Just came across this marked down analog TV and DVD player, could be good for the kids room, caravan, boat or kitchen.
Notes: In order to watch TV on this device, you need to install an external DTV converter box, or cable box!
Just came across this marked down analog TV and DVD player, could be good for the kids room, caravan, boat or kitchen.
Notes: In order to watch TV on this device, you need to install an external DTV converter box, or cable box!
Probably when DVD players were new.
100 is a bit better lol
That's when it was $1200.
Anything that has to do with caravans can cost a fortune!
Don't most caravans come with built-in TVs these days?
It's an antique so it goes for a lot
These must be New Old Stock.
Is that right?
10 inches?
Smaller than a decent tablet?
It's bigger than an ipad mini
And a mini doesn't even have a DVD drive!
It was 1198???
Maybe that's when it was made :D
I would hate to be the guy that paid $1200 for it a week ago
$1200 😂😂
I wouldn't say this is a bargain. Ancient stock, brand new ones can be had for around the same price which are nowhere near as bulky, probably has a far better screen and do not even need to be plugged into a 12V supply (they run off batteries!):
Wow, found a bargain for a pack of screws.. 1/3 the original price.
Edit: /insert sarcasm
4300 screws in total! Nice 🥳
I don't think you add them up, just depending on which size you choose.
True the link is only for 2000
You could use the screws to secure your CPU Holder under your desk!!!
There are portable all in one, battery powered ones for this price. The only reason. you would go for this is that it's designed to be roof mounted, with the swivel - and. the power is designed to be used by. the cigerette lighter part.
Must be $119.99, now $100.88
Kodak brand? 'To use this as a TV you will need a digital tuner' - so predates the end of analogue TV (2013 at the latest)
Thanks OP, bought 3.
If they're paying me $100 to get rid of it… good deal!
Any deals on VCRs? Also I need a new Walkman.
No, they're only selling Betamax and HD DVD, but for a great price!
Oh, and i'm sure they have a ripping selection of Laser Discs.
what is all this new techonology you speak of. Surely all one needs is a gramophone and some 78s.
Correct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnpX8d8zRIA
Welcome to the future: vinyl video!
I laughed at your comment, but then i cried as i actually used most of those technologies. The other day i had to explain to my kid what a long play was, and told her it was like the old version of a music CD. She just looked at me and said "… What's a CD?"
My kids will never know the joy of bringing home a new CD and putting it into the CD player, to realise 9/10 songs on the album are total arse and the only good one was the single distributed for radio play on FM radio ad nauseam.
Original Walkman's are starting to sell for crazy money
Found a review archived September 18th, 2010. It was a confirmed purchase made on June 12th, 2008.
No HDMI in.
So if you do attach a set top box for TV, you'll be watching it through RCA composite connections. <<shudder>>
Holy early 2000's
These belong in e-waste
Looks like Michael's TV from "The Office". Image for reference: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgAw0blWsAAB_qI.jpg
Bought myself a PLASMA TV
Normal price $1199.99!! What the?? This thing looks like it's straight out of 2002.