This was posted 12 years 10 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Exculsive 10% Corporate Discount Code for Shen Yun Show at SYDNEY Capitol Theatre


I received an ticketmaster email today for a 10% discount corporate code for all our staff in the office.

I seen the show last year, it is really a great show, they are from New York touring around the world promoting traditional Chinese culture and the religion of Falundafa.

mod - added the Falundafa reference

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closed Comments

  • I think most people have seen the ad for this, they seem to have an abundance of money available for promotion which have been going non stop for months

  • $99 to $159 price range .. too expensive even at 10% discount to be considered bargain

    • -1

      The show prices actually range from $59, $75, $89, $109 and $159

  • +1

    RE: Falung Gong


  • +4

    "promoting traditional Chinese culture"?…… No thx.
    Promoting Falun Gong? Hell YES!

    I won't go even they pay me~ @_@

  • na

  • +3

    Group of ppl supported by us government to against China. They should pay ppl to watch the show instead give 10% off.

    • It may be Group of ppl supported by Chinese Government to give this kind of show make you hate Falun Gong.
      They've been successful! I hate them.

  • +1

    exactly, they are not traditional chinese culture show. They are supported by Falun gong to against Chinese government. definitely rubbish.

  • +2

    Grow up in Chinese culture for last 30 years, first time to see such rubbish "traditional culture" which is only available outside China. Can't reject saying it is some sort of art, and yes they are dancing, but no way linking to Chinese tradition.

  • +1

    Have any of you actually seen the show? I saw the show last year and thousands of audience gave a standing ovation, and many people seating next to me were giving rave review when the show finish.

    I can't say what other people's view on the show, but i loved it, its definitely the best show i seen on stage. I have heard a few Chinese person commenting about the show, but they never seen it. I hope those that have put a negative comment, open your mind and see it before you put your view to it.

    • +2

      I won't neg this deal but after their comments on Sichuan earthquake, there will never be a positive comment from me no matter what they do

    • +1

      How many shows have you seen to make the comment "its definitely the best show i seen on stage".

      With all due respect. Are you kidding?

      People on this forum, expect independent reviews on products, sales and deals.

      I feel I can make a more reasonable opinion on this since I love watching a lot of performances regularly.

      From the Australian Ballet, Cricket, Tennis, David Copperfield, Live Concerts to Christmas Carols through to school performances and street theater. I'm not anti-Asian at all and I have nothing against Chinese culture. I love watching kung fu shows, shaolin monks and all kinds of dancing from around the world.

      I generally know what I am in for when I go to shows. Watching a show which tries to repeatedly covertly convert you or incite hatred is NOT cool. This is not promoting Chinese culture or tradition at all.

      Even worse if you are paying for it, you personally feel you got ripped off and you ended up paying to see propaganda essentially from a potential cult group.

      At a minimum there should be some potential warnings about this show.

      • +1

        Seriously asinn001. You have made only 1 post and 4 comments on this forum.

  • +2

    I saw the show in Melbourne. For the large part, it was not as advertised. People were walking out part way through. Others were muttering and complaining as they left.

    The downsides of the show were:

    • Much of the show is a pitch by a religious group, Falundafa, which is not something their promoters fail to mention
    • Songs will be bellowed at you by soloists, with themes of join Falundafa if you want to know the truth, isn't the world immoral and I forget the 3rd one
    • Announcers who come out will mix in pitches for the religion
    • A number of dances are teaching you a bit about Falundafa beliefs
    • Their dances are disconnected thematically. It's not a growing story. This is not really a problem. But then a number of the individual dances, just look like a rehash of other dances as they use much the same moves. A little bit of acrobatics is thrown in too but, you can see much better than this if you wait for a Chinese circus or see other Chinese performances. Actually, you can go on the web and see impressive displays.
    • They use presenters between dances and the male was annoying in a way that leads to the next point.
    • It came across as a mix of a religious meet with a few other dances thrown in

    If they were being upfront with people, on what their show is about, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

    But they didn't and it's not a nice feeling to discover yourself in a religious meet that you didn't want to intend and you just blew some good money on because you thought it was supposed to be a good performance.

    Also, the performance wasn't that great. Even if you got rid of the covert attempt to slip some religious stuff in, the performances meh, after a few are repetitive and their skill level is not up to the performance level of other shows I've seen. Not by a long shot.

    Asinn001 - so, what are your interests in Falundafa? I notice you, like other people promoting the show, make no mention that much of the show is promoting their materials?

  • +1

    Oh another annoying bit was where they made the claim you can't see a show like this in China.

    If they mean, you can't see a Falun Gong show then yes, you can't.

    If they mean you can't see costumed dancing of traditional stories etc, then it's a load of garbage. You can see really good shows in China with dancing, orchestras, costume etc and this Shen Yun group that was here (apparently they have 3 companies of performers) … have a long way to go.

    • Agreed.

  • For background information, see Shen Yun's Wikipedia entry.

    I have removed two comments with nothing but "rubbish" — this is not a valid reason for neg votes. Thanks to @foundit for a proper example here.

  • +2

    Off the record, I think it is horrible that when you watch the performance they are repetitively inciting a lot of propaganda which spoils it. Otherwise I like these kind of shows. This one does play on human emotion, using trained performers and dancers. Watching performances designed to make you emotionally charged so you don't think works well. I don't like politically motivated shows like this which have a hidden alterior motive.

    I don't like the feeling of being tricked where that group like Falun Gong is secretly pushing their hidden agenda. I can read about it myself and make up my own mind.

    It's obvious that group seems to have unlimited funds available, which makes you wonder where they got all that money from and who is supporting them. Essentially it's a move designed directly to be a one sided attack on a nation to try to convince us that we need to change our thinking of a country which is a friend to an enemy. As opposed to what they advertise as promoting culture, it tries to do the opposite and incite feelings of hatred.

    With all the money they have, a free performance would be more appropriate. That's probably what will happen anyways.

    I sure would not pay hard earned money to hear the talban or some other extremist group promote their side of the story disguised as culture.

    • +2

      From my experience, you would have potential concerns, of watching the entire performance with a young family or taking your children there for "an experience". There really should be potential warnings.

  • +1

    Falungong is banned in China they are consider a cult.

    • -1

      I thought everything was banned in China

      • go have a visit one day, you'll be surprised ;)

    • +1

      The Boy Scouts are banned too. Falun Gong IS a large scale cult along the same lines as the Scientologists or the Moonies but I don't see why it should be illegal.

  • -4

    Hi guys - I just wanted to make a comment about this deal/show.

    I saw the show last week in Melbourne and thought it was great. It was really interesting to learn about Falun Dafa regardless of what my own religious beliefs are. The stories were also quite varied, there was drama, comedy and of course some religious themes. Although, I didn't find that this detracted from the overall experience at all. I had a great evening.

    I think that perhaps the comments here should be based on the value of the deal, not on the actual religious reasons. 10% off is 10% off regardless of whether you would see the show or not, it is good value for those who are interested in the show.

    As a disclaimer, I knew that the performance was associated with Falun Dafa before I attended. If I had not know, then perhaps I would have been a bit taken aback. Overall I still enjoyed it!

    P.S I actually liked it when the announcers came on stage between acts. Without them, I would not have understood the performances quite as well. Also I liked that each performance was short and sharp, keep me more interested . Each to their own I guess :)

  • +3

    Here is a rip off report:…

    The question is: If you buy a product, and it is not as advertised or described and you end up feeling ripped off or angry. Even if there was a 90% discount. Is it a bargain?

    Example: Advertised: 50% off cultural back massage now $100. Actual goods/service received: A quick 5 hard slaps on the back, and a leaflet to walk away advertising converting to a new religion. Hand over $100.

    Do you let your friends know?

  • For a politically motivated content and propaganda as entertainment, this should be free!
    I mean it is basically a gathering to raise money for a religious group. I am negging it for false ad.

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