Today I went to My State Bank and asked to swap 2 x $50 notes from my purse for 50 x $2 coins. The teller wanted my bank card and photo ID and when I said I had the cash in my purse, she said it was against the law and money laundering according to the anti-money laundering act to use the cash in my purse and I would have to make a withdrawal. I was shocked and told her I didn't have that much money in my account and I'd have to leave it.
Then I crossed the road and went to Westpac where I don't have an account and it was no problem, and I wasn't asked for ID or if I had an account there.
Is what she said true? I've never heard of that before.
The reason I wanted the $2 but didn't tell either of the tellers as it was my business, not theirs, is because of the Tik Tok money man and how some of the special $2 coins can be valuable.…
Not sure about the anti-money laundering act, but perhaps you could have deposited the 2 $50 notes into your account over the counter and withdraw them as $2 coins from the teller? As the deposit was in cash, it should reflect instantly on your account and be available for withdrawal immediately.