Entry level gaming PC
Intel i5 - 11400 Processor
GeForce RTX™ 3050 8G Video Card
16GB RAM + 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD
*Windows 11 Compatible (The Windows Operating System Sold Separately)
Entry level gaming PC
Intel i5 - 11400 Processor
GeForce RTX™ 3050 8G Video Card
16GB RAM + 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD
*Windows 11 Compatible (The Windows Operating System Sold Separately)
Hi Clear,
Thx for sharing the info!
Just to let you guys know, the first 40 Units have sold out already!
Have a good night!
BPC Team
Waiting for your similar deal with 5600x…
You are in essense paying $324 for the RTX3050 which is basically MSRP-or even a little bit cheaper. Solid deal on a budget rig that can even do some hobby streaming. If factor in the PWM ARGB fans than its an additional 40-50$ discount as well.
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | Intel Core i5-11400 2.6 GHz 6-Core Processor | $269.00 @ Amazon Australia |
Motherboard | Gigabyte B560M D3H Micro ATX LGA1200 Motherboard | $139.00 @ Amazon Australia |
Memory | Team Elite 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL22 Memory | $39.00 @ PCByte |
Memory | Team Elite 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL22 Memory | $39.00 @ PCByte |
Storage | Gigabyte 256 GB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive | $39.00 @ Cetrecom (PCPP did not seem to recognise the centrecom listing, but it's on sale for 39$ right now.) |
Storage | Seagate BarraCuda 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $45.00 @ BPC Technology |
Case | Deepcool MATREXX 40 MicroATX Mid Tower Case | $56.00 @ Skycomp Technology |
Power Supply | EVGA BV 450 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply | $49.00 @ BPC Technology |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total | $675.00 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2022-02-18 14:35 AEDT+1100 |
$1234 if you add the cheapest 3050
indeed, but since the price for the card used in this build is $609 everywhere so I chose to list it without. As comparing those prices to this build doesnt show you the true savings you get as inflated gpu prices arent worth comparing to imo.
Not sure what you mean. That's the current price, if you want to buy this computer you have to spend the $550 for the graphics card too. So I think it should be included in your list. As it shows how much of a good deal this is.
Hell someone may quickly look at your list and just think they can buy the whole same computer for under $700, but not realize you're not including a component.
@Aequitas: My apologies if my previous reply was a bit confusing. What Im trying to say is that, given this specific card is a good 100$ or more expensive at retailers than other 3050 deals. I dont think it's a worthwhile comparison if I included it in. Because if you were to build yourself you will aim for cheaper options.
For you second point, I dont think anyone would mistake my table and think they can buy the whole pc for under 700$. If I can build it for far cheaper, why am I praising this deal in the first place?
For you second point, I dont think anyone would mistake my table and think they can buy the whole pc for under 700$.
I did. I had to check again to see why I was paying BPC $300+ premium for labour. Turns out it was the graphics card.
@Brrrrt: When there's a list, I don't look through all the options and listings, I just look at the end total.
Where did you get $324 as MSRP of the 3050
3050 MSRP is 249$ usd, thats a little more than 345$ AUD which is where I based my claim from.
MSRP for Australia was $429
If only everything was simply converted from USD to AUD…
iWhy are so many people negging me? im sorry i mistaked the 3050's msrp as lower than it actually is, but its not like I can change my post & I didnt say this is a bad deal at all…
@Brrrrt: Totally get you on that. I evened it out by upvoting you there, you didn't do anything wrong, in-fact, your original point now stands even stronger lol
Remember that US MSRPs also don't include taxes. So a better estimate would be to add on 10% and convert. Or just check the AU MSRP, I guess!
I personally prefer using the direct conversion from USD to AUD to highlight to these companies that we're not happy with the 'AUS Tax' slapped on top for no reason… maybe a slight increase for increased shipping cost is reasonable, but not an extra 100 above conversion .. -_-
@Doomedgrind: Given they are shipping it a similar distance I don’t think shipping really is that much if an issue.
Eastern Asia manufacturing and assembly shipping to US or Aus, just a different boat.
what RGB fans? cant see anything on the listing
Bonus 3 X 120mm ARGB PWM Case Fan for first 40 units!
From: 17th Feb 2022 To: 17th Mar 2022
450w PSU is a bit anemic with any GPU asside from internal graphics IMO
Damn. Perfect for me, but I need a mobo with wifi. You can't choose a separate one, can you? I'll build my own otherwise.
Surely you could get a USB wifi dongle or a pcie wifi card?
Get a $40 PCI card like I did on ebay. WIFI 6 + BT 5 - thank me later
so PCI card better than a usb dongle?
It'll free up a USB port.
That honestly did not cross my mind and I feel so stupid for posting that.
No need to feel stupid! There's lots to think about when buying a new PC!
I've had issues with USB wifi dongles. Very few are compatible on Linux and I don't fancy spending hours getting them to work. That, and I'll lose a USB port. Might have better luck with PCI-E cards. Just googled it. There are a few.
Ah yeah, didn't realise you were working with Linux. I have 8x usb ports used up on my pc and an unused hub so I don't see the hassle with usb dongles.
You can get decent dual band USB Wi-Fi cards for $15.
So sad budget gaming is now sitting at a minimum of 1k
Considering a brand new PS5 is $750 and is only a gaming platform, whereas this PC can accomplish many tasks for an extra $250 and get near the same performance… Seems like a decent price to me.
to be fair alz said budget gaming not budget pc gaming
But that's incorrect as hell. Ps4 slim can be had for like $100 on Facebook. Gaming has never been as accessible!
@UNFKNBLVBL: I know we all want to run Cyberpunk on Ultra at 4k but that's not how life works if you're on a budget.
The ps4 is a fantastic budget gaming machine.
@Dvbargain: If he is talking budget gaming as a whole he is on the wrong post, so true about gaming never being more accessible.
Compare this to a 1660Ti deal from 2019 (roughly $350 mark) which is the comparison card minus RTX, it is right on the money with the extra goodies and updated hardware. Good deal.
@Fooah: I do agree that this is a great deal by the way, I just thought everyone was going a bit hard on alz 2 years ago you could buy a 4th gen i5 machine with a 1060 gtx for ~$300 second hand
Hopefully a 3060 prebuilt close to this price popping up soon next!
This is a good price if you consider the gpu at rrp prices. The 3060 should be another $200 extra, so I don't think you'll be seeing it discounted from rrp that much any time soon.
Yeah… good luck with that.
def can't find RTX3050 for $324
A very good rig for $1000. The 11400 is legit for gaming, ram is overkill and the GPU will be fine for almost anything at 1080p.
Hopefully this is an indicator that GPU prices will start reflecting this sort of price-point for mid-tier again. I'd love to be able to upgrade my 1650 Super to something that's actually appreciably better…that doesn't cost $1100.
How is the ram overkill? its 3200 @ only 22, it's pretty average
No, it's 2666MHz CL16
ram is not overkill it's just standard
Are you sure you read that correctly? The RAM is absolutely bare minimum.
So now this deal even better value than their 6600XT $1299 one?
Whilst the 6600 xt is more powerful and expensive. I think most people shopping around this budget only aim to achieve 1080p 60fps, so no real incentive to pay more.
Great deal. Hopefully a sign prices are on the way back down.
Whats the go with no OS? Is this typical..?
yes usually
Any cheap way of getting the OS..? Don't know how much it even costs these days!!
windows 10 works fine even without activating.. just can't customise a few things. do you need it activated?
A retail copy of Win 10 Pro is normally around $250, I think. "OEM" licenses might be cheaper - $140ish for Home, $180ish for Pro.
If you're a student or you work in education, you might be able to buy a cheap copy of Windows 10 (or 11) Education via OnTheHub (Kivuto): https://onthehub.com/ - Education edition is pretty much the same as Enterprise, so has all the features of Pro. Depending on your uni it can be free; for mine it was around $30 if I remember correctly.
Otherwise, there's some sites that sell cheap Windows keys for around $10 to $30… but I won't link to any of 'em. A lot of people in IT think those sites' license keys are stolen, e.g. from businesses' volume license agreements, or dodgy in other ways. If they are dodgy, what often happens is the key works for a few months, but then Microsoft catches on, the license gets revoked, and your PC starts telling you your copy of Windows isn't legit.
Mind you… if you install Windows 10, but skip the license key question during install and never activate it, it'll still be basically usable - just with a watermark on the desktop saying "This copy of Windows is not activated", some of the settings locked out (e.g. can't change desktop background), Windows Update not working properly, and I think some other things yell at you (e.g. Windows Store).
There are ways to activate windows for free pretty easily. IDK if i'm allow to link or anything though, but its usually github links
It's free, you can download windows from microsoft.com there's a few minor restrictions, but most people won't even notice.
@Aequitas: agree. i've been running without activation for a good 2 years. zero problems with it, still get all the updates coming through
@Doomedgrind: Ye I think the only limitations are some restrictions on personalisation. I think it doesn't restrict 3rd party apps though so you can still get your wallpapers.
Am i reading this wrong? the specs seem to say its only 8GB RAM.
"Team Elite 8GB (1x 8GB) DDR4 3200MHz Memory
Team Elite 8GB (1x 8GB) DDR4 3200MHz Memory - CL22-22-22-52 1.2V - 1x 8GB - IC: x8 - 3200 MHz - TED48G3200C2201 - Limited Product Lifetime Warranty"
nevermind, i see the little x2 on the right of my screen now
fantastic deal all things considered. been a while since you could easily get a competent 1080p gaming rig for <$1000.
Finally a capable gaming machine for the $1k mark. If this was 3 months ago I would have grabbed it for the kids for christmas. Ofcourse prices are dropping. I just built a gaming PC a couple weeks ago.
What power supply is included?
Scroll down the page and click 'Specifications' tab and all components including brands & models are fully listed, in this case:
EVGA 450 BV 450W 80+ BRONZE Power Supply
Nice deal
How many additional hard drives could you install in this PC?
Does this come with windows unactivated on the SSD? I assume it does, but want to be sure
Nope, they stopped doing that a while ago, you got nothing preinstalled at all.
Glad I asked, thanks
Is this updatable later on to make it more than a "budget" gaming system? If so, where would I start?
Upgrade psu then gpu and you're done.
Thanks - what would be a good GPU upgrade for this system?
Completely depends what you're after. 3070ish is a good match at 1080p, 3070ti/3080 for 1440p and as much gpu power as you can afford for 4k
@Dvbargain: Is it a completely crazy proposition to buy a base system like this one and add a graphics card like the 3070 ($1439 on the BPC Tech website?) a year later on?
@mrwoo: I think my advice above covers that question, no, it's not crazy at all, but you'd have to upgrade the psu (as in replace)
Thx BPC, finally can see you added Wifi option & preinstalled Win10 again. This will sure draw more sales on your prebuilts. Please keep these 2 options always available.
Thanks for the advice too!
Hey BPC, I was just wondering if this rig would be able to link up to two of my monitors (DP port and VGA port).
Additionally i was wondering what it means to gave a preinstalled windows but without an activation key?
Thank you :)
Hi celiotte,
There are 2 HDMI Ports & 2 DP Ports on the GPU, so you might need a DP - VGA Cable.
Generally, you will need a licence key purchased from Microsoft or authorised retailers to activate your Windows Operating System.
As Windows License Key is not included in the PC deal, we will pre-install the operating system but not activate it.
BPC Team
Hi BPC, does the wifi option add a PCIe card or USB dongle (or something else)?
From the option description I assume is this:
So they are charging $4 installation fee …
Hi Iliq ,
The model Kaikor mentioned above is correct, and it's a PCIe card.
BPC Team
Noticed now this system price went up another $100, now $1099?
Hi Kaikor,
The Price change due to
We upgraded the NVMe SSD from 256G to 500G
We changed the mobo to MSI B560M PRO Intel LGA 1200 Micro-ATX Motherboard
BPC Team
Thx for your clarifications, thats explains the price rise clearly, love your transparency!