This was posted 12 years 10 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo 3 Open Beta Weekend (April 21st - 24th)


Not really a bargain, but since the BF3 beta was posted here I figured this could be as well.

Starts 5am AEST Saturday if my calculations are correct and ends 3am Tuesday.

We're pleased to announce the Diablo III open beta weekend, which offers open access to all players with a valid account! Beginning this Friday everyone is invited to log in and help us put the game and servers through their paces in this three day stress test as we march toward the game's release on May 15. You can begin downloading the Diablo III client right now!

From Friday, April 20 at 12:01 p.m. PDT (noon), until Monday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. PDT you'll be able to log in, team up with friends, and play each of the five heroic classes to level 13 as you fight to save the world from the impending demonic invasion.

What steps do I need to take?

Log in or create a account at
Create your BattleTag™ (…), which is required to play Diablo III (What is BattleTag?)
Download the game client (, install, and play between 12:01 p.m. PDT April 20 and 10:00 a.m. PDT April 23

NVIDIA users:
Be sure to enable ambient occlusion in the Nvidia control panel. It makes the game look a lot better:…

To enable Ambient Occlusion in the beta, open the NVIDIA Control Panel, browse to ‘Manage 3D Settings,’ locate the Diablo III profile in the list, and select one of the Ambient Occlusion quality settings before clicking ‘Apply'.

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closed Comments

  • forums?

    • +2

      The reason I didn't post it on the forums is that not as many people read them as oppose to the front page.

      I'm guessing that's why everyone posts "deals", so more people will see it, even if it is against the rules. It just gets moved to the forums anyway(such as competitions, rep announcements, etc.) so they don't care. That little extra exposure on the deals page get people to comment on their post. Though it may include comments such as this, it still gets members talking.

      That said, thanks for posting :D

      • +3

        this place has forums now?

        • +1

          No, it has fora.

        • +2

          I went to the forums once…

  • +9

    for people like us that waited for so long. ABSOLUTELY A BARGAIN =P

    • -5

      people like you need to get a life

      • Meaning?

        • He probably means that we'll get sick of it since he may be thinking we need to start the game again.

  • Will be good to see how the system handles it!

    • Everyone I know, who have beyond fine computers have serioues framerate spikes and freezes.

      Game is amazing though, but the beta isn't long ( about 1hour to complete)

      • The comps of everyone I know (inc. mine) have handled the game fine o.0

        • Same as mine… What's your specs Phesto?

      • The download or the playthrough?

        • The playthrough for the beta is very short.

      • Blizzard have stated some of the frame rate issues are due to it being beta code and also on test infrastructure. However, the last beta patch looks to be on the live server hardware now, so the frame rate issues could potentially have improved.

      • Actually takes about 2 hours to complete and you can play around with other characters too. The final boss is a pretty fun fight.

        • +2

          My first play-through took me about 4 hours, no previous diablo experience and I explored everything.

    • double

  • Thanks OP

  • anyone know if there is co-op in the beta?

    • +1

      From Friday, April 20 at 12:01 p.m. PDT (noon), until Monday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. PDT you'll be able to log in, team up with friends, and play each of the five heroic classes to level 13 as you fight to save the world from the impending demonic invasion.

  • Good to know. Thanks for sharing.

  • +9

    thanks for posting. A 'friend' of mine, tried to scores points with me by offering me an 'exclusive' beta key for the weekend, all the while acting like it was no big deal considering he only had 1 key to share. With this I am able to expose the fraudster.

    • lol that bastard… did he try and get anything out of you for this beta key?

    • no, just trying to act like a good mate. failed.

      • +1

        can't be that good a friend if he didn't know you were an ozb ninja

  • +2

    Woo! thanks for the head up! This deserves a listing in my opinion!

    A couple of more exclamation points for good luck!!!

    • +6

      Ha, thanks, maybe I should take all this good karma to Crown tonight.

  • +2

    haha perfect. I know what I will be doing this weekend :D

  • +5

    Seems like a bargain to me. It's software that wasn't previously freely available, is now free for everyone, and is a limited time offer. Pretty sure that meets the criteria.

  • Free Diablo awesome bargain Hope the server is primed!

  • +2

    just an fyi, 12:01pm pdt = 5:01am AEST saturday 21st

    edit ignore, just re-read title lol

    • Doh! Thanks for that. I just realised I'm using the wrong time since daylight savings is over.

      I just changed it - I actually had 4am instead of 5am.

  • +6

    Thanks, did not know about this. Lucky it was on the front page or I would not have known. However having this on the front page caused 3 earthquakes in south america and a 4% interest rate rise……

    • Brilliant :)

  • dose the normal D3 game client work for this one or we have to download a different client for BETA.

    • +1

      Beta client is different. I just finished downloading mine. Two versions of D3 on my disk now without even being played for one minute..

  • Oh god… there goes all the chores around the house I was going to do this weekend :-(

  • +6

    For those that are trying to get this post removed, could you please stop. I was unaware of this and to me having FREE access to a game that (be it a BETA) I have waited for for years, is most defiantly a bargain.
    Thank you for the post, cheers

    • +3

      Thank you. It seems that most people are happy with this, and the only bad thing about it is that it takes up an inch of space on the front page, so I don't know what all the fuss is about.

    • +1


      Thanks OP

  • I'm trying to download the client but it always seems to get stuck at 10%.

  • The client is downloading ridiculously slow for me, and it's maxing my upload speed. I hate peer to peer downloading of games :S Downloading at 60-120kb/s… uploading at 100kb/s.

    • +1

      Try disabling P2P in the options if you can.

      • Yeah I tried that, it basically stops it downloading and uploading all together.

      • You need the P2P my download is downloading a 1.2MBPS with P2P, simply great for international speeds.

        • Depends what works for you. If your speeds are slow, usually it's P2P throttling it.

        • I want to update this, in the end P2P is a waste. Look at this:

          I ended up uploading more then downloading via P2P and more from the direct link. I disabled it and my downloads went to 1.5mbps. :D

    • what is the client size?

      • Has to download 3.72GB according to the downloader.

        *Edit - sorry that's how much remaining… would be closer to 3.83Gb

    • i didn't think this was a p2p dl. i had a steady 4-5mbs

      but i dl'd it thru their own install thing

  • Woo hoo! Can't wait!

  • Awww, how sad. All of you beta key people no longer feel speshul. :~(

    • We'll feel speshul again once BWE is over and watch you temporary Beta testers cry =P

  • thanks op

  • Mines downloading fairly slow (150kb/s). How fast is everyone elses download going?

    • 1.3 mbps, make sure you turn P2P off and test it as mine went much faster.

      • +1

        THIS, turn OFF p2p. It's completely counter intuitive but it is the only way I will reach maximum speeds and not sit on 150kb

        • Thanks for the tip worked for me.

    • im going between 0.8 and 1.2mbps

      telstra isp

  • Looking forward to this! Thanks for the heads up.

  • so you all just get error 12 when trying to log in ?
    Says my battlenet account not setup for it, but am using orig account from vanilla wow with all blizz games attached to it.
    Just wanna check now as don't think as many will b up at 5am :)

  • so when we get our collector's edition do we uninstall this version?

    • Depends whether they provide a patch from beta to live. From memory, SC2 didn't, so I wouldn't be surprised if D3 doesn't either. FWIW, SWTOR did have one, so it's not like it never happens.

    • You need to uninstall it and install the new one. Collectors edition (At this point in time) do not have a pre-download option. Theres a blue post about it on the D3 Forums)

      If you know a friend who trusts you that has a pre-downloaded copy, have them log in for you just before the release date for the majority of the files.

  • Pre-order for $79.95 AUD!
    SOLD, along with my sanity and OzBargain soul! #overmydeabbody
    Thanks for the post OP. Would have missed this otherwise!

    • -1

      I don't believe someone on this site would pay full RRP for a game… and then put it in bold as if to brag about it?

      • +1


        • cynical much?

  • Downloaded fast enough. Pretty keen.

  • 4Gb man, hope i finish b4 it starts. can't wait for it

  • 4MB/SEC downloading client, noice :D

    • I'm more interested in what internet provider you are using now :)? Cause my TPG unlimited ADSL 2+ can only give me 1.2mb/s
      Can you please enlighten me on this ? thanks

      • He's probably on cable because ADSL2+ maxes out at ~2.4MB/s I believe.

        • Definitely cable. :D

        • +1

          Could also be fibre…

      • Yes, your actual download speed on ADSL is generally the same no matter what ISP your on (although you may get a better ping with a higher quality provider) as the speed is determined by the length of the cable run from your local exchange to your house, which is the same distance no matter who your provider is.

        4mb/s is most likely a 'cable' connection or maybe even fibre.

        • Thanks guys for clearing that up for me, i wanna change to cable or fiber now :))

      • I'm getting 3.25-4MB/s on Bigpond Cable. Can you imagine the data flying through the Blizzard servers already? The fact that I'm even able to download the beta at this speed is seriously impressive.

    • +2

      Um… how about testing the capability of a PC / Graphics Chip / Net Connection / Partners Patience?

    • Maybe because we aren't all clones of you?

        • +2

          Enjoy the neg votes

    • +1

      as others have said, I would like to check out how my latptop can play it before shelling out $88…

    • +1

      Well, firstly, it's free. I doubt every single person who plays the beta will purchase the game. It also provides for a good opportunity to test out the gameplay and the classes as well as system compatibility. Just because you have reasons not to play it does not mean other people shouldn't.

    • i know some ppl who will even pay for the beta key of D3 !!!.

      it is something like watching the movie on the first day - first show. want to see how good it is.

    • You again. This beta works as a free demo for undecided purchasers (whether it be because they don't know if they are going to like it or if their computer can handle it). And for a blind as a bat Blizzard fanboy such as yourself - playing this beta actually aids the devs in getting the servers right and therefore will make a better game.

    • First, you sir sounded like a Diablo hardcore fan.
      so it's best for YOU to wait for a finished product.

      as a casual players, I would like to "try before I buy"

      and to respond to your question regarding the public beta testing the game, it's something I call "user acceptance test"
      (which the company can't do on a mass scale)
      letting the public try it out in beta is the best move to ensure major bugs are stamped out early.
      and that will benefit the people who decided to wait.

  • 8mbp/s almost done.

  • Also following the download the game is coming up with an error when looging into the client, I assume this will be fixed at 5am ;)

  • Mac beta client also available….+1 Blizzard :)

  • I get this error : d3-0-9359-win-final.mpq appears to be corrupt

    Any idea how to fix it ? I did delete the file but I get same error mssg after re run the installer.

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