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$4.99 eBook: Why We Sleep - The New Science of Sleep and Dreams (@Amazon, Apple, Google, Kobo, etc)

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By Matthew Walker, 344 pages, published September 28, 2017

Amazon's Description

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong causal links to deficient sleep.

In this book, the first of its kind written by a scientific expert, Professor Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters. Looking at creatures from across the animal kingdom as well as major human studies, Why We Sleep delves into everything from what really happens during REM sleep to how caffeine and alcohol affect sleep and why our sleep patterns change across a lifetime, transforming our appreciation of the extraordinary phenomenon that safeguards our existence.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Not usually a fan of random ebook deals.
    But gotta say this is an excellent book. Really well written and high quality scientific content.

    For those who don't want to pay for the book/not big readers etc, Matt Walker has a podcast where he is slowly covering a lot of the content which is in the book. He also has done a few interviews with a number of podcasters

    • +11

      I listened to this on Audible and it was possibly the most fascinating and insightful book that I've ever read/listened to. It comes at a time when sleep has become both rarer for me and my wife as we have a 1 and 3 year old and it massively opened my eyes to how important it is to prioritise sleep.

      • +1

        yep i got the Audible too. The amount of research done about various aspects of sleep and importance for health is quite eye opening.

    • +2

      His interview on Rogan was excellent. It’s probably the only time I’ve bought the book off the back of an interview and I thought it was good.

    • +11

      While sleep is indeed very important, this book is full of unfounded claims :

      • +1

        Wow, that was a very insightful read - thanks for the share!

        • +2

          The drama in there is just as interesting as the content of the book at least.

          I presume people in general feel like they don't get enough sleep as a function of the fact that there's so much to do and so much that is left unfinished each day. I suspect that part of the allure of this books is it gives us the validation that it's OK to do less and prioritise an activity that is difficult to objectively says does anything "productive". Whether that gives us the ammunition required to reject some of the expectations that modern life puts on us, or whether it gives us the knowledge to manage them more effectively, I feel like that is the reason this book is as popular as it is.

          It's also clearly the case that not enough sleep is more of an issue in modern society than too much sleep

      • +2

        there's also an entertaining podcast that disputes some of findings in the book:…

    • +1

      Isn’t the answer to the question it’s because we are sleepy and need to? Seems pretty straightforward to me. No need to write a whole book about it.
      Jokes aside, some of the science of this book isn’t solid as there’s other evidence or inconclusive evidence on the subject. Seems the author may have selected the data.

      • Which bits did you think were not solid scientifically?

  • -1

    Sold by: Penguin UK
    This price was set by the publisher.

    Is RRP of the publisher a bargain?

  • His author photo reminds me of those flashbacks 'how we were in the 80s'. Looks like a great book though

  • A great read. Strongly recommended

    • Too tired though, need to sleep.

  • +1

    Cheers - grabbed for a read. Seems to have excellent reviews, and for $5 why not!

  • +6

    Great podcast with Joe Rogan too. Recommend I've listened to it twice now.

  • Cheers, I think I heard about this book on the whoop subreddit the other day.

  • -7

    I sleep because I get tired. Book finished. No idea how this fella squeezed 300 pages out of it.

    • +1

      you're so far off form the content of this book it's not funny. Suggest people give it a shot/read as for anyone genuinely interested in improving this comment is far from the approach explored by the book.

      • -1

        Wow that’s a shame, I was aiming for so far off it’s funny.

  • +1
    • Sleep more
    • No booze
    • +1

      No booze

      Tell him he’s dreaming!

      • You mean passed out?

  • +32

    I’m just going to leave this here for folks to reference, to provide balance to the universal positivity from everyone else so far:

    In summary, the “facts” the book presents are over hyped.

    • +8

      Wow. That is one of the most brutal take-downs of a book that I have ever seen. And supported by real evidence and plenty of supporting details.

      Very interesting!

  • +8

    As a member of OZB, all I know is if I pay for this book I wouldnt be able to sleep

  • You can sleep all you want when you're dead.

    • +2

      That's not sleep…

    • Which sounds like it will happen sooner with that approach

  • Brilliant book. Worth every cent.

    • What about the dollars?

      • +1

        Dollars are made of cents last I checked

        • The dollars I have are made of plastic and gold coloured metal.

  • +2

    so that we can miss bargains?

  • Sweet, got audible credit

  • +1

    I sleep because staying awake only leads to impulse ozbargain buys!

  • +2

    Fantastic book.

    He's done excellent episodes on Rogan, Sam Harris, and Lex Fridman's podcasts.

    My favourite takeaway from it is that there really are morning people and night-owls and there's not really much you can do about it… The working-world is largely geared toward morning folk.

  • +1

    I would also say this is a great bargain (price of a coffee). Some of the info in this book has literally changed my life. Some claims may be overstated sure, but Matthew Walker is a neuroscientist that has devoted his life to studying sleep, and 95% of what's here is well backed up by his and other's research.

  • This book put me to sleep

  • -6

    yeah great book suggestion, i just downloaded it for free online. A true bargain hunter only pays money if it's absolutely necessary.

    • you meant to upvote the deal. So people will pay for the book so us real tightarses can get it for free

      • I'll pay the price of 2 trips to my local library - one to borrow it, and the other to return it.

  • I accidentally clicked on this deal thinking it was a free book to add to me collection.
    I don't pay for Amazon books.

  • +1

    I listened to this book on Audible.
    I found the author spent way too much time talking about all the negative effects of reduced sleep. It felt like 3/4 of the book was just telling you that if you don't sleep enough you will die prematurely from Alzheimer's, Cancer and a heart attack. It became a drag listening to yet enough study of his about how if you are not in bed before the sun sets you are killing yourself. I can only imagine how fun he must be at parties.
    The parts of the book that I found interesting was talking about sleep in other animals and how it differs from species to species, lucid dreaming and evolution of sleep. But unfortunately the discussions were too brief and didn't get into more depth, the book was more concerns with the ill effects of you staying up one night for New Years Eve and suffering irreversible memory and health issues as a result.

  • +2

    This guy’s work was recently featured on an episode of the podcast Maintenance Phase, where they debunk his work. Here’s an article covering his faulty research (the basis of this book)…

    • Good website to know about. Thanks.

  • +2

    after reading this I think i'll skip the book and just sleep 6 hours a day.

  • Please mark as expired. Price now is $16.

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