This was posted 12 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Dick Smith Online, TOMTOM VIA 160 in-Car GPS $98 (Save $70) + $4.95 Delivery


I think it is a good price for TOMTOM VIA 160 In-Car GPS

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +1

    Great price, it even has voice control and hands free calling. Thanks for sharing. +1

  • Just read a few reviews and it seems a great bargain, however the voice control function appears to feature as a negative on most reviews!.. still seems to be worth the money though!

  • Bargain! Can I get this price matched in store?

    • The price is available instore as part of the Weekend deal, same as the Wii Console.

  • Nice, the other one they had on sale didn't have bluetooth. This one is good.

  • Anyone know how much gonna cost updating map?! per year or per map

    • Map updates are usually $99, occasionally they'll be on sale at $49.

      The annoying part is that recently the maps are becoming less and less accurate. Here on the Gold Coast the speed limits shown are frequently incorrect on roads that have not changed for years. Travelling to Sydney last month we noted about two dozen major errors as well, on roads that while newish, have not changed in over a year or two. The problems ranged from incorrect speed limits to non-existent roads. Without accurate maps it's just $100 of plastic obscuring your view.

  • wow great deal but JB Hifi have a Tom Tom XL classic for $98
    Can anyone tell me which one is better and why?
    Other than dicksmith, only good guy have the tom tom via 160 for sale. Wonder if GG do price beat?

    • XL classic is better in terms of you can easily modify/update (wink) the map files, voices, speed camera files and whatever else is stored on the GPS itself… The newer TomTom's use a Linux based file structure which isn't plug&play friendly with computers except for the official TomTom program (read: gotta pay $99 for map updates)

  • +1

    Sad thing is the newer Tomtoms been out for almost 2 years, and still haven't been hacked…..

  • Always wonder in terms of navigation strictly,, is there really much difference between these unit and an iPhone app version of it? Given I am happy to use up my phone's battery (I can charge it in car too), it's (the app) slightly cheaper than the unit and I'm one of those people who think if i can perfectly do one thing with one item, why two?

    • not every one have an iphone thats why

    • +2

      I think technically the police can bust you for mobile phone use if its not secured to the dashboard, similar to how people have been fined for pulling over to talk without having turned off the engine, which is still classed as talking and driving.

      • i did not know that and i would have done it if i have not read your post. thank you for sharing that info.

      • I see your point, but I secure my phone on a cradle and only operate the phone (GPS) while it stays on the cradle. Actually, let's not go into that whole debate here.

        I am just curious to find out if there is any practical differene in terms of navigation here…

        • I have the Navigon and Metro on my iPhone (3GS), I find stand alone GPS to be much more reliable when it comes to accurate navigation. iPhone apps are good when a stand alone GPS is out of reach…

  • Meh, nothing special.

  • Is this better than the XXL 540 featured last week?

    • Definitely. The XXL 540 is quite an old model and it also has a stretched GUI (I think it has the same resolution as the XL540(??) but the screen is just bigger). The VIA series are newer.

  • working at a retailer which sells these, can say that this model has had several satellite connectivity issues, a lot of them are coming back for warranty claims

    • The device I receive from Dicksmith has this issue and it turn out it was a bug on the older software/firmware, once you upgrade to the latest one it fixed. Also the preloaded map was jan 2011 one.

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