• expired

H&M - Selected Men's Clothing for 80% off (eg. 30 Socks for $10)


Didn't win the $80m Powerball, another Monday rolls around where I don't want to work, so I decided to trawl the interwebs for something I needed or not

Need some new socks for work and stuff, and came across H&M's 3 for 2 sale - which apparently ends tomorrow. Added 3 packs of 10 = 30 socks; that way I only have to wash my socks about 12 times a year 🤔

Next thing, I get a pop up to join as a member to get 10% off my 1st purchase - so decided to do that cos 10% is 10.0%

Next, I went to make a coffee - 2nd for the one for day to keep me going

Obviously checked trusty ol OzBargain for a code, which there was "DIGITAL20" to see if it stacked and it did as you can add 2 codes for H&M😀

Now here's the punch line - When I go to checkout, I notice that the price for socks worked out to be like 80% off with free delivery
Decided to throw in some hoodies, and guess what they too come to about 80% off.

Anyway, for the doubters, here's proof of the cart that I just purchased

All in all, 30 socks and 3 hoodies for less than a lobster is pretty cracking if I say so myself 😃

Original Coupon Deal

Referral Links

Referral: random (110)

Referee gets 10% off 1st order. Referrer gets 50 points.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Gees thats some package - https://www2.hm.com/en_au/productpage.1001461003.html

    How come you overlooked these?

    • Needs the pocket/hole at the front for convenience.

    • +8

      Maybe $10 socks inside, lol

  • -6

    Fast Fashion brand, not sustainable. Avoid

    • +11

      Not sure that’s a great reason to beg a deal. Maybe a reason to make a decision not to buy yourself…

      • Yeah I not negging, just not buying.
        Low quality.
        Sadly as their t-shirts fit great but don't hold shape after a few washes.

      • +1

        From the Voting Guidelines, one of only three reasons to neg is "Issue with retailer".

    • +3

      ok but in my very humble opinion, most of the affordable brands these days are all fast fashion and not as sustainable as they could be. nike, puma, glassons, cotton on, almost everything that doesn't cost an arm and a leg is going to not be sustainable. if you want to focus on sustainability on a budget just don't buy anything you don't need…

      • +1

        Well said friend!

      • +1

        Crazy, and here I was thinking Nike, puma, and so on did cost an arm and a leg. What do you consider expensive if they're cheap?

        Genuinely curious, I'm not exactly a fashion geek, I wear the same thing until it's ripped to shit and even then keep wearing it half the time.

        • Can get those brands close to kmart and target prices. Have bought kmart basketball shorts at half the nike price and they lasted a month or so. Nike stuff last years in general.

        • Hmm, I suppose designer brands and streetwear. Some of the streetwear items I've seen my friends purchase cost over $300 a piece (ouch), so compared to that nike and puma are affordable and I suppose more accessible. However, I do understand that you consider those expensive, and so do I as I only buy them on sale or on clearance. But also, this doesn't mean that high price = high quality and sustainability e.g. I think gucci is an absolute waste of money

      • Also since I am unable to edit my original comment, I also think there are hierarchies of fast fashion. For example, I've seen people spend over $1000 on absolute rubbish crap like shein clothes that rip with 1 wash, and then they throw it out and it's got absolutely 0 resell value. If you're going to spend that much but want a decent amount of clothes it's probably a better choice to go with the brands I have mentioned above, as there is at least a little bit of quality, much more than brands like Shein that sell for peanuts and contribute to nothing but pollution and wasted fabric. Obviously the best brands have high quality and are ethical, but this does come with a high price tag

    • +9

      Thank you for sharing. Despite all the negative votes you're receiving, the awareness you're sharing is important.
      Many can't afford to shop sustainably, but those who can just might.

    • +2

      Thanks for your information /link

  • +3

    Nobody won the $80 million power all it has gone up to $120 million.

    • how do you participate in that ? from where to get ticket and how much that costs ?

    • +5

      The odd of winning division 1 is one in 134 million so don’t bother playing.

      • +8

        Higher chance of UKR winning against RUS.

      • +8

        "So you're telling me there's a chance"

      • I only buy a low cost ticket and I can afford to lose the money. I, certainly, wouldn’t bet much or plan my retirement around it.

      • +4

        Correction, 50 in 134 million! I’ve got so many tickets I can’t lose!

  • +1

    Not working for me….may be I am missing something or you lucky!

  • +1

    Doesnt work

  • +11

    I just loved the detail about you getting coffee really haha

  • +4

    Nice didn't know you could stack. Can try chermside20 for free shipping with 20% off too

    • +2

      Damn, I just ordered 15 pairs of underwear before seeing this. Would have saved me the $8 in shipping :(
      Nice find!

    • The real deal is in the comments.

  • think you'll be lucky if those socks last one wash…

    • +1

      That is assuming you wash them in the first place…

  • +2

    OP underselling the deal - fact check - its 60 socks!

  • +1

    Just add 3 pieces of each item and it's heavily discounted.
    Got 3 denim shorts and 9 cotton t-shirts for $28 delivered.

  • +1

    I've made an account just to ask if I'm missing something. I've followed your guide to the letter but its coming out to $80!

    • I can add 3x of this item https://www2.hm.com/en_au/productpage.0785855001.html , and it ends up being $32. Crazy good deal

      Might have to be 3x of the same item to get it cheap.

      • Mine ended up $20.77. doubt it'll be honoured though

      • I tried to do the same and only got it down to $63.97. This includes the 10% off 1st order as new member and the digital20 code at check out.

        • Take a screenshot of the shopping bag page and share it here, we can have a look at what's up

          • +1

            @DiscountForThee: nvm i accidentally clicked on a different discount code. got the same price as you thanks!

    • +2

      Did you make two coffees during the day?

  • Looks like the student discount can be combined with the DIGITAL20 promo code on sale items :D

  • Not working for me. Any tips on how to get it to work. I am seeing the 20% discount, but the 3 item discount does not work.

    • It worked for me, I had 3x of the same item. Having 3 items was cheaper than having just 2, and then the discount made it even better. Don't forget to stack the other chermside20 code as well.

      • +1

        3 of the same item actually end up being cheaper than just getting 1… I think that's where the code error is - instead of buy 3 for the price of 2, it ends up being buy 3 for the price of 1 (on top of the percentage discount)

        • +1

          Yeah, it could be! My guess was that it was applying the 20% discount on the full price of the original items and throwing that on top of the 3for1 price. Not sure, didn't do any calcs, just enjoying the cheap clothes :D

  • another Monday rolls around where I don't want to work

    Maybe if you start a career in journalism/blogging you'll enjoy work more lol

  • Thanks OP, a lifetime supply of socks and a pair of jeans for $48 delivered.

  • Fixed? Doesn't seem to stack for me anymore.

  • -1

    These just look to be very low quality. Has anyone got exerience with them???

  • price of hoodies is like 60 bucks now, someone is definitely paying attention

  • thanks op, got 3 pairs of pants for $4 delivered

    • How?

      • 2 comments down.

  • -2

    Can you add a TLDR?

  • +1

    3 for $12.02
    color Light Beige
    discount code CHERMSIDE20

    • +1

      become a member and activate the member reward, $4.82

  • 9 hoodies and 9 t shirts for $116, thanks!

    • +3

      you definitely did something wrong if you paid $116

      • Lol yeah couldn’t be bothered signing up for further 10%

        • The 10% discount is calculated on original price and not discounted price after applying coupons, so don't think you just missed 10%.

  • Discount is nice but does anyone find the sizing a bit weird? I used to fit really well in their pants, but it's gotten so big

  • +2

    Underrated post for deal of the year. I got a huge haul of stuff delivered for $39.

    1 pair Chino shorts.
    3 pack T shirts.
    1 Jersey long sleeve Tee
    5 pack Organic briefs.


    • I think you mean 3 times of all those items?

      But yes very underrated deal, my favourite deal of the year so far as it's on stuff I actually need!

  • Additional 25% from StudentBeans

  • Good deal, thanks OP!

    Ended up hauling 9 t-shirts, 9 pairs of shorts/jeans, and 3 hoodies for $84 with free shipping.

    For those who are struggling to find the deal, make sure you click via OP's link as only the items listed there (colour-specific) seems to be part of the deal.

    You will need to have 3 of the same items for the discount to apply.

  • HM's quality isn't exactly there but at $4 for 3 shirts delivered I'll buy
    May be the first time I don't mind if it's cancelled or not 😂

  • +1

    Didn't need anything so didn't buy anything. What is wrong with me?

  • Thanks OP, got a good handful of things for $26

  • Only items listed 3 for 2, it works now.

  • How come I don't get free shipping even though purchase is above $60. 3 for 2 = over 60

    • Use code chermside20

      • Is that for new users? It's invalid for me

        • must be, make another account, add that code and activate the members reward.

        • The code apparently works only in upper case.

  • MATE!! Best deal ever, thanks for sharing!!

    Purposely logged in just to say thanks and upvote !!!

    Paid $14 out of $90 and free delivery!! Woop!

    • what did u buy? care to share?

  • Tried to replicate the same order as you but Total only got down to $50.43.

    Very nice bargain for you though at $18.84 !

  • I am getting $61.95 for the 3x 10 pack of socks and no free shipping. what am i doing wrong?

  • +4

    Thanks OP, Placed two orders:

    Order total: $589.81
    Discount: - $513.19
    Total after discount: $76.62
    Shipping: FREE
    TOTAL: $76.62

    Order total: $284.91
    Discount: - $236.85
    Total after discount: $48.06
    Shipping: $7.95
    TOTAL: $56.01

    • +1

      Far out dude what did you buy !

      • Gifts sorted for next little while haha

  • Theres another 22% cashback with cheddar tomorrow - may be worth waiting if you are doing a big order

  • Only some items were working for me and only if they were the only item in the cart. Ended up getting 9 pairs of boxers for $4.02.

  • Can we mix and match size n colour ? Surely we won't buy 3 pairs of jeans with same colour and size ?

    • Is there a KFC promo I missed?

    • As long as they’re the same 3 for 2 deal you can get 3 different items and still get a discount.

  • "Discount code not applicable" for the 3 for 2 offer. It also tells me that I can only add a max of 2 promo codes. Anyone have a fix for this?

    • Fix this by un adding the 2-3 deal promo code ( it still works when not applied for some reason )

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