Was browsing for parts this evening and noticed Repco's having a sitewide 20% to 35% off almost everything sale.
Good timing, as I'm buying some radiator hoses, coolant and filters.
One day only.
Was browsing for parts this evening and noticed Repco's having a sitewide 20% to 35% off almost everything sale.
Good timing, as I'm buying some radiator hoses, coolant and filters.
One day only.
Yeah. Ryco cabin filter (RCA100P) for a BA falcon $46.40 and save a massive $11.60.
Ebay $27.95 (RCA100P) delivered same item.
ebay sparesbox
20% off 50% inflated items. Oldest sales tactics; click bait
Yep, discount is BS.
GME XRS 370C4P is OOS, perfect timing for a sale :(
What a classic, maybe price match with jaycar
GME excluded from the sale, as always :(
Yep, went straight to search GME…
Wasn't so lucky to be part of everything storewide…always part of the almost
Keep any eye on Autobarn sales for GME. I bought a 390C 2 months ago in a 20% off sale for $579-20% = $463. Wanted the 370 but all lower models were out of stock though.
$629 + delivery
$629 c&c
I Know these aren't the best deals but if anyone is looking at these, I just listed it and prices I found quickly.
Roughly 10% from $699 usual listed prices.
I don't need one yet but will be reading on which one to get in future, then i can come back and compare pricing haha.
Bookmarked for myself.
Good if you need them urgently but I am waiting for the flash $1-$2/bottle sales they used to regularly have
Don't waste your money. It's rubbish. You might as well use dish washing detergent from the kitchen as it will work better. I have this and it does jack. 81 employees must have reviewed it
You mean 20≥35%, right?
Damn bought so much cleaning gear last time from Bowden's own that I have not used, might get the snow cannon with snow foam.
Green Sucker 25% :(
Don’t forget to price beat at SCA if meets criteria and prefer to get from there.
Use discount gift cards as well.
Looking at a Lithium jump starter, it's only 10% off (has been for a couple of days).
'almost everything' smells a lot like 'up to x% off'…
The Gooloo ones regularly go on sale on Amazon and are posted here. Keep a look out.
Some of there oils (and other items) regularly go on sale for 40-50% off.. other items not so much, you just need to know which ones and what you actually need.
I bet ebay will broden all the jacks
Scosche Dash Magnetic Device Mount - MAGDM still cheaper on Amazon
Is the sale also instore?
Yes, I bought in store, price is discounted and Cashback tracked with my registered credit card.
my wordpicks are "partial sitewide"
Dammit wanted to get the bowden's own snow cannon with snow foam, now all sold out everywhere.
Does it go on discount often? Should have got it with the mega snow foam pack when they had it in stock.
it goes on sale between the 3 stores every few months. I just get supercheap to price match.
Doesn't seem like they have the pack together with the 1L snow foam like repco does? Will they price match items that are out of stock?
Remember to cross check price against other stores. I found all my parts shopping list is cheaper else where, such as oil filter for M264 engine (SCA cheaper), Mobil 1 0w-40 oil (Autobarn cheaper).
Got cheaper oils at sca…why I still bother looking into Repco!
Which car wash liquid is the best?
I used to use meguiar gold wash and now use bowden nano
normal wax if you want to wash once a month. Ceramic/polymer based wash liquids if you don't want to wash as often… some can be left for 6 months as they will protect paint for that long. Considering rubbers and plastics needs spray on protection once a month, I almost see no point to expensive car wash liquids, normal carnuba wax works just fine.
Need Advice / Suggestions For Washing, Maintaining Appearance Of Car
- https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/588269
Has anyone compare Bowden with Gyeon’s products?
No. But bowden has a strong branding and cult following.
Gyeon is good, but expensive
With the discount, Repco prices are almost down to retail.
REPCO= Rip every poor customer off.
Have been keeping my eye on some shocks. The prices have gone up exactly the same amount as the "discount"!
So after the discount the price is exactly the same. What a scam.
Ryco Oil filter for i30 cheapest at Automotive Superstore. However I managed to snag some H7 Headlight globes cheaper at Repco today, Penrite Dot 4 Brake Fluid and the Ryco Microshield Cabin Air Filter (cheapest at Repco) while the normal i30 Cabin filter was cheaper at Supercheap I think.
Castrol Edge 5w-30 LL is $69.60 for 5L
Not an amazing price, but considering how hard this is to get right now it's not bad.
Cheers OP, grabbed one.
Crap - Autobarn are cheaper… too late
Oh well
7 days since my order and it is still in the “in progress” status.
Don't think I will buy from them again if they are this slow.
Think the sale has started all the Ryco filters I needed are 20% off already.