

      My invoice shows only $729 charged.

      Product Subtotal: $799.00
      Shipping Subtotal: $9.90
      Discount: -$79.90
      GSTInc: $66.27
      Grand Total: $729.00
      Amount Paid: $729.00
      Balance Due: $0.00

      • Thanks for sharing. Just checked my invoice and noticed the difference is the 1% surcharge (maybe it's PayPal?)

        Product Subtotal: $799.00
        Shipping Subtotal: $9.90
        Discount: -$79.90
        Surcharge (1.00%): $7.29
        GSTInc: $66.94
        Grand Total: $736.29
        Amount Paid: $736.29
        Balance Due: $0.00

  • DS920+ is closed to the "update" cycle.

    What does this mean?

    • I think he means this:

      There is a typical 2 year cycle for these models, 918 (2018) 920 (2020) and… 922 (potentially due out this year, the video discusses that and more)

      • Ah, the DS920 is close to the update cycle.

        When the OP said "closed", I thought they meant it wouldn't receive software updates. My DS918+ still gets updates, hence my confusion.

  • Is the new model going to restrict HDD brands though?

    • +1

      Seems like all the news has been on Synology's "Enterprise range" (apparently the "xs" range) which limits it to rebranded Toshiba >4TB hard drives…. Watch this space I guess….

  • +1

    I get $734 delivered. The price should be $719 + del

    • Thanks, updated. Interstate delivery will be higher.

  • I bought one recently for $760. Would recommend it, easy setup of the SHR type RAID.
    I use mine for: Torrenting (educational content of course), Teamspeak server, work file backup and sharing, Dropbox replacement, Lastpass replacement (Bitwarden password manager), Kodi 4k video file server, camera NVR/baby monitor.
    Probably more I can't remember off hand :P

    • Question :when you use it as a camera nvr, can you partition an area and let the camera(s) record on loop, so you can use the drive(s) for other storage purposes?

      • I had set up NVR before.

        And yes, you set up the storage allocated for NVR, and then it loops back, overwriting oldest ones.

      • +2

        You will set up how much space you want to use or how many days to keep. Ie can do 50GB or 10 days of loop recording

  • +1

    DS218play is for 297 delivered. Good price for those on the lookout for one.

  • +3

    This a fantastic NAS, and the lowest price I've seen for a while. I'd had mine for a year, and it's feature list is great. Can run Docker (so, can run most anything; I have it running Honeygain to get me a few dollars a month just sitting there), photo server and Google Drive equivalent. It DOES run Plex and Emby, which are great for TVs which support them natively (LG usually does). However, I find the DS Video App is much better (though web only).

    Only thing to think about is how much space you need, and how much redundancy. It has 4 bays, so can only run 3+1, or 2+2. If you need more space, consider the 5+ bay models.

    • Hey fruchle, do you have any tips of getting icloud photos onto your 920+?

      • Sounds like a mac thing, so no.

        Download on your computer somehow and then copy to the NAS?

      • It should work with CloudSync like all the other cloud options?

    • With Honeygain on Docker, can you do it all through the Docker interface, or do you need to use CLI to start it up with the consent/username/password/machine variables?

      • +1

        CLI after installing it in Docker. Maybe there's a Docker way but I don't know it

      • The step by step instructions are online (which is just what I did). Fairly straight forward - BUT you need the Synology version, not the generic Docker version.

  • Newb question: which SSD is commonly purchased with Synology NAS?

    • The two nvme ssd slots are just used as cache drives to improve performance, they are not designed for storage. You can install standard 2.5" ssds in the drive bays though. I'm sure synology have their recommended drives and ssds, but you shouldn't run into any difficulties with other drives, at least to my knowledge

    • I just grabbed a single cheap one to use.

      FYI, if you do it, either get one or two, don't get one and get a second later. It's a bit more of a PITA, because if you put in two, it's a RAID-0 setup, so they need to be (should be) exactly the same models.

      1: read cache
      2: r/w cache

      read cache is enough IMO.

  • Is it just me or are the Shopping Express NAS bundles actually more expensive than buying the individual components separately?

    For example, the Synology DS418 with 3x Seagate Ironwolf 8tb bundle = $1646

    Compared to standalone prices of :
    Synology DS418 = $589
    Seagate Ironwolf 8TB = $299 each
    Unbundled cost = $1486

    What am I missing??

    • Yes very strange. Guess they forgot to change their pricing. But there's also a Prezzee promo going on for buying 2 Seagate drives together.

  • Had mine for 6 months, loving it so far. Very easy to setup but did have a little bit of fun automating everything for sab, Sonarr, Radarr and ingestion for Plex.

  • +2

    Seems like it's more expensive now as the product is now $825 so with the discount and $12.50 shipping it's coming to a total of $755 for myself.

    • Yep, seeing the same thing here. Dang.

  • If anyone wants to upgrade the ram in this guy to 20gb these sticks work (tested):……

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