This was posted 12 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo Wii + Mario Kart & Wheel $128 @ DSE Friday to Sunday 20-22 April


Wii, Mario Kart + Wheel

Saw my local store stacking up these boxes under a sale sign, the guy said they're going for $129 from tomorrow until Sunday at all Dick Smith Stores. I guess its round 3 of the DSE Game Sales? I asked if there was anything else on say, he listed of a few things but they didn't seem that exciting.

Price still $188 online, not sure if it'll be an online sale as well.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • $129 is pretty sweet but I've sold my gen1 Wii long time ago when it still worth more than $200 on ebay. I am more of a PS3 person after all.

  • I just noticed Dick Smith have the Wii U for pre-order for $599!! rofl.

    • +2

      "Please note: Actual product release date and price is to be confirmed."
      I'd say it's an accurate estimate anyway.

      • Please tell me that people don't actually pay $600 for a console?!

        • +16

          i can tell you people paid $1000 for a PS3 a few years ago.

        • +2

          That's a bit different. People bought the PS3 also as a Blu-ray player, because stand-alone players were extremely expensive at the time.

        • Wii U is way better than any playstation platform :P

        • +1

          i can tell you people paid $1000 for a PS3 a few years ago.

          That's a bit different because as MrZ said, not only was it a gaming console but also a blu-ray player and at the time standalone blu-ray players costed more than the PS3. Then of course there was also the 60GB hard drive which was a big step up from the $30-$40 8MB memory cards the PS2 used, built in wireless, bluetooth, multiple flash memory card readers and HDMI output. It was basically an entertainment unit, not just a console.

  • hopefully there will be some stocks left tommorow morning

  • 19 April is Thursday. Which DSE Jon? Can I trust them :P ?

    • +1

      fixed the dates, saw this at Indooroopilly QLD store. But was told it was a nation wide sale.

  • +1

    is this the new wii or the old one with controller ports?

    • +1

      Looks like the new one, judging by the product images.

      • how to judge? what is the difference? i have ps3 and xbox360 already, but still a little(just a little) interested in wii, only if the graphic is not that aged….

        • +1

          Old wii stands vertically

        • +3

          I believe the new wii can't play GameCube games(Werent all its good games GameCube?).

        • +18

          @alwayseric Yes, the graphics aren't really that aged.

        • ^ lol

        • you guys are real cheapo's. have you heard the term, 'you get what you pay for'. you can't expect everything for a lower than usual price!

        • +1

          @ultraskool I wouldn't say that. Moto of Ozbargainer has always been "bargain til the shop drop".


        • The new model Wiis aren't backwards compatible with Gamecube games and accessories. So you can't even play games like Mario Kart Wii and SSB Brawl with the GC controller.

        • you just have to use the classic controller if you want to play gamecube style.

  • I got this deal last time and they gave us a choice between the old and new one (both were stocked at the time).

  • +1

    Already have the Move PS3 but not enough variety on content, I'm thinking about this console to fill in the gaps. Is there a lot of good games? Will my wife kick my ass for purchasing another console after just buying the new iPad ?

    • +2

      yes, but they want to kick your ass for absolutely everything these days :P

    • +1

      The Wii actually has the most A+ exclusive games this gen. They don't look as good as Ps3 games of course, but graphics certainly aren't everything. This gen i actually chose to have a Wii instead of a Ps3 or 360 and i've loved every minute of it (and i've been a hardcore gamer for 26 years!) Great games include:

      The Last Story
      Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
      Super Paper Mario
      Super Smash Bros Brawl
      Mario Kart Wii
      Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
      Pandoras Tower
      Sonic Colours
      Kirbys Epic Yarn
      Both Pikmin games
      House of the Dead: Overkill
      Zelda: Twilight Princess
      Resident Evil 4
      New Super Mario Bros
      Monster Hunter 3
      Metroid Prime Trilogy

      • Forgetting 'Zelda: Skyward Sword' Epic!

  • +1

    I never bothered with the WII. Old technology for todays standard.
    Jaggy SD graphics and analog audio. The only thing it had going fore it was the motion sensor controller. No wonder they are replacing it with the WII U, which is still backwards compatible if you want to play the cheap older wiii titles.

  • Hmm, the price is still $188 online. Anybody know what time the prices change online?

  • +3

    Wii offers a lot of fun casual games and is especially good for family gaming with younger kids. With the likes of Mario Kart, wii sports, Super Smash Brothers and a few others, at this price it really is good idea to consider for this reason. It won't replace the more serious gamer (although there are a few serious player games). $129 you can't go too wrong. I personally play my PS3 heaps more, but of late have brought out the Wii as my 4 year old is now into gaming and the games more suit him and is fun to play with him.

  • +1

    Good valid points, gonna give it a go & risk the wrath of my Missus & use my 3 y/old as the excuse for not destroying my PS3 :)

  • Wish it came with the Black Wii Balance Board :)

  • Just bought one at North Sydney at $128.
    It's "New" model.

    Anyone knows the warranty of Disk Smith. Do I need to bring back to the same branch or any branch will do the warranty?

    • Nintendo does the Warranty but I think if something goes wrong in the first month??? DSE will do it

      • So within the warranty period I have to contact Nintendo instead of DSE?

        • Yes I would say so mate

        • Legally the retailer is just as responsible for the warranty as the manufacturer. I have never had to have a console repaired, so I couldn't say which is the easier option to deal with.

    • +3

      Casual at DS here but not speaking on the company's behalf.

      Wii has a 1 year manufacturer's warranty with Nintendo. We usually recommend if you have any problems to go straight to them as it's almost always quicker. That being said, the retailer is legally obliged to help you out with a warranty and of course they'll be happy to do that so if you take it with your receipt into any store in that first year they can send it off for repair for you. Doesn't need to be the same branch but you will need your receipt of course.

      Of course, that's Dick Smith, can't speak for Disk Smith ;)

      • +4

        I have a mental image of a blacksmith hammering a DVD into shape.

      • Speaking of which I sent a vivo lcd tv in to get it repaired, was told it takes 2 weeks. By 2 weeks rang them, they said 5 weeks. Then at the end of 5 weeks, i rang again. Then they called me back saying the tv got smashed during the transit…Sooo after 2 months got A FREAKING GIFTCARD, not even cash (which was what I paid with) I had the reciept and everything—this was at dse doncaster the pines. So dodgy!

        • wtff thats fully dodgey

          they said it got smashed in transit, so it was their fault and they didnt even give you a refund.

  • just bought one at chatswood. $128.

  • Buy it in DSE closing down stores. You may get another 10% off if it is available.

    • I just called the North Parramatta DSE (which is closing down) and said that their bundle was $150.

      I told her that the advertised price was $129 and she said that since they were closing down, they were not following the pricing set by the website and online store.

      Either the employee did not know what she was talking about, or that is just plain stupid.

      • Staff at the Chadstone store also said that stores that are closing down have their own set of prices to follow.

  • Hi All. Will this be good for my 8 & 10 year old kids? They do not have Xbox or Playstation. Just want to get them off playing games on laptop/mobile. Also, what extra gear would i need if they are playing togehter? Thanks & much appreciated guys.

    • +1

      Another controller as a minimum, other games might require different accessories, but most would get away with just the controller and maybe a nunchuck.

    • +1

      Absolutely - it's a great little console and you can pick and choose the best titles. You'll need another Wii remote and nunchuck.

      • Thanks guys. I will definitely get one and a spare controller & nunchuch. How much to expect to pay for these though? Regards

        • the bundle includes 2 controllers so you just need another nunchuck :)

          Edit: it says so on the box.

        • You might be able to get the $1.40 ones if there's any left.
          Have a look at the 3rd party ones, the Memorex one was supposed to be really cheap. You'll most likely have to get them to scan them to see the true discounted price.

        • Where on the box does it say 2? Or was that in store?

        • +1

          The generic ones might be hard to track down because they were part of the gaming clearance sale. Search "memorex wii" on the dick smith website to find the generic remotes and nunchucks which were going for $2 each. You can also check store stock with the website.

          The original ones DS are selling at $59.95 for the remote, $29.95 for the nunchuk.

          Original ones are better build quality but if you can get a $2 generic one that's obviously much better value at the moment!

    • I think the reference to there being two controllers in the kit is wrong. That pack has never has two controllers (unless you count it as one wii remote and one nunchuck = 2!)

    • google completesoftmod and you can use it to play videos you download off the net or if you have a hard drive you can connect it, put your game in the wii and select "backup"

  • Just bought from Rhodes, they have 7 black left and 8 white left, they sold 26 already since this morning!

  • I was at DSE this morning, they had TONNES of these Wii bundles. All stacked up on display.

  • Can you still get the Bundle with the Black Balance Board?

  • +1

    good deal, but i wouldn't play it longer than 5 minutes so it'd be a waste for me. May be ok for little kids.

    • +1


      I've been a hardcore gamer 26 years and i easily chose the Wii over the Ps3/360.

      That being said you're of course entitled to your opinion. My opinion is you're missing out.

  • +1

    The deal is Online now … but no free shipping ….. We need free shipping for the Online…..

  • My sister picked up a bundle with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort in it rather than the Mario Kart bundle and it was also $128.

    • where and how?

      • +1

        That was at the Warringah Mall DSE. It was an old bundle apparently that they're also clearing out - so might be worth checking in other stores if they also have it in stock.

        • thanks.

  • Saw full page add for this in the West Australian this morning, went into Dick Smiths this arvo and there was heaps stacked up near the counter.

  • what is the difference between WII and WII U?

    • dont worry, figured out. it is just like PSV to PS3…

      • +2

        ?? Wii U is next gen. console like PS4 or Xbox 720.

      • +1

        it controller it self is like a psv, the console will be like a ps3
        So a psv+ps3 in one

    • The WiiU is an entirely new next-gen console to replace the Wii. Its backwards compatible with Wii games, controllers and accessories, plus comes with that big tablet controller. Supports Full HD 1080p graphics and rumoured to be about 5x more powerful than the 360/Ps3. Have a read:

  • Picked one up at lunchtime today in Colonnades (South Australia) - loads left.
    Thanks for posting this deal. My son is VERY happy!!!!!!!

  • -3

    They sell Wii's in Cash Converters for about $50 these days, my local one has a wall of Wii's, about 50 of them, both black and white. For this price $129 they were bundling the Wii console with about 10 games (OK ones like Wii Active, Family Sports etc) and a Wii Fit Board.

    • Nah, can't get a Wii for $50. Maybe Cash Converters sell just the console itself for $50, without the remote or nunchuck. For a Wii in good nick with remote and nunchuck and all original accessories you're looking at $75 minimum.

  • is this a new console or refurbished? tried to find any info on condition?

    would hate to go all the way and turns out re furb!

    • They're brand new stock.

  • Price is back up to $188 on the website as of 8am Monday morning, although a few hours ago (around 4am) it was still $128. I hope everyone bought as many of these units as they can. I bought 4 (on the website), and will re-sell them in approx. 1 month's time (after everyone forgets about the deal and prices normalise). Although there was a limit of 1 per customer, you could get around this by ordering 1 black and 1 white unit, and then simply placing multiple orders. Shipping is $9.95 per order ($4.95 each). I expect to make approx. $40-$45 profit per unit or $160-$180 all up :P

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