[Unobtainable] Free First Subscription Order of Coffee Beans & Free Delivery (Cancel Anytime) @ Drop Coffee

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Great little locally run business is offering a free first order of coffee beans for subscribers

Subscription starts from $22 per 250g, fortnightly or 4-weekly delivery. Cancel any time

Checked with the owner and he is happy for the ozbargain community to get on board, I know we all love a good coffee bean

Drop is a coffee subscription which delivers beans to your door fortnightly.

Each fortnight will be from a different specialty coffee roaster in Australia.

The goal is to support small roasters by connecting them directly with coffee drinkers through my subscription.

Next drop is this Monday and if you use code ‘DROP100’ at checkout before then, first order is absolutely free!

Free shipping always, cancel anytime.

Mod 25/1: The rep has not honoured the deal, see rep comment here. Cancellation emails have been sent now, see here. Moved to forums as an unobtainable deal.

Please do not post any personal information in the comments section. This includes addresses and real names.

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Drop Coffee
Drop Coffee


        • +1

          I'm waiting for a shipping confirmation before I cancel. Have set a reminder to cancel anyway.

  • Ordered 1 x 250g bag whole beans, to try.
    I think giving me an option to try first, is a great way to gaining a potential new customer.
    If I cancel, neither of us has lost out alot, of I stay a customer, we both gain.

  • I still have 1.5kg to finish with my current coffee but why not give a try! Ordered Milk Coffee 250g.

  • -6

    Good on you mate.

    We need to support these small businesses through the current fearmongering times

  • +2

    As much as I'm happy to give it a go, if I'm being honest I don't see myself paying $67/kg for coffee in the long run.

    • -1

      I didn't even try because of that…why bother…

  • Does anyone know whether these 250g/320g options have different bags of coffee in it. Or is it all the same origin/blend?

  • +3

    Ozbargained. "Due to an unprecedented amount of orders the 'DROP100' discount has been discontinued until further notice."

  • +1

    Got my sendle tracking number this afternoon. Happy days.

    • +1

      Looks like you might be the only one whose order was processed

  • Yeah they cancelled my coffee subscribe.

    • How.much did you order?

    • +5

      my one still shows 'unfulfilled'. ordered 1kg beans.

      • Same, unfulfilled, 500g

      • same..250g..'Unfulfilled'

  • how do you find out when the first delivery will be?

    • It’s in My Subscriptions in the Account section once you log in.

      • hm says my subscription is inactive 😑

  • +1

    Went back to check the order today, it is somehow appears that my subscription was marked as inactive. Not sure why but I reactivated it.

    • Same for me, I thought I must have hit the wrong button by accident or something

    • Does reactivating it still give you the free coffee or do you now have to pay for the next coffee bag?

  • Disableduser683y739e in 3 … 2 … 1

  • -59

    Hey guys, Jake from drop coffee here. On Saturday morning I woke up with over 2000 orders on my store. Some modest & some enough to cafinate a small large town.

    I work by first buying coffee from a local roaster & then distributing that on to my customers. Unfortunately my usual customer base is only around 100 people so I do not have enough coffee to fill these orders.

    Secondly, the discount was intended to by available for my suburb only. It was a way of sowing into my community during these uncertain times while supporting small local businesses.

    Thirdly, if I was to fill these 20kg for free orders (which shouldn't have been possible btw so thanks for picking up a bug) I would go bankrupt.

    For all these reasons, I have gone ahead & cancelled all subscriptions & orders that have come from ozbargin. I apologise for this inconvenience.

    • +17

      " I have gone ahead & cancelled all subscriptions & orders that have come from Ozbargin."
      I for one fully understand your position as an independent having a crack but it is not great practice to just up and cancel and then come back after people have discovered it in their accounts.
      I think communication is king, you have to get people onside and have them walk beside you, explaining your position and telling them what you are intending to do but very definitely before you take action and perhaps offer some kind of alternative deal? A discount code for example? You have just got all this exposure, you really should try to harness it or be seen to attempt to make a deal. I hope the OzBargain hordes don't flambe you too hard ;)
      All the best for the future of your endeavour!

    • +24

      I fully understand cancelling orders that were taking the piss (>1KG) but the code was freely available of your public website with no indication that it was meant for super local people only. Some of us, myself included, may have continued for a little while if we were impressed enough with the first delivery. I don't really understand what you expected would happen with freely available codes on the internet.

    • +3

      okay I guess I will never have the chance to taste your coffee :) cancelled my 250g subscription

    • +5

      It was obviously too good to be true to begin with of course… but come on man, you seriously didn't foresee this happening at all? Don't pull a Corey Worthington on us claiming ignorance about the power of the internet.

    • +10

      So all genuine orders have been cancelled too? I received no email or anything to tell me mine has been cancelled and had to come back here and read through the comments to find out.

      "Checked with the owner and he is happy for the ozbargain community to get on board"

      Now you've backtracked. What did you think would happen? You gotall our details and credit card info but don't even bother sending out so much as an email? Nice way to lose the genuine customers and tarnish your own reputation. People here are understanding and would have supported you, but you have handled this very poorly.

    • +7

      Thirdly, if I was to fill these 20kg for free orders (which shouldn't have been possible btw so thanks for picking up a bug) I would go bankrupt.

      Now he has at least 2000 customer details he would have paid a few grand or even more from a marketing company and would have also gone bankrupt

      Well played Mr dropcoffeeguy.

    • You (profanity) around, and then you found out, despite being warned.

    • +1

      Do you know you charged every time you put out an order for GST on your credit card. Even if its "technically free" you still get charged a flat amount. In theory you just resulted in taxing 2000+ people off $3. At least give us some compensation, as some of us actually wanted to try out 250-500g of coffee and continue our subscription.

      • +2


    • +10

      Really disappointed in what you have done, understandably it was a crazy amount of orders but not only have you cancelled orders of genuine orders that used actual credit cards, you've now sent an email to who you assume is an "Ozbargain" customer and EMAILED EVERYONE WITHOUT BCC NOW ALL OUR EMAIL ADDRESSES ARE VISIBLE!!!!

  • +1

    noticed my account was inactive. I've reactivated it but does anyone know if the first order will be fulfilled.

    I was planning to at least use these guys one more time because for $67 for 2 1xKg bags, it's not badly priced.

  • +12

    No emails to say my order has been cancelled. No emails to say my order has been shipped. Poor form Drop Coffee. Please don’t come back.

  • +1

    Checked with the owner and he is happy for the ozbargain community to get on board, I know we all love a good coffee bean


    • +1

      Guess he is not happy after all.

  • +8

    No cancel notice, no email and don’t have account - so how do I confirm the subscription is cancelled? Do I wait till I get a ghost transaction next month on my CC

    • +1

      same, I had to create an account and saw that the subscription was inactive.

    • +1

      no email

      Maybe it was for the best.

  • Well, mine seemed to go through (only ordered the 250g beans though). Apparently it'll be waiting for me at home as I have had notifications it was delivered today.
    I also didn't have an account - so had to create one using same email address - but all my info was already there and my subscription is active.
    My order number was 17## and I ordered on Saturday 22nd. Next subscription is apparently Feb 17th. Now to decide if I want to support this guy or not…

    • Guess your lucky
      My order number 10## ordered 21 Jan

      Ill be avoiding this company and also alerting social media and google reviews about their dodgy practice

      Im a regular contributor to google reviews so my review wont go unnoticed

      • +13

        Lol weird flex…

    • My order was 15## and it went through
      Ordered 21/1

    • For those that are interested I received two separate bags, one of Guatamala - Santa Isabbel las flores and one of Colombia - San Sebastian AAA.

      • Sizes

        • Haven't weighed them but assume 125g each as I ordered 250g.

  • +11

    Very badly handled. It won’t be that hard to go through the orders and only cancel people who created multiple accounts to place orders of 1kg+. I was genuinely wanting to try the beans and I go through a bag very quickly in a big household but the owner obviously just thought I was abusing this special that is placed on the homepage of their website which the owner claimed that it was only meant to be for local suburb. It’s quite disgraceful. Come up with a better reason.

  • +4

    This suburb reason almost smells like the bs Harris Tech gave lol

    • +6

      I wanted to believe it, but they even have the code on their Instagram page without any conditions https://www.instagram.com/dropme.coffee/

      • Its OzBargain not 𝑥suburbBargain

        Genuinely wanted to try these boys out with 250g and continue subscription if it was good.

        • Yep they have just potentially put themselves in a bad position. I guess the owner doesnt know how big ozbargain community is

          Remember snowscum lol

  • +7

    They finally emailed everyone (90 ish customers).

    all your personal information will be deleted from the system for your security.

    Meanwhile everyone was on CC (you can see everyone else who ordered’s details)

    • +2

      Should have learnt what BCC is.

  • +13


    JACOB BURN just sent me whole list of your emails

    Now i have my own database of emails , expect a newsletter soon from me 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Just need those credit card details Jacob if you can shoot them through 🤑🤑🤑🤑

    Dear Oz Bargin customers,

    Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lack of communication on Drops part over the weekend. We have received 20x the regular amount of orders and are struggling to deal with that load.

    Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to fill that many orders & we have no choice but to cancel them & their corresponding subscriptions. You will not be charged, any payments made will be refunded & all your personal information will be deleted from the system for your security. This will be completed by the end of the week.

    We are stoked that so many of you wanted to try our product and are truly sorry we can't send you our coffee & any inconvenience caused to you. If you have any questions, please reply to this email.

    • +5

      yep I don't blame him for the cancellation (even though he was warned beforehand). But the lack of bcc is just unprofessional. Fking amateur.

    • +4

      Lol all your personal information will be deleted from the system for your security what a joke.

      Expect a spam * friendly notification* on "quality" chicken feed guys

      • Well scrap that.
        I already have all your emails and have figured out a few ozbargainers from the handles

  • What a (profanity) joke. Now they have all our personal details

  • +1

    Stupid. Opportunity to cancel and offer even 5-10% off. Sends email disclosing nearly everyone's email. Failure awaits.

  • +3

    Just got the email too. Not at all surprised, though I did genuinely want to try the coffee (ordered 380g). But c’mon, BCC everyone at least? Glad I used a throwaway email.

    • Glad I used a throwaway card too

  • +1

    2 of you guys use the + email trick haha.

    Only 2 people used redirect emails.

  • +8

    Wow just wow classy marketing all round! Did you see how it was addressed Dear Oz Bargin customers. Can't even get our name right, I don't usually bother commenting when deals are reneged but this company should have been called Drop Kick!

    • Username checks out

  • +9

    Can we actually make a complaint about the email disclosure? Surely this is a personal data breach event?

    • +2

      I was having a look through with their Privacy Policy, and I'm pretty sure that the email disclosure contravenes the policy. Accidental or not, this is really a bad look on the company.

    • +6

      As per:

      You must first contact the merchant.
      Their privacy policy doesn't have a contact email: https://dropme.coffee/policies/privacy-policy

      For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at [email address] or by mail using the details provided below:

      Drop Coffee PTY LTD, 642 Pacific Highway, 2, Killara NSW 2071, Australia

      Last updated: 13/01/2022
      If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the relevant data protection authority.

      Then give them "a reasonable" amount of time to reply, for example, 30 days.
      Then you can file a complaint here: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-complaints/lodge-a-p…

    • +3

      You really wanna ruin some guys life cause your email got shared?

      • +2

        That email address they can cross reference to usernames, add real names and then cross reference that to online hacked password dumps and get potential email/password combinations to attempt to take over that users accounts?

        Yeah, Im sure they are all only pissed because their “email got shared”.

      • +2

        If that’s how amateurly they mishandled our email addresses - who knows what happened to our full names, home addresses, phone numbers and credit card details that were could be in the same customer file?

        Not suggesting anyone goes and files a report but Drop Coffee need to give us comfort that they’ve actually correctly removed our personal information from everywhere given how they’ve handled everything so far.

  • +1

    Pissed off is an understatement

  • +2

    Terrible form by the owner. In the cancellation email, they have also revealed the email addresses of other customers, thereby causing potential privacy concerns. Will definitely take my business elsewhere in the future.

  • +7

    What a total moron, as if we needed another reason not to want to do business these idiots.

  • +5

    My order just got rejected - totally unprofessional email from Jacob Burn, started with "Dear Oz Bargin customers" - do they even spellcheck?

    When you check the email, he had all the recipients in the "To" field - what happened to the privacy details of the customers?

    Will not be buying from this place ever again.

  • -1

    Your order & subscription has been cancelled
    Dear Oz Bargin customers,

    Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lack of communication on Drops part over the weekend. We have received 20x the regular amount of orders and are struggling to deal with that load.

    Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to fill that many orders & we have no choice but to cancel them & their corresponding subscriptions. You will not be charged, any payments made will be refunded & all your personal information will be deleted from the system for your security. This will be completed by the end of the week.

    We are stoked that so many of you wanted to try our product and are truly sorry we can't send you our coffee & any inconvenience caused to you. If you have any questions, please reply to this email.

  • Your order & subscription has been cancelled
    Dear Oz Bargin customers,

    Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lack of communication on Drops part over the weekend. We have received 20x the regular amount of orders and are struggling to deal with that load.

    Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to fill that many orders & we have no choice but to cancel them & their corresponding subscriptions. You will not be charged, any payments made will be refunded & all your personal information will be deleted from the system for your security. This will be completed by the end of the week.

    We are stoked that so many of you wanted to try our product and are truly sorry we can't send you our coffee & any inconvenience caused to you. If you have any questions, please reply to this email.


  • Worse than Timely or Barty! They delivered coffee. Drop coffee is just a joke!!!

  • +7

    Surely this is some sort of data breach considering they exposed all our e-mails?

    • +3

      If he sends me a spam email I'm reporting him to Fair Trading

      • How would you know it’s him?

  • +3

    Memorable cc fail.

    Time to check on current specials at Inglewood Coffee. Do recommend.

  • +8

    I understand the cancelling as I wouldn't want to go bankrupt either.

    But sending off a bulk email with all recipients visible is absolutely piss poor.

    • +1

      Agreed. This just smells like an incompetent business owner who does not even know how to bcc or even send out bulk emails via outlook.

  • +3

    I would have just apologised and sent everyone a good will 100g sample of coffee .

    Now everyone who googles drop coffee will get linked to this deal.

    Big Fail

    • At least that would give some goodwill to the business, even to send 50ml of coffee samples

    • +1

      I'm in a different batch but this is very unprofessional :(

    • -1

      Why would you post this?

  • +1

    Reported for Unobtainable deal

    • Not helpful if this is getting removed, it won’t be linked anymore to google and people can’t see that they are crap!

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