Coming Soon
Roboquest (PC) - Feb 22nd
Galactic Civilisations III (PC) - Feb 24th
Available via EA Play
Alice: Madness Returns (PC) - Feb 28th
Roboquest (PC) - Feb 22nd
Galactic Civilisations III (PC) - Feb 24th
Available via EA Play
Alice: Madness Returns (PC) - Feb 28th
It was available on PC, Xbox Series S & X. It has now been added to Xbox One.
It has now been delayed for Xbox One:…
Having it available on the Series X is great, as that's one more place I can avoid mowing the lawn.
LMS most underrated game of 2021
Been playing ME LE on PC via Game Pass over the last couple of days, ME1 is holding up really well.
Once I slog through all three games I will have a crack at TW Warhammer III
How long will it take you to clock the ME trilogy?
I reckon a while - when I played ME1 I didn't do a very complete job, which I will do this time. I've played through ME2 a couple of times so will probably just do the main quests. And I don't think I ever finished ME3 so will spend a fair bit of time there. Should be a while…
For me, these are the type of games I would buy rather than subscribe. It'd be months me getting through them, and I'd feel pressured with a renewing subscription cost to progress faster instead of more leisurely if I owned them.
@muwu: Yeah I thought about it, will only take a month or two I reckon, playing other stuff on Game Pass in between like Dead by Daylight, maybe AoE IV, all works out in the end I think
If your thoughts going into a massive sci-fi rpg series is how long it will take to "clock" it then it may not be the series for you.
I absolutely loved the trilogy, i would say it took a bit over 50 hours per game to complete, and that's just the base games, not including any of the dlc.
ME is on my shame pile. I'd love to play the OG trilogy.
Like everyone else, I need to decide how much time to devote to one thing while making priorities for everything else. Personally I shift my priorities to an 80hr work week, a home reno, managing investments, and relationships. Some R&R including gaming gets squeezed in there with some select hours, at least at the moment.
I'm trying to work on finishing post-game Hollow Knight and Owlboy. I wanna give Arceus a good shove, but then I wanna pick up Forbidden West soon-ish.
So ME stays on my pile. Until I prioritise it, in which case I'd be buying a hard copy and progressing over several months.
ME1 took me about a fortnight of gaming to get through, probably 20-30 hrs? ME2 and 3 will take a fair while longer. Best guess would be 100hrs for a full storyline run of the trilogy, with LOTS more hours available if you want to go down sidequests
Absolute shit month for Xbox owners imo.
lawn mowing simulator has been in game pass for a while so not sure why that's listed there