This was posted 12 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panamax 500mg - 100 Pack - $0.69 @ Terry White Buranda (Brisbane)


Went in Today and saw this absolute bargain. I believe it is exclusive to Buranda only. 2 Packs max per customer.

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closed Comments

  • My Chemist also have it.

    • Assume that to also be a Terry White Chemist?

    • Are you sure they have this product at this price. The sign in the link says "Exclusive to Terry White Buranda". So who's your chemist?

      Either they are wrong or you are :)

      Or is it that the OP is referring to the deal being exclusive and you're thinking that the OP means that the product is exclusive?

      • +5

        I think they're referring to the discount chemist chain 'My Chemist'.

  • yay for panamax! :D

  • +1

    Nowhere near me but +1 Panamax. Works a treat, tiny fraction of the cost of Panadol.

    • +1

      Same ingredient.

  • I got those for 50c each at Christmas, nice price, but by no means the cheapest.

    Work fine too btw, had no issues personally.

    • It is today, unless you still know where to get them for 50c.

      • You misunderstood, I was referring to the past, right now it is definitely the cheapest that I know of.

        • +1

          No problem. My point was just that they are the cheapest …. currently.

    • +1

      19c difference here.

    • Mine were 50c at Christmas, use by May 2014, made in UK.

    • +4

      Paracetamol is out of patent so can be manufactured by anyone. Chemist warehouse often have it for under $1. I was in the USA a couple years ago - you could get 500 tablets for a few dollars.

    • There is nothing wrong with them, it just goes to show how cheap paracetamol actually is, and how much of a profit Panadol, etc make for their companies..

      • +2

        Yeah its because they upmarket it against panadol! $3.00 for a pack of 24 panadol vs 80c homebrand when you decide to buy woolies. The reason why Chemist sell it for cheap is because it attracts customers and everyone uses it. A single script (not to mention multiple) can fetch from $5 to as much as $50 profit (for the more common drugs). Thats why when Chemist Warehouse sell it, they limit it to 2 (I think?) per person. They make very little profit from the sale of each box!

        To answer your question, The paracetamol is as good as any other brand. We have very stringent quality control in Australia when it comes to medications.

  • Chemist Warehouse has similar deals all the time on "Panamax" fro UK, dunno why or how it can be so cheap coming from UK> hmmmm

  • +2

    I thought Buranda only existed in Yes Minister.

  • Great find. These do go on special, but usually never when I am looking for them. Was looking for some cheap ones tonight - and here they are. Am in Stones Corner tomorrow, so will pop in. Thanks OP!
    Handy when travelling, as some countries do not sell Paracetamol over the counter.
    (TW is in Centro shopping centre opposite PA Hospital.)

  • Panamax is as good as any other brand of Paracetamol (Panadol, Homebrand Paracetamol etc).

    Panamax is manufactured by Sanofi, a very big pharmaceutical company.

    Panamax is used in many public hospitals because it is cheap.. the drug companies practicially give it out for free.
    The actual cost on it is something like 20c..but don't expect this price in retail. Hospitals order it by the 1000's of boxes.

    At 69c in a retail pharmacy, this is a good price!

    • My chemist warehouse has it for 0.29$ at least every month.

  • time to stock up!

    • 2 boxes at a time!

    • +9

      you are truly retarded

    • +14

      silly suddo - it's been shown to be an excellent analgesic and anti-pyrexic time and time again in multiple medical journals around the world for over 50 years. I put something to you - having worked in a Paediatric Emergency Department, I witnessed young kids of all ages improve remarkably after taking paracetamol for both pain and fever. Now if you think a kid as young as 2-3 years old would "fall for this placebo drug" and that their pain is "merely forgotten" then you have rocks in your head. It's the effect on these kids, and I saw hundreds of them, that convinced me that I should give it another go when I have a headache, and it works.

      PS: If you can provide a shred of creditable evidence to suggest otherwise, then i'll eat my hat (and it's a VERY good hat).

      • -8

        Google it. There's plenty of sites out there proving my point.

        Enjoy being brainwashed by Johnson & Johnson and the other pharmaceutical companies.

        • It's up to you to provide evidence to support your position.

          I put all sorts of queries into Google to try and find the info, but apart from anecdotes about 'paracetamol doesn't work for me' I haven't found a referenced scientific paper supporting your position.

          I have come across many purported medical hoaxes and medical conspiracy theories, but have yet to see someone claim that paracetamol has absolutely no function in terms of pain or fever relief in humans.

        • +2

          It's important to believe everything you read on the interweb.

        • Enjoy being brainwashed by Johnson & Johnson and the other pharmaceutical companies

          Except, as mentioned above, nobody has a patent on paracetamol anymore.. So the only profit to be made is by the individual company, in this case Sanofi - gettin' rich, 40c at a time!

      • +1


        I'm not disputing your experience or the efficacy of paracetamol on kids or adults but to suggest (if that is in fact what are doing) that kids as young as 2 or 3 cannot be subject to the placebo effect is simply being naive.


        Hey, little Johnny, everything will be okay. How about you sit up here and play with Kermit for a while and I'll give you this little tablet and soon you'll be feeling much, much better! Help yourself to some jelly beans while your at it!

        I'm sure paracetamol worked for the vast majority of the kids you treated but don't discount the placebo effect entirely especially on young, malleable minds.

    • +3

      So where is this 'evidence'? In the numerous Paracetamol vs placebo trials (the way research is done), there is plenty of evidence showing an effect of Paracetamol.
      No reason to neg.

    • +3

      There are many medical myths going around the community, spoken by people who don't understand medicine and clinical trials. I actually had a high school chemistry teacher tell me that about half the antibiotics sold through chemists are placebos to help the pharmaceutical industry determine whether they work. Not in a trial phase, but in every day use. A real bone headed assertion when one thinks of the consequences of deliberately giving inert medication to a person with a serious illness outside of any clinical trial setting. But he believed it.

    • Panamax is basically a generic of Panadol, which means that it needs to have the same bioavailability as Panadol in order for the government to give approval for the drug to be put on the market.
      It may not be a very strong anagelsic as opposed to opioids, but it is the safest drug available for all ages and for those who are pregnant. If you find that it is not effective to manage your pain, then you need to see your doctor.
      Hospitals give generic drugs all the time and they are just as effective as the original brands.
      I hope this "evidence" is from clinical trials, otherwise it is not valid.

    • Ummm guys, if you've noticed, all his posts in other threads are trolling.

  • +1

    All paracetemol is chemically identical (if it says 500mg on the box, the law says it must be that).
    Panamax is about $2 a box of 100 at priceline with no discount, so this is a nice saving. If you are still paying for panadol, wake up. It's even worse if you are buying the targeted back pain or period pain panadol - they are just repackaged pills for more money.

    • +1

      The only thing worse than Panadol's marketing the same product to a few different "pain types" is Nurofen's marketing of ibuprofen for about 10 "different pain types".

      • To be fair, ibuprofen is more effective against certain things and not less effective against the things paracetamol is good for pain relief-wise.

    • +3

      I noticed that the Nurofen for period pain (in the pink bottle) is exactly the same ingredients as normal Nurofen but about 2 bucks dearer, exact same amount of pills. Such a jib.

      • +1

        Damn those attractive colours and extra words.

        • +2

          hey, those words and colours cost money!

      • Somebody has to pay for all those fancy TV, print and radio ads. It's us, and a primary reason why Panadol and Nurofen cost what they do.

        My favourite is the current 'Panadol understands pain differently' commercial. It's the same active ingredient as everyone else sells with a slightly different mix of inactive ingredients. There's nothing for the tablet to understand.

  • Is there generic Panadene out there? If so who's got the best deal?

  • Picked up 6 boxes for $4.20. There were 5 people serving, so took 2 boxes to 3 people. My local TW shelf price was $2.49. City TW showed on special at $1.99.
    So 69c was a good price. Thanks.

  • Amcal sell Amcal branded 500mg paracetamol box of 100 (Australian made) for $2 normal price.

    They don't go down as easily as panadol and water is definitely a necessity.

  • panamax is free to pharmacies. so whenever pharmacies order some stock from the supplier, the amount of panamax given out is proportional to how much stock is ordered. but its not REALLY free coz the cost to manufacture panamax is hidden into the cost price of other drugs so pharmacies dont know the true value of panamax. thats why theyre so cheap.

    it is made by the pharmaceutical company "sanofi" which is a respectable european company who also makes other drugs like telfast or vaccines. so yes, dont worry about the quality of it.

    • That is just totally false about 'free' to pharmacies - prove it.

      • Did you mean to neg this deal rather than annyfication's comment?

        • Oops - just the comment. It is a very cheap price.

      • ive worked in several pharmacies for years -.-"

        • You should know better then !!!

        • fix, you must suffer from down syndrome or something. i just said ive worked in several different pharmacies- they get their panamax free, but the cost of them are hidden in the cost of their other medications.

  • panamax is 69c at "mychemist", "chemist warehouse" or some other independent pharmacies periodically. i've seen it in melbourne and sydney.

  • ok, I've got a stack of tablets. Just need some headaches now :)

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