I have checked the wires and connection and switched them and found that the issue is from the receiver itself, but I don't understand why….? Do you know why this is? It doesn't pop when it has been off for a while, but when it is hot then it pops, but only on one side, super weird.
Popping speaker only one side...?

9hundred on 03/02/2022 - 20:26
Not weird. It's separate circuit for each side. On older amps, toggle the switches and move potentiometers (bass treble, balance, volume etc) on the bad side. If one of them is the problem, easy fix.
there are no potentiomenters on the bad side and I have never ever seen such a thing…
I might need to shake the amp
Probably a 99% chance of success.
Do you think that it's just a ventilation issue?
Stop playing pop music…
Ahhhh… The days when musicians knew how to write good lyrics…
try a 300mA resistor in series with the + cable line
Is that the current advice?
Ohm my !!!
give it the drop test. drop from 25cm or so generally reseats internal components ( amp that is not speaker)
You've got a problem in the receiver.