Who's at Fault in This Roundabout Incident?

Asking for a friend (of course) who had a near miss at a roundabout.

Car A was approaching a roundabout and car B is approaching the roundabout from the right. Car A slows down expecting to give way to the right but then sees car B has the indicator signalling to turn left.

The car A proceeds to go straight but B doesn't turn left and also proceeds straight with the left blinker still on.

If there's an accident, who's at fault if they both entered the roundabout at the same time.

Poll Options

  • 443
    Car A at fault
  • 69
    Car B at fault


  • Car B's a (profanity) (sorry if it's your friend) Car A's an idiot for not assuming, Car B would be a (profanity). Always assume the other driver is completely incompetent and is doing everything wrong, and you'll be much better off.

  • "Something something indicating left" - be careful about that! I've seen far too many nimrods on the road who indicate one way but keep going straight or even go the other way. They don't seem to be aware of this "indicator" thing at all and should probably not be driving on our roads but they do.

  • I say it hard to say who is at fault unless you have a accident and then you can see who's at fault. If car B hit Car A on the tail end then you know who at fault. that my 2c.

  • Regardless of who is wrong, think it's good practice to just wait and see where Car B is going to turn anyway. Left indicator doesn't guarantee they're going to turn.. some people change their minds or forget they've kept their blinker on..

    Also how did Car B reach Car A if you have entered the roundabout at the same time? If it is true that both cars have entered at the same time, then Car B must have been going a lot faster than Car A.. so either Car A is entering the roundabout too slowly or Car B is zooming around the roundabout recklessly.

  • A good 'Car A' driver will watch the driver of 'Car B' starting to turn the wheel's to turn left, making sure he is actually turning left. Then taking the decision to proceed. Car A will be struggling to prove the Car B had an indicator on, so will end up being at fault.

  • +1

    Car A rolled the dice:

    "I see car coming fast. I don't know if the indicator is telling the truth, but I'm going for it anyway, wish me luck, I go now.".

  • It is scary how many drivers in Australia do not understand the rules of roundabouts.

    I regularly even see people stopping to let other cars join. Bonkers

    • That is the road rule in some countries.

  • What happens if the blinkers is left, but the car turns right?

  • +1

    A is at fault. Indicators should be treated as a guide, not concrete. A good example might be if you have two turns just after each other - maybe even turning in to private property. Say a driver has their left indicator on approaching the T-intersection you're at, but they're actually turning left in to a property just after the intersection. If you drive out in front of them, that's on you, not them.

  • -2

    Idiots who indicate right when going straight through a roundabout are going straight to hell. Bloody moronic.

  • I'm amused that a lot of people responding here seem to have only encountered simplistic roundabouts (i.e. single lane, two roads intersecting; 4 entry/exit points).
    I realise that OP didn't specify the type of roundabout, but there are multiple types, some with multiple roads intersecting (I've seen a 5-road intersection), some with multiple lanes of traffic, etc.

    Re indicating, the VicRoads site says:
    "If you want to travel straight through a roundabout:
    stay in the same lane through the roundabout
    do not indicate as you approach the roundabout, but if practicable, signal left as you exit.

  • +3

    Car B is the idiot in this scenario but unfortunately Car A will likely lose the dispute and be found at fault

    • not sure who downvoted you but you are 100% correct.

      • Probably someone who doesn't know how to use an indicator

  • Rules for defensive driving to avoid accidents:

    • Look what cars do on roundabouts, not whether the indicator blinks. People forget to signal and turn, likewise they signal and don't turn sometimes.

    • Assume every Falcon and Commodore ute is traveling at least 10km/h over the speed limit when merging onto a road. No one buys those vehicles to travel at the speed limit. Give these drivers more room.

  • Indicator or not, you failed to give way at a give way sign. It sucks, but that's the law… regardless of indicators, obscured vision, confusion, weather, etc etc etc.
    I'm not having a go, just saying that people always say "but… [insert excuse here]". It does not matter. You failed to give way.

  • So based on everyone's responses you don't need to indicate at all in a roundabout?

  • MS Paint Diagram or it didnt happen :P

  • The roundabouts fault was just being there.

    • waiting for a mate..

  • Imagine if all these driving experience threads had dashcam footage as well. A man can dream.

  • if both cars entered the roundabout at the same time and there was an accident then car B was speeding.

  • Car A is at fault.

    Indicating off a roundabout, even when going straight, is a thing.

    Obviously car B indicated too early. Car A must give way to all on the roundabout.

    The accident is proof car A is at fault.

  • That's very similar to a very common scenario in which you are at a T crossing to turn right… You stop and wait… There is a car coming from the right signing it's going to turn left (down the T)… I often wait to make sure the car will actually turn left, otherwise we can crash and it's likely to be considered my fault despite the other driver signing left…

    I've seen people changing their minds and not turning, and almost causing accidents…

    So, I'd say legally it's probably car A at fault but B is the bad driver who signed left, decided to go straight, and caused the accident, if that happened.

    Obviously, everything is different if a Toyota is one of the cars… 😜

  • Car B is a piece of shit trash and should go jail.

    Car A is guilty

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