How can I fix this issue with it turning off and on and off and on and off and on every 2 minutes?
Samsung 9000 Series TV Turns off and on

It's too old. I just want to fix it myself.
Have you connected it to the internet and updated the firmware?
I cannot because it keeps hanging and restarting before I get a chance.
Is it connected to this?
If it's connected via HDMI with ARC or eARC, your receiver might be causing your TV to turn and and off. Try unplugging everything from the back of the TV and see if it still happens.
Yes this… unplug EVERYTHING and see if it stops turning on/off
Everything is unplugged, and I have turned off eARC, ARC, SamNET and sleep timers and everything.
Many many years ago my brother had a tv on/off problem caused by his burglar alarm. I forget the exact symptoms, but there was a PIR in the room, and doing something with the burglar alarm (possibly turning it off), fixed the tv problem.
I was at the tip 3 years ago and a ute pulls up next to me. old bloke gets out and starts trying to unload a 65" LG TV. its looks fine, less than 5 years old, and I asked him what the issue was. he said it turns on and off every 5 minutes. I ask if I could take it (because at the time I was into fixing TVs). he was happy to hand it on, rather than it going to ewaste. got it home and googled the issue. Turned out that when channel 7 (or 9) changed their broadcast frequency a year prior that it caused issues with the firmware and would cause the TV to restart, LG created new firmware but was unavailable online. I contacted LG to get a copy of the new firmware but they don't release it to the public but were happy to send a local technician over to fix the issue for free. Tech guy came over, inserted USB stick in TV and uploaded new firmware. TV worked flawlessly after that and I sold it on ebay for $165.
moral of the story - weird stuff can interfere with TVs
Get your screwdriver and remove the back panel. Take out the display and wipe down any dirty cables. Tighten all the screw up and you're good to go.
I might try this, but I am worried about getting electrocuted and dying.
Take it back for warranty.